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About scoobnut

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    United Kingdom
  1. extraterrestrialvoidghost I didn't think of that. Thank you.
  2. Can someone tell me what enb settings are used to work on skin. I am working on using both enb and ReShade to create a decent image but while I have the scenery right I can't seem to get my Character to look right. Textures are fine it's somthing in a full enb but not in performance but I'm not sure what settings. I also use Better FaceLight and Conversation Redux but that isn't lighting well with the performance enb. Thank you in advance.
  3. Thanks for your reply. I'm using Skyrim SE but the mod I wont to port is for LE. I read that scripts shouldn't be a problem but apparently they are. What do I do to update scripts for SE?
  4. I have been trying to port Tairensouls warpaints from LE to SE. I have got textures ported and esp updated but when I run my game I get a racemenu error saying invalid base scripts {error code 2} I am new to this and so missing something, any help would be appreciated.
  5. I use A quality world map and starting a new game I have discovered my map is black. I have my markers but they are sitting on a black screen. Interior works fine and if I toggle from world to interior view then back I get a flicker of a map before it goes black again. I tried moving over to the paper map and after some fiddling got it to work but as you can see in the picture even that was not right. I have gone through my mods. Sorted my load order with LOOT and even set my map esp to the bottom. To me it looks like something is overlaying it (could be wrong) but its driving me nuts as to why Its not working. Can anyone tell me what is causing it?
  6. As the title says, I am crashing at Winterhold. No matter when or at what side I enter from the game closes to desktop. I have noticed that Birna and Ranmir argue as usual except Ranmir is missing, Its only his voice you can hear. I've included my load order in case something is wrong there and I'll see if starting another new game fixes the issue. Update.... New game hasn't solved the problem and I have discovered Ranmir is not the only one missing. I'm now going through my mods. Bijin war-maidens - NPC and Wives, removed but made no difference.
  7. Thank you everyone but it seems to have sorted itself out. SKSE 2.0.19 is the one I'm using which is the latest. I tried installing both manually and through Vortex out of curiosity, neither solving the problem but I did reinstall manually to be safe. I also went through my mods, removed several I thought were not really necessary including Better Jumping SE and the problem stopped. Thanks everyone for your help :smile:
  8. Its SKSE64. I removed then reinstalled both manually and through Vortex but made no difference.
  9. HI, I installed manually several times but did it again just in case. Didn't work, still getting errors.Thank you for your help.
  10. I have a clean install of Skyrim SE with the latest SKSE64 but I'm getting these errors. 1 is from Vortex, 2 - 3 are from Skyrim when I tried running the game through steam. If I run the game through Vortex I get a crash when using ... Racemenu - Head - face part - 5. I'm going through my mods but not really sure what I'm looking for, is it a Racemenu issue or SKSE64 or something else. Removing mods is a nightmare as some require other mods which means trying to track the culprit is confusing. It also says something about a manual install but what manual install? I've included my the errors and my load order in attached files. Papyrus is active but I can make no sense of the logs, to me it looks as if the game is a complete mess. If anyone can help, thank you.
  11. All females have this odd foggyness to there eyes. It only effects the females but all races. My game is a fresh install with my mods run through LOOT and cleaned. I've tried removing all eyes mods, BVFE and DVA but nothing worked. I'd hate to have to do another install but this is new to me and I can't find anything through google either so at a complete loss.
  12. This glitch only hits at night, at certain times. I've worked it out thast its the aurora, maybe? I use Elder Blood ENB Redux...vivid weathers and ELFX, all installed as instructed the enb. I thought it could be a texture problem but could find no other textures apart from vivid weathers. Could be ELFX but its installed corectly and again following the infomation in the enb page. I've removed, ELFX, Vivid Weathers and the enb several times and reinstalled but still the problme persists. I've gone through my mods both in the data file and in Vortex and seen nothing that could be the cause. Can anyone tell me what is the cause. Is it a texture issue?
  13. Can anyone tell me what I'm doing wrong? My previous game worked fine and now my character is missing parts when using Custom race, XP32 and Race menu. I have tried reinstally, new load orders. I have batched all files in racemenu and made morphs and yet she still lhas missing wrists and fingers whenever I use Racemenu bodymorphs...
  14. After another attempt I found that ENB wrapper crashed while the injector started up but ENB failed to run and that Racemenu showed a blank box in the sculpt section. I have again deleted all mods, files and anything do with skyrim or steam and will try again.
  15. I have a new PC and am trying to install and mod Skyrim as I had with my previous PC. My problem is that running Skyrim from its launcher is fine but as soon as I add SKSE and launch from that the game hangs then crashes to desktop. After numerous attempts and three clean installs I'm at a lose and hope someone can help me. Here's my setup.... Processor - i5 -6600k 3.9GHz (Skylake) 16GB Cosair Vengance DDR4 Graphics Card - MSI GeForce GTX 1070 GAMING X 8G C drive - Samsung SM91 128GB M.2 - Operating system. D drive Samsung Evo 1TB SSD - Steam, Games. E drive WD Blue 1TB HDD - Storage. Thank you.
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