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Everything posted by MoDqUeen

  1. Athina kept her eyes on daniel as he picked up his gun before glancing back at Zephyr for a moment, "Death is an end to that matters lifespan and when it outlives its use it is more often than not destroyed. And if by the rare chance it is not, a being without purpose is already dead. In that sence death scares no one. Its the misconception of the matter that makes the faint of heart fear that anomaly known as death. And from that deduction dear sir none of us present here are children either and it would be to everyones best interest to not treat us as such." by this time the humming from the palm of her hand had stopped, and no glow was visible. a small smile swept her face, "And dispite the characters you have already imaged us as, know that we are not completely defenceless." she glanced back at Cale, and whispered in reply, "I can see why."
  2. Athina iturned her glare to Daniel and switched it to Zephyr for a moment, she sofnted slightly to her normal gaze and she let out a laugh, "A direct hit from a missile wouldnt be able to keep him down for long there buddy. And me... well..... lets just say you would have a better chance of me developing flesh and turning into a human." she slipped teh card from teh fold of metal. "And i think you should be keeping that. seing as i probably have no need for it. having already memorised everything on it.." she flicked the card right infront of Zephyr. she let out a slight chuckle, "And if you do decide to pull that trigger, all youd probably do is piss him off." she had righted her posture but the palm of her hand was still glowing a bright green ready to be fired at the first sign of trouble.
  3. Athina glanced back at Cale, her stance still in the defencive, however her face had softened up abit to that of her normal self. "Sorry... there was s alight possibility of 0.558 percent that it would misfire. I thought those to be good enough odds." She shot a glare to Jack. The one thing that she hated... that she absoulutely dispised, was being called a Robot. "Theres a big difference between a robot and an android dear sir. And need i remind you that androids are a whole lot more intelligent and comprehensable than that of a run down rust bucket." her glare intencified and a threttening toneslipped into her voice, "Now i kindly ask that you take that back..." Not even moving her glare off Jack Athina took note of Zephyr. "Athina. first and last of the Orion project, Type X37. And whether my companion would wish to revieal his name to you is his own decision." If not for the circumstances Athina would have given a different reply, but the whole Robot thing was messing with her sensors, each one sending out a different reading. Her AI told her to lash out, while her back up system told her to restrain herself. However with each passing moment her AI was gaining ground in the clash of the two systems.
  4. OOC: sorry for the lack of responce from my end, mostly due to internet issues and Writers block. Athina had just stood there with a blank face throughout the entire ordeal, mostly because she thought it the best course of action. She didn’t mean throwing that man out the door. She was still busy contemplating the odds of a talking deathclaw. At that moment she snapped back to reality and noticed a card on the floor. she bent down and picked it up, examining it like she did with most objects she came into contact with. when she was done she slipped it in a fold of protruding metal at her shoulder. Without another thought she stepped out of the building. Just then her sensors picked up a rather inhuman sounding howl. Athina's primary programming kicked in and the change was instantly visible in her eyes. They no longer looked curious and innocent, Now they looked hard and determined. She did not know what really triggered the change.... but it usually happened when she knew there was a fight to be had. She faced the direction of the noise and launched herself off the ground with a frightening speed. She rounded corners as if they never even existed, in no time flat she had reached the source. The moment she saw the gun and knife pointed at Cale she instantly went into a sort of combat mode. She ran forward and with a single fluid motion she pointed her index finger at the gun, a single high powered laser shot the gun out from Daniel's hands, she leaped forward and skidded under him before landing a kick at Jack's lower stomach. the moment there was enough space between them Athina stood up in a defensible position, the palm of her hand starting to emit a threatening green glow. "Miss me much Cale?"
  5. Athina nodded and watched Cale go. She paused a moment befor entering the inn, the realisation coming to her that maybe blowing up the car wasnt the usual human act... dispite the many instances she has witnessed things go boom. She walked into the Inn, but paused at the door as she witnessed a burly man at the bar dragging the head of another amaller looking guy across the bar, before pulling back on his shirt and slamming him to the ground. She studied the scene for a moment before deciding to ignore the drunken brawl and headding for the bar. She approached the owner of the inn and payed him for the room for a day as Cale had asked. The atmosphere in the place was starting to heat up and she decided it would be best to leave while people werent flying out the doors. On the way to the door one of the men on the floor grabbed at the ankle and tried to pull her down. however because of her weight, he was unable to to make her budge. Athina looked down with a confused look on her face, and promptly shook her leg, accidentally sending the guy flying to the other side of the bar. "Oops..." Before she could recat, the drunken bar brawl came to her. Some poor man tried to punch her in the face, only to find out that her face was quite solid. Athina promptly grabbed the man who started the fight by the collor of his shirt and threw him out the door.... only she diddnt realise that the door was still closed. But the sound of shattering wood made that apparent. Suffice to say that was quite enough to stop the fight, everyone going back to what they were doing as if nothing had ever happned. Athina took the oppertunity and slipped out of the bar before Cale heard the noise.
  6. Athina took everything Cale had said into consideration. "So... Blowing up buildings is normal human behavior Cale?" She thought for a moment, "I guess i could give it a try..." Luckaly there was no one in the general area, Athina lifted her palm and braced her arm with her other hand, she took aim at a nearby ruined car and fired. In a short moment the car caught fire, and not long after that it exploded, a small mushroom like cloud rising from the wreck. Athina grinned, obviously satisfied, "Could that be considered normal enough Cale?"
