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Posts posted by Yohlazy

  1. Just a few mod ideas I was thinking about/questioning and I am wondering if any are possible and would be stable


    First is it possible to bring a Shiv to missions and not have it count as a squad member...

    I never use a Shiv even after about 3 full plays on normal and classic I just dont think giving up a sniper or a medic is worth the gain of a tank that to my knowledge wont take cover and will almost always be hit but if there was a way maybe an upgrade to the transport ship or just a straight up here is the shiv slot then I would be more willing to try them. I dont want just a 7th squad slot as I will just want to fill it with another assault I mean a slot you can only put a shiv in.


    Second a way to "suggest" a needed squad class in game

    Just a way to tell the game hey I am looking for a sniper and the game raise the chance of a rookie being a sniper (not so much to 100% but enough to make it count) it comes off as weird that I am an established world military but I cant request a specific class also it is annoying when I start a game and it starts me with 1 sniper 1 medic 1 assault and 9 heavies (no joke that happened and I restarted right after the 8th and 9th got promoted...)


    Third Abduction Assaults

    I am looking for someway to do several of the stop abductions when they occur it seems weird that no matter how fast I can clear an area even with no injuries that we go to base an ignore the other countries what says my soldiers dont fly to the other site within so much time, In the game if an abduction happens and you ignore it, it takes around 48 hours to disappear so whats stopping me from going to another site if I did the first in like 12 hours.


    If anyone can give me any information I would be appreciative and thank you for your time in reading any of this

  2. Weapons=(iType=eItem_ArcThrower,ABILITIES[0]=eAbility_ShotStun,ABILITIES[1]=eAbility_NONE,ABILITIES[2]=eAbility_NONE,ABILITIES[3]=eAbility







    This is the entire Arcthrower line as of my change

  3. Ok, this is easy.

    Get ResourceHacker, and run it

    open your x-com game

    on the left hand side click RCDATA then 1020 > 1033

    your gonna see a lot of text.

    scroll down until you see : Weapons=(iType=eItem_ArcThrower


    Every thing to the right of that Weapons=(iType=eitem_ArcThrower is what makes the arc thrower.


    Now look for the properties strings on the same LINE as your arc thrower (basically to the right of it), it should be properties[0] properties [1] ect ect...


    Scroll to the right until you see Properties[0]=eWP_


    this is a property of the weapon, and you want to change it so that it says:


    Now it can be put in the pistol slot.

    Click compile

    then click save



    Ok did all of it but still cant use it as a pistol it still shows in the items, do I have to start a new game or something in the game I am trying to do this I just researched the thrower but hadn't manufactured any yet. When i tested it I make like 3 and tryied to give one to my support but i wouldnt show up in pistol it still shows and equips as an Item is there another property that needs changed?

  4. I know there is a mod that makes the arc thrower a pistol but it is a total combat/game play overhaul that I dont want right now i just want the arc thrower as a pistol can anyone make a simple mod to do this or explain to me a way to do so?
  5. First I have looked around an have not found a topic like this if one exists please just post me a link...


    Ok just wondering if it is possible (before or after creation kit release) to make it so where you gain multiple perk points per level I am not looking for a ton per level just like 2 per level maybe two every other level Just so i dont have to lets say max magic to get all the stelth and combat perks or be a master of magic with 100 two handed just for the perk points...


    Thanks for any information Happy modding

  6. I just want to know if it is possible to put some of these computer mods into a 360 (without modding the system).

    I own Dragon age origins for computer but recently got the same with the 7 DLC's for 360 I want to play but it wont feel right without the mods I used for Computer. Also I refuse to mod my system sorry if that seems stubron but I just wont maybe a small thing if it just allows it to read computer programs or something but I do not want a modded 360.


    I really want Skip the Fade if at all possible( once was enough for me) and there are a few others... I will list them if it will help.

    I spent some time looking around but I can't get a clear answer or a how to so can anyone help?

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