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  1. @Phaz42 Hmm, I guess you're right, I got confused because a year ago it was in the load order tab as a whole mod, not separately dlc and mods like now. Only in this way is it correct: [modBrothersInArms] Enabled=1 Priority=1 VK=BIA - TW3 Bug Fix and Restored Content Collection-7329-2-2-1683912038
  2. @insomnious So we need another update.
  3. @Nagev @insomnious @Pickysaurus Hi. I have to report this again. If a mod contains multiple subdirectories/parts, for example Brother In Arms contains dlcBrothersInArms and modBrothersInArms. Vortex sets both of these directories as priority in mods.settings, i.e. dlcBrothersInArms and modBrothersInArms. We need a patch that restores this to the previous state when everything was working properly, as you can see in the image below: Vortex should mark the entire mod for the loading order, i.e. “Brothers In Arms Mod”, not the modification folders.
  4. +1 @shitaro @insomnious @Nagev Vortex should mark the entire mod for load order i.e. "Brothers In Arms Mod" and not the modification folders.
  5. I'll add that before the updates it worked fine. I don't remember the Vortex version, but the “load order” tab looked like this:
  6. Ok, after new update now 1.11.7 Vortex install mods correctly but does not mark final folders for load order. so another patch is necessary.. MOD EXAMPLE: https://www.nexusmods.com/witcher3/mods/4242 now it mark this ----> Mods/mod_hoods <----correct now it mark this ----> dlc/dlc_hoods <----correct should be: 192 mod_hoods 193 dlc_hoods hope for a quick fix..
  7. I have a question. What have you done to Vortex in the latest updates that it suddenly can't install mods for The Witcher 3? in previous versions it installed them correctly now it does not recognize the simplest folder structures, what is the problem that this mod installs correctly: https://www.nexusmods.com/witcher3/mods/7554?tab=files and this not: https://www.nexusmods.com/witcher3/mods/4242?tab=files It puts everything into the “Mods” folder instead of separating and putting the final folders into Mods and dlc when installing hoods mod: when installing all containers glow mod: The path is correct so why doesn't it recognize it?! In previous Vortex versions the mod worked, now it does not. Users of my mod collection are clamoring for these mods so what do I do now? Other mods work, nothing works from this author even though I can't see the differences
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