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  1. If anyone can help with a non functioning melee button please let me know the info needed. I had two clean installs, mod then textures installed. Pressing the attack does nothing in battle, but works with shared map buttons on the controller. I disabled everything and still nothing. Any steps to fix would help.
  2. Is there a mod that you can take a racemenu face preset that is made with a non physics body or one physics body (3BA). And covert it to another (UNP)?
  3. Yes @anjenthedog @scorrp10 that is exactly what it is. I messaged Baudelairienne about the issue and they told me the issue is likely to them creating the preset without breast physics. So I went on a clothing spree, all the mod armors that had breast physics would cause the issue. While all the others wouldn't. What I am trying to research now is it possible to transfer or covert a vanilla body racemenu preset to a new body.
  4. Has anyone ever come across a problem where the body has these itty bitty sucked in breast? It is not a blanket issue with my game, it's happening on a case by case basis. The first time was when I used a Racemenu preset Emeryn. The breast suck into the body, If I change races the breast revert to my BSP. If I load another preset, it might revert to my BSP but I normally have to use the former to fix the issue. The second time is with the NPC Viriya from CCFishing. What I noticed is that her default outfit uses my BSP, but if I use the NFF option to build her outfits her breast get the glitch. I've checked her in xedit against another redguard Saadia. Viriya doesn't have any custom markers, or race. If other NPCs or my PC is turned female and wear the armors they use the BSP. Viriya doesn't have a specified body folder so I can't figure out why her body is doing this. And I can't find a solution or how to word this question properly to find it through searching. And I should add I've seen Viriya in vanilla armor without this issue during her last quest. She was in hide armor. Edit: Also if I unequip all her items, her breast are gone. Edit2: Gave her the Ebony armor my BSP worked correctly. Idk how to search this issue.
  5. I don't want to sound like one of those people lol, what about the immersion? I team up with a thief capable of stealing from the Psjic Order. She can't open someone's door without some scrub guard showing up, telling me he's coming to take me in and the stolen property. I guess she botched that job too but it's the Psjics vs a run of the mill door. That just gets to me, that I can't rent a room, tell the team to wait. Approach Nessa tell her to follow me. Go sneaking through the town and rob the hold blind before the sun comes up. I don't want to go to jail unless it is deliberate. Like I want to go to jail in Riften to break out and talk to Sibi. Now I guess I could always be Nessa's fall guy. And we can rob everything as long as she's holding the goods. And I'll just waltz out after my time is up like Clooney and she'll be waiting for me with the goods. Yeah, but it'll get old after awhile and the game is never going to catch on. Is that the immersion that I desire lol? And I don't want to pay gold for and lose the profit of the theft, which is what I have been normally doing. Saving, loading, restarting. I don't want to go to jail, irl or the game lol. And Bethesda team just seems to be good at making these big worlds with lore in them. But when it comes to playing in them that's where at the bugs, CTDs and mods come about. I feel like the TES6 is just going to be a graphical upgrade of Skyrim but still have controls and mechanics as old as 2018.
  6. Thank you for addressing my questions so early in the morning! I'll test this out and see what it does.
  7. I have thought about that. Doesn't that perk only work when you are sneaking? I would have to fix that issue of her leaving the sneaking state to waltz over and open the door.
  8. Premise: When I tell Nessa I need her to unlock a master lock she obliges and opens it up for me. Problem is, she then gets me a bounty for doing so. Even in the cover of night and no one around, who snitched on her? I am looking for a solution that allows the follower to preform a criminal favor and not get me a bounty. I have rummaged through Nexus or Reddit? And saw that someone was trying to unlink the criminal action Followers preform from the player. Yet those familiar with it mentioned that the process was too complicated to get it to be stable and functioning. I am wondering if it could be a little simpler than that. 1. I noticed that the follower will leave sneak when you ask them to preform the favor. 2. There are mods that stop animals, ect from reporting the crime on the player. But does it cover the player's party? Are my followers being snitched on by a stool chicken? 3. I am wondering if I can use the in game OAR menu to circumvent this, there is a condition for "is preforming a favor." But I never looked into it's sub categories. If a mod itself cannot be done, could a set of conditions be made? Hypothetically, [is preforming a favor + is sneaking + stay your ass in sneak + something that signifies they are detected= don't preform the task yet + OR> something that signifies they are not detected= preform the task] Any feedback would be appreciated.
