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South Africa
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I know this post was made ages ago, and I don't intend for thread necromancy however can this indeed be done? The home is also a favorite of mine, and so far as I've read the creator does not intend to make the conversions or updates herself as the mods are claimed to be the 'final version'. If one is against uploading, would a modder with enough knowhow give an idea as to how this can be done for personal use only? I've attempted doing so myself (I have little knowledge of modding, and had no intentions to upload it, simply using it for personal use) The place opens, however certain meshes appear to be missing, and other textures have a strange 'rainbow' effect on them. Could anyone advise or assist?
Kaye chuckled, eyes half closing some as she tilted her head to the side slightly, a silly grin on her face, "Aw jack-ey boy, not happy to see me?" she stayed like that for a second before blinking, suddenly shaking her head, smacking her palm against the side of her head a moment as she turned about and took a few steps away from him, her back to him, "Gah! Focus kaye!" she said in a mildly frustrated tone, moving her hand to run it through her hair, exhailing a bit, her other hand shifting to rest on her hip."Okay a*****e this is how its going down." She spins round to look to him, eyes narrowed, voice filled with aggitation and spite. "I'm here to stay you got it!? you got an issue with it i'll slice your F*****g head off" She said, promptly folding her arms. Her expression softening after a bit to a more neutral tone, glancing to the side some, "Kind of, got myself under control and, well. wanted to give things another try." "As long as i don't really have to tolerate that other b**** you got hanging around" -- "Gnnnahhh! tha' is annoyin" A woman at a late night, somewhat musty second-rate bar rubbed her ear quickly with her one hand, her other clasped around a beer, her sudden movement gathering an odd glance here and there. "The hell ya lookin' at!?" She snapped, looking over to said paitrons who simply shook their heads some, going back to their booze. "Ye i though' so" She leant back in to her seat, said woman having chose a spot in the corner of the bar, empty bottles of booze littering her table. As she shifted back she lifted her heavy booted feet to rest atop the table. She took a swig of her drink, trying to ignore the ringing in her one ear, wondering who, if anyone was talking about her.
((OOC: sorry for the double post. Phone is -spazzing- out))
Kaye grinned and straightned. Yup. That was jack no doubt, and he was alone. Perfect. She walked forward out of hiding, as soon as she spotted him she was smacked with the urge to slice him in half with her katana, but she resisted it, shifting her hand off from it, holding her hands up as she approached. As she got close enough however her hand blurred down to the hilt of her katana, bringing it up to smack jack in the jaw with it, her free hand gripping him about the neck tightly, a hold that would normally cut off the air supply. She looked at jack angrily a moment before dropping the katana, her now free'd hand gripping his hair at the back of his head as she yanked him towards her before planting a passionate kiss upon his lips
Jack's apartment was now decorated in a rather. interesting manner. a healthy helping of rose petals lined the floors and walls, settling on the floor like drops of red blood scattered about his apartment. In addition to this, snares. and an assortment of other more dangerous items. a pre-used stake left on the table as he came in, it staring jack right in the face as if it was placed there very very intentionally as the first thing he should see. Kaye heard the movement and moved to sit up quickly, getting up from the couch as she moved over some, staying dead quiet. just in case this wasn't in fact her mark. she set her hand on her katana and waited, if this was who she was waiting for, she'd know in the next few seconds.
