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About Electricspoont

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  1. As title says....Huuuge New Galaxy's, planets, ships, creatures, races, cities & endless possibilities. This will be the new Skyrim & Fallout 4 but bigger I'm a tad excited to see what comes, my kids got me into modding and it's been a blast for the last 2 years I am a bit over Skyrim and FO4 this will fill the hole quite nicely Bring it on ! Mods I would love to see: Xenomorphs , Prometheous ship, Deadspace creatures, Blackhole Gateways, Horror themes ( Event horizon style ), Forest planets...So much Moarrrr Lets hear your ideas Cheers
  2. Hey All, Let me see your character, I know most of you will have a female Interested to see Mine is based on myself Send It !
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