  9. Thanks I'm late. I do have one that already lets me wear multiple. And I figured out it was preventing my followers from wearing them. So it's a trade off I'm okay with. But I would like one that lets us all have the ability, I think there is an issue with how it is preformed.
  10. Hey, I have been using FF16 Sword Action an animation mod that is based off of Clive from Final Fantasy 16. Up until I installed this mod, when I would use my power attack, my player would use my headtracking voice for Kratos. I uninstalled the mod and the same would happen. With the mod installed when performing power attacks a new battle cry overrides Kratos. It sounds like Megaman X4 Zero jumping from wall to wall, "Yeah! Yeaah! Ha!" As amusing as that looks now...Zero is a farcry from Kratos. So I wanted to just remove the voice. I left a comment in the post of the mod, but I believe the mod author isn't active. I haven't contacted them directly either but I may have too if this attempt doesn't get results. The first thing I tried to do is look through the mod archives. There was nothing for the voice there. Second, I tried using SSEdit. Maybe It would be listed in there and I could just delete it. Couldn't find it. Third, I went to use Creation Kit and this is where it gets tricky. I have to switch Mod Organizer 2 instances to my up to date Skyrim because I am currently using a downgraded version. I have never really learned my way around Creation Kit because I would be able to fix most of my issues with SSEdit. I feel like they should be the same kind of experience but I'm always getting an error when I start selecting mods and a master. If I have to learn how to do this, I can watch a video later. I loaded FF16 Sword Action into Creation Kit but I couldn't figure where this voice file was. I've been playing with it, sometimes accepting it, and other times getting annoyed. I am now ready to start trying to remove this sound again. My question, I know FF16 Sword Action is the source of this battle cry sound, or the creator 1OldFire mods that I downloaded to as a supported requirement. At the moment I believe I removed the spitfire mod because there are not animations that had conditions for what I was using. And I can't remember the name of this mod specifically. Maybe it was called Spitfire, I saw someone suggest it in the post tab of FF16 I believe. But the Zero voice only occurs when I have this mod active. Without it power attacks use a Kratos disgruntled groan. So where is this voice file at? How can I remove it? Do I have to use Creation Kit to edit the esp? Or could I use SSEdit? Most importantly once I've loaded the esp in one of the two, where exactly would I be looking for it?
  11. Hey, I've been using OAR to give Weapon types, and followers specified move sets. OAR expanded DAR conditions from what I read, but I'm having trouble finding what all these conditions mean. An example is that there is a condition (forgive me if I don't use it verbatim) Is Attack State and has a some but not all sub conditions Swinging, Hit, Follow Through, Charge Attack, Bash. I am trying to discover if Hit means that the actor in the attack state of hitting their target, or being hit by their target? There are other conditions that I would like to have a more detailed explanation of what the condition covers. Is there a guide or post somewhere that explains all of these? So that I can have them on my phone or on a notepad while I'm playing the game?
  12. Hey. Is there a mod that let's your followers wear multiple rings and amulets
  13. https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/3057?tab=description Is there a mod that works for your followers/NPCs like this?
  14. I added the administrative to skyrim, skse, mo2, nemesis. All the folders and files are in the exclusions. I went through the skse compatibility list. I saw that the DLL plug in was incompatible. I removed the DLL bink file, and took off the underscore from the Original. But none of the other mods are in conflict. I'm going to keep all those mods active and start testing what stops it and what doesn't.
  15. I'm going to check this out, thank you.
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