GENERAL INFORMATION: Name: Victoria Farthing. (Goes by, 'vicki') Gender: female Race: Caucasian True Age: 26 (has been turned for a year now) Apparent Age: 30 (older apparent age due to previous lifestyle) Religion: N/A Clan: Gangrel Covenant: Unbound Covenant Faction: N/A Clan/Bloodline/Covenant Disciplines: Resilliance - The ability to withstand crippling injury without submitting. Vigor -The ability to manifest supernatural strength, far beyond a mortal's scope. Protean - ability to assume a variety of forms such as a wolf or a mist. Haven: a ratty little one bedroom apartment downtown across from the local bar APPEARANCE: Height: 5'6 Weight: 57 kgs Hair: Vikki's hair has been cropped short and mercilessly dyed blue, black roots showing through from the base. Her hair itself constantly styled up in a permanent mohawk Eyes: bright green Skin: white with a mild tan, gathered not by sun but by products. Handedness: Right Scars/Tattoos: surprisingly, no tattoos General physical description: Vicki is of a muscular figure, body toned and chizzled, not lean, nor overweight in the slightest. If anything, Vicki is somewhat stocky at the shoulders due to muscle. As for her face Vikki has a somewhat angled appearance, eyes mildly slanting to the side to give her a constant sly expression, her lips angled in to a smirk more often than not. She has a ringed piercing on the right side of her lip, at her left eyebrow, then a sleeper at her right ear. Voice: Vicki has a lower yet playful tone, coupled with a thick cockney accent Clothing/armor: Vicki typically wears a black tanktop that ends just under her breasts, a pair of blue tattered jeans and a set of thick black boots. PERSONALITY: General Personality Traits: Vicki is somewhat playful and sly but knows her boundaries. Mostly. Like most of the clan she tends to have her moments of anger and possibly jelousy. Above all however, Vicki tends to toy with life Fears: Death Enclosed spaces Attitudes towards friends/strangers: Vicki's generally friendly unless given a reason not to. Especially if said stranger starts doing things that would prompt a negative reaction. Such as challanging her, making snide remarks and so on. Its hard to tell whether she'll just wave a hand and ignore you. Or try tear your throat out. Opinion of the world: "meh" HISTORY: Past: Vicki was just a typical kid who grew up in a run down part of the city. Got in to trouble constantly, tried out drugs, enjoyed her alchohol, and all round messed about with her life, not nessesarily caring as long as she was having a blast while doing it. Embrace: Her old life ended with a party gone awry. Some blokes had too much to drink and, no surprise to the inhabitants, were armed. Vicki got away from the scene as quick as possible, but not without gathering what would have been fatal inguries. Feeling her life slowly ebb away she collapsed a way away from the bar where it had all started. Thankfully for her, she had been found by a passing gangrel, likely drawn by the scent of blood. Finding her still alive he offered to 'save' her, an offer Vicki diddn't refuse. Birthplace: England Family/Relationships: With her family being more or less dead to her, Vicki only really hangs around her sire. Well, apart from the usual drunks at the bar. Living/Dead Family Members: Vicki knows her mother had died during a carcrash while she was still in her teens. As for her father? She couldn't care less. Friends: Jack. Enemies: Kaye
Kaye toiled away, decorating the entirety of the apartment, humming a light tune as she went along. Once she was done she admired her workings, having set up mostly in the dark her 'decorations' lay unseen for the time being. Kaye walked over to lay on the couch of the apartment in wait, looking to the items strewn about on the floor. "Really needs a laundry day" she mused to herself as she stretched out some. Waiting for the owner of said apartment to arrive. "Maybe I should hide.. Nah." She yawned some, setting her head on her arm, eyes lazily moving over to watch the door. "Heeeereeee jackyjackyjacky.... Here boy.." She chuckled to herself, somehow finding her words highly amusing.
After a time Kaye reached her destination, slowing the bike to a halt at the curb as she turned the bike off, swinging her leg over as she climbed off. Her fingers hooked under the helmet after she unclasped it, pulling it off her head before setting it back down on the bike. She'd chosen a spot a way away from her initial target location, there was no way in hell she'd use the front door as he'd smell her from a mile away. "Not like that will stop him" She mused to herself with a slight chuckle "might. actually be fun" she said as her lips tightened in to an unfitting smile, looking up to her target location. An apartment on the sixth floor of the building. "think he'll try the outside access? your guess is as good as mine." She seemed to hold a light chat with herself for a moment before Yew cleared his throat on the other end, apparently still there. Kaye snapped out of it and glanced to the side, "and what's your problem?" "Nothing. just. thought you should know you're doing it again." "Am not." She replied in a light tone, yew just decided to keep his mouth shut this time round. As Kaye approached the building she kept an eye out, "Where's my stuff?" "Van outback to your left, the back doors are open." "Alri- are you watching me?" "Juuuuust looking out for you cousin." "Right." Kaye shook her head some, walking over to a white van which had been left parked on the side of the street, she walked over before opening the back doors, squinting in to the darkned back of the van she reached forward, procuring a large black bag filled to the brim with seemingly lightweight items. she retrieved a secondary bag afterwards, a large gym bag with a strap suited for the shoulder. Kaye brought the strap up and set it in place, carrying the other black bag under her arm as she moved back to the side entrance to the apartment. she knew he'd be able to smell her no matter what she did now. so, at least. she planned to give him an... interesting. welcome.
