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About usernameisapain

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  1. Can't you just "murder" him discreetly somewhere, and leave the body, never to collect it?
  2. So I wanted to set up Mjölnir like weapon that gave lightning charges and had some spell effect, but I am not able to get the lightning charges to work, nor some of the effect: I have attached the .pak file - probably I am just not understanding something with the mod creation for BG3 new entry "WPN_Mjolnir"type "Weapon"using "WPN_LightHammer_1"data "RootTemplate" "6016b4f6-9d69-448f-99ce-49f02c21e9d1"data "Damage Type" "Bludgeoning"data "Damage" "1d8"data "ValueLevel" "3"data "Weight" "2.7"data "Rarity" "Legendary"data "Boosts" "UnlockSpell(Projectile_END_Underground_LightningTrap)"data "BoostsOnEquipMainHand" "UnlockSpell(Target_PostureBreaker);UnlockSpell(Target_ConcussiveSmash);UnlockSpell(Target_HinderingSmash)"data "PassivesOnEquip" "MAG_ChargedLightning_Charge_OnDamage_Passive;MAG_HomingWeapon_Passive;MAG_LightningThrow_Passive;MAG_ThunderThrow_Passive;MAG_TheThorns_ExplosiveThrowing_Passive;MAG_TheThorns_VeilOfTheWind_Passive;MAG_Light_TheThorns_Passive"data "DefaultBoosts" "WeaponEnchantment(2);WeaponProperty(Magical);WeaponDamage(1d4, Thunder);WeaponDamage(1d4, Lightning)"data "Weapon Group" "MartialMeleeWeapon"data "Weapon Properties" "Melee;Dippable;Thrown"data "Proficiency Group" "Warhammers;MartialWeapons"
  3. Hey, So I finally got around to buying Fallout 4. However I was met with a strange CTD. So having used mods for TES for many years, I'm familiar with what breaks and fixes the game, mods or no mods. 1- I set up a mod list, tested it, reinstalled a few mods and changed the load order as I was getting a ctd on "Transferring". This was fixed and I played, saved/loaded for around 6-7 hours. 2- I installed 4 additional mods, 3 armor mods, and 1 bomb mod. I play for a couple of hours, save and load, it seems to work. 3- CTD on load, okay well I was prepared for that when I installed mods mid-game, so I tried "new game" ctd also. 4- Uninstall one of the new mods one at a time, until all are removed, still ctd. 5- Verify game files, re-download DLC, re-clean dlc, ctd on new game. 6- open game without any mods, CTD on new game. 7- Googles this, can't seem to find anything that matches. 8- Goes to Nexus forums. So not knowing fallout 4 errors/bugs - with/without mods very well, I was wondering if someone here has come across a similar issue? Although it doesn't appear to be a mod issue here is the list - F4SE is of course installed. Active Mod Files:
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