Kaye watched the goings on for a time until jack had moved to open the door. "they're moving out" she said to herself in a low doubled over tone as she shifted slightly, lingering a moment longer. "Yew, you still there?" "Yup." "My delivery ready yet?" "uhm... yeah. though it seems a little. well. what's the word i'm looking for.. mmmnnnnn excessive?? Not to mention kinda. strange." Kaye just chuckled to herself some, gaining a happy smile, half closing her multicolored eyes as she straightened herself. "Strange? maybe. you think he'll appreciate it?" she said in a light tone not befitting her looks, or personality. Yew muttered something about madness on the other end of the line before speaking up in an audible tone, "yeah uh... maybe hey? will just have toooo. find out i guess." "I heard that. Yew." "H-heard what? iiiii didn't say anything." "Yeah. sure." Kaye remarked, lifting her sniper rifle from its place, walking back in to the darkened room. it was time she set her plan in motion. Kaye set the sniper rifle down upon the desk in the dining room of the small apartment, setting her hand on the wood of the table, reaching down to pick up her katana which she'd rested up aside it, strapping it in to place at her back for a change, walking over towards the door, setting her hand on the scratched and aged handle as she opened the door, stepping out in to the hall. Kaye took a pause there for a moment as if just to clear her mind, closing her eyes, standing still with her head slightly inclined. Perhaps she was just waiting, giving some time so she didn't run in to the large grouping of vampires a way away. With her thoughts cleared she lowered her head again, locking the door, turning about to jog down the hallway, her thick boots clomping loudly on the tile. She wasted no time going down the steps and running to the outside of the building where a black motorbike lay in wait for her. thick scratches lining the sides of the bodywork, chipping through the paint. Kaye trotted over to the bike, freeing her helmet from where she'd left it, setting it on her head as she climbed on, setting her keys in the ignition before revving the engine some before taking off down the street, long untucked hair flaring out behind her like a constant flame
Hey Mac, just got a mild issue with the latest post. well, a few little ones that tend to build up. For one, there's too much distance between Kaye and Nathan, not to mention the smoke, the other scents and smells of a bustling city, would defiantly mask and block her out. For two, Kaye is hardly scared. she's been handling these things since a young age, Vampires, if anything, disgust her second personality. so Nathan being able to smell her fear would be rather impossible as she has none. And one more tiny detail. Kaye's been hunting this certain individual (who you have all likely figured out by now) for quite some time, she knows how to surprise them and therefore would more than likely have set up shop downwind. I was sure i had added it in the initial post but it seems in my haste to post i had forgotten it so my bad, but the original points stand true.
While the drama continued groundlevel, a perticular indevidual had set up camp within the dark recesses of an adiquately positioned rented room. The lights turned off, bathing the room itself and the area beyond in darkness. A figure sat concealed at the window, a bright blue-green eye staring down the scope of a sniper rifle which had been propped up against a surface within the building. "That's a lot of bloodsuckers" a woman's voice remarked with a harsh edge of disgust, the owner of said voice straightening her head some, flicking some red hair out from her vision, opening her other eye momentarily, her now mottled gaze sweeping over the streets as she lowered her head again to look through the scope again. "I told you there's a lot of activity in this area. But you guys don't tend to listen to me much now do you." Rang a male voice in her ear through a bluetooth headset which ran through her own secure private line. "Shut up Yew." The woman said in an obviously softer tone." "You sure you're. Uhm. Well. Ready for this? Cause, last time I checked you don't really agree mu-" "Shut the ***** up." "..... Yes ma'm." There was a pause from the other end before Yew started up gain. "So, what we looking at?" "He's got a lot of company." The woman remarked, slowly shifting the sniper rifle to look to different indeviduals which surrounded her target. "Looks like we have ghouls an ugly-a** F****er, gangrel-" "Yeah uh no I'll stop you there." Yew said from the other end. "-not- smart going all in there. What the hell happned anyway??" "For them to get this kind of response, obviously some kind of coverup. Probably, oh I don't know. Some careless guy. Or a frenzied. -either way the a******* f***** up and are now trying to cover it all up." Yew paused a bit before speaking again, "well. Okay so, what's the plan?" "You got that address?" The woman's voice sounded almost doubled over at this point, having a slight eccho to it. Mildly disturbed, Yew took a moment to respond, "yep. Yeah. Uh. So you're going to go there and wait for him?? What if he's got, or. Brings home guests?" "He's not the type to do that." "Guess you'd be the one to know that by now?" She chuckled some, "I guess so." "Either way Kaye you should probably get your ass out of there before he, or, one of the others sniff you out." "Mmhm" she said, though, diddn't really seem to heed his words, still staring down the scope at one perticular member of the grouping.
*mad maniacle laughter* oh the poor bugger~
GENERAL INFORMATION: Name: Kaye Gender: Female Race: Human True Age: 26 Apparent Age: 26 Abilities: True Sight: allows Kaye to see things that normal humans would not normally see, she can also see through certain paranormal disguises, such as a werewolf pretending to be a humanoid or a normal wolf etc.. Resistance: Kaye has an abnormal resistance to the wills of a vampire who wishes to controll her, the few that did in times past claimed that her mind was "wrong" or that no sence could be made from it. APPEARANCE: Height: 5'5 Weight: 65 kg / 145 pounds Hair: Long Red hair Eyes: Right - Bright blue-green which seems to give off a mild glow. Left - a light brown-orange Both the left and right eye have flecks of grey scattered around the iris. Skin: due to her usual movements Kaye has a fair skintone, pale but not unnaturally so. Handedness: Ambidexterous Scars/Tattoos: Kaye posesses a scar that runs a diagonal length across her back, from her side to her upper shoulder. Having aquired this in recent years General physical description: Kaye is hoast to a subtle all rounded general look to her, which has a subtle charm of its own. Not overly attractive yet not hideous in the least. Kaye is of an average if not, mildly curvy build, and by curvy I hardly mean overweight, more. A bit more blessed than the average woman. Due to her constant activities and active nature kaye has a rather toned body to go with its overall shape, muscle toned but not overly defined. as for Kaye's facial structure, she posesses a mildly lean shape with slightly larger eyes modest nose and thicker red set lips. A light dusting of freckles spreadding over her nose and higher upon her cheeks. Voice: Kaye typically speaks with a very mild scottish accent that can only tryly be heard if one listens, her voice having a lower pitch rather than a higher one, as for her actual tone of voice, she has three which she seems to actively switch between. The first (marked in orange) is a more passive tone, while her second is far more harsh and obviously agressive (marked in blue), while in this tone she tends to speak with a near end of disgust, especially if directed towards vampires, and those she deems 'unnatural' The third tone of voice seems to be a mixture of the two, simultaniously overlapping each other to create a near doubled over eccho. Clothing/armor: Kaye doesn't wear much in the armor department. Typically she usually sees fit with a simple white longsleaved, button up shirt and a set of jeans, all topped off with a set of thick soaled black boots. PERSONALITY: General Personality Traits: Kaye is incredibly unpredictable at times, those that do know her, know to likely expect at least one or two violent outbursts during the day, however she claims to have brought this under control for the time being. Claims. Kaye typicly has two modes, which have been dubbed, kaye one, and kaye two. The people who have done so seemed to lack the creativity at the time of naming. Kaye one, or, the original, previously prevailent personality, is driven by her own goals. A stubborn woman who won't take 'no' as an acceptable answer to most of her questions. Kaye is incredibly persistant, both in this personality. And her next. Which brings us to Kaye two. A violent, profane, relentless personality who doesn't tend to hold back words. If she holds grudge against you, you would either know about it, or already have a blade through your chest. Fears: Kaye's predominant fear is likely death, however this isn't classified as the actual death itself, more what would happen beforehand. Namely the pain, agony, torture and length of time before succumbing. Kaye two however doesn't hold any fear for pain what so ever, she simply 'fears' or, dreads, being turned in to the very creatures she hates with every fiber of her being Attitudes towards friends/strangers: Kaye could love you, and hate you. All at the same time, and this is if you're a friend. Strangers on the other hand normally bear the brunt of a cautious, or violent Kaye. Opinion of the world: "The world's gone to sh**" HISTORY: Past: Kaye is not one for sharing her history, but what is known is that she had been born with an odd. Gift. Being born of two minds, yet one body. One far more suited for combat and other more, violent acts. How this occurred is anyone's guess. soon after the age of 15 she left her home in the highlands of Scotland, her parents claiming that she had just up and left one day, repeatedly saying how she felt she should be somewhere else. This was when Kaye's adventure began. With her unique ability to pick out the nonhumans from the humans, Kaye took up the blade to hunt the creatures of the night that threttned mankind. Part of her began to hate them more and more the more she fought them. Her first encounter being that of a vampire called Kezrah, the young teen having somehow managed to drive the vampire away, only, to ironicly find herself working with him, and another grouping of vampires six years down the line. At that point, Kaye still had relitave control of herself, only one personality being persistant at any one time. One personality being fine with her charge of assisting the grouping of vampires, the other however. Not so much. With her growing relationship with a certain vampiric member of the grouping, kaye's second 'personality' decided to take over whilst receiving a simple massage, having hated the contact with the other. Kaye threttned to do away with herself, or the vampire in question. This caused a massive conflict within herself and inevitably caused the personalities to merge together, resulting in what is seen today. Her vampiric lover as well as his allies at that stage decided to try 'seperate' her personalities again. When that happned however it only caused them to meld further. Her second more violent personality becoming more prevailent. With her signature weapon, the katana, drawn out en point to her lover's throat, she promissed to find and slay him personally. With that Kaye vanished once again, stalking her lover in the shadows, causing him strife whenever she had found and gotten close enough to catch him. That brings us to the present day, five years on from this incident, kaye claims to have gotten control of herself and now seeks to rectify things. In her. Own way. Birthplace: Scotland Family/Relationships: Living/Dead Family Members: Yew (cousin) Kaye's parents have been off the map for many years, and she has no known siblings. Her only contact being her eccentric, magic inclined, cousin Yew. Friends: Friend is a. Strong word for Kaye. She has many aquaitences, naimly those of her previous grouping. Enemies: Kezrah Rain (Originally dubbed Ame, but switched names to Rain once in more, english, areas) And prettymuch any other nonhuman that tends to get in her way Current Nationality: Scottish Current Place of Residence: Kaye moves around quite a bit, tending to stay in low costing apartments where available OTHER INFORMATION: Merits and Flaws: I think having a bipolar split personality is kind of a flaw don't you? Fun though. Backgrounds:
Shadows of Darkest Soul (An Elder Scrolls RP)
MoDqUeen replied to darkedge42392's topic in Roleplaying
Lost (On the way to Balmora) Despite his better judgements Reinen had drifted off to sleep, his hand losening its grip on the hilt of his sword, his body relaxing itself, his other hand slipped lightly to his side. He had no idea how many hours went past but by the time he woke the sun had already risen and the heat of the day had started to set in. Reinen woke up with a start as he realised just how badly he had let his guard down before letting out a sigh of relief that nothing had happened while he slept. After hazarding a look around Reinen slipped into his now dry armor before affixing his cloak to the back. Soon after this Reinen picked up his sword and placed it at his side as usual before saddeling up the horse. As he fixed the stirrups he glanced off almost absent-mindedly into the distance. "where am i going" he wondered to himself. The question he was so sure of the day before was now a perplexing conundrum that he had to solve. With this small bit done Reinen lifted himself onto the horse and pointed it inland before spurring it on unknowingly in the general direction of Balmora, secretly hoping that he would bunp into someone that would give him a small sence of direction in the place that he knew virtually nothing about. -
Well if a new RP's to be made i might consider joining and the fallout is a good concept as it is a world most of us are fermiliar with. That and i really want to get back into the game of roleplaying, been really slow here lately