  7. Athina was quite glad that Cale had found her and gladly accepted her pack. Even though Cale said he wasnt going to ask, she found herself blurting out the entire story.... right from the beginning when she left the camp. She wasnt quite sure.. but at some times of the tale she thought Cale had completely stopped listening. "And thats when you found me... Cale?" she waited ahwile but after no answer came she let out a sigh and decided to leave the matter alone.She stared at the sky, her feet automatically avoiding "Cale... earlyer on you said it would be nice to be around other humans again... What was ment by that? I mean.. new people are always interesting to study... But." She paused a moment.. her head still tilted upwards towards the sky "People confuse me cale.. you are the only one that i can seem to figure out... All the others want to take me apart or something. No wait... im confusing them with raiders now.... Each one is so different from another that it is impossible to gather enough data to be able to understand the species. And only a basic comparison check can be made against each indevidal to see what group he or he falls under. its more data than i can handle im sure..." It was at that point that she took her eyes off the sky and consentraed more on what was happening infront of her..... well.... not exactly. with that off her mind she turned to another statement that cale had said. What did he mean when he called me thick... her mind still drumming over all that had happned.
  8. I was in brownees <like girl scouts> when i was younger. i really enjoyed it there... but due to time issues i had to leave it. I also did JKA karate, but had to leave that too. I had art class but had to leave it because of the distance to it... The last thing i had left was balet... I loved it even though i wasn't exactly the best.... but every single year i ended up on crutches for some reason or another involving my feet. The last time it was tendenitis in my foot and the doctor told me that i shouldnt do it anymore... so i dropped it. Even though the classes were fulled with snobbs i rather liked it... it taught me to stop thinking about everything and just relax, Unfortunately i did have to leave it because of those reasons. The past year i have been nagging my mom to take me to go learn ballroom or latin american... but because of me literally doing two school years in one this year i diddnt have the time. There was one thing that i truly loved... that nothing interefered with... Linedancing... sure it may sound crazy but it was really fun, the atmosphere was always plezant.... but then mom diddnt want to do it anymore so we ended up leaving that too. Basically the only thing i have left at the moment is my swimming, i spend 90% of the time under the water i just love it. Finally the small pool that was built in the back yard was finished so i could swim there... so i still have something to look forward to at the end of a long day. And i agree 100% on what you said Birrii
  9. Athina quickly manuvered over a large boulder bafore slipping back into her hiding spot. She had gotten bored of sitting around and trying to listen to the sounds of the night... which were greatly interupted my Cales loud snores. So she had decided to go out exploring a bit. It was sunrise before she had found something to entertain her. A small group of feral dogs tending to their new pup. Anything new always entertained Athina, and this time there was no exception. She had followed the small pack for quite some time, studying their movements and where they went. At one stage they took on a Redscorpion and ate its remains. Up until now she had not been seen by the pack so she was able to study them in their natural environment. She was so occupied with what she was doing that she diddnt notice just how far she had gotten from the make shift camp. Suddenly the dogs stopped what they were doing and all started growling towards the one direction. Before Athina could do anything she heard gunfire, and before she knew it the pup was dead.. shortly followed by the others of the pack. Athina stiffned in the crevice of the boulder and froze as a group of raiders ran into her line of sight and started to babbel on about thier last kill. a small stone landed on Athina's nose... thats when she realised there was one standing on top of the boulder that she was hiding in. She paused for a few moments... at first not knowing what to do. As they started to make their own type of camp she realised that simply waiting it iut wasnt a good idea... no.. the only way out of this one was to fight her way through. Slowly, she re-positioned herself so that her right palm was facing up... right at the raider that was standing... she went through her plan again. Content with its outcome she slightly flexed her palm, triggering the plasma canon into action. Her shot found home and destroyed the raider, before the others could think, Athina had jumped out of her hiding spot, landing on the top of the boulder. Quickly, but effectively she executed her next move and ran up to the decond raider, using his body as a sheild. As his body was satureted with bullets Athina threw him to the side and lunged at the last two raiders, getting up close she forcibly pulled the one raiders limbs out of their sockets and left him to die, before turning to the last. "DIE!" the female raider shouted before coming at Athina with a chinese assult rifle. Athina rolled to the side and took cover behind a rock. Next thing she knew... Athina woke up spreadegled on the floor, scorched ground an indication that someone had launched a missile at them. She rubbed the back of her head and looked around, Pieces of the other raders, including the last, were literally scattered all over. "That was lucky... Whover shot that diddnt have a very good aim..." Luckly the shot was far enough away only to knock Athina out, instead of blowing her to pieces. She quickly scanned the area ... making sure whoever shot the missile was long gone. Satisfied she got to her feet and looked around. "I wonder how long i was out for? Better yet... i wonder which way Cale is..." Without a clue as to what direction to go, Athina decided to go the way of the rising sun... as she remembered the sun being behind her when she left the campsite.
  10. <this was sent to the wrong topic. sorry. Read post below>
  11. When i was in normal school <i have been homeschooled for two years now.> I was constantly teased because of my red hair, my .... different vews on things and my absoulute insane personality. When i wasn't being teased i was probably sitting in a quiet corner somewhere having a breakdown, and if it wasn't that i would just be generally alone. I am what i am because of those MONSTERS at school that teased me. I call them that because there is no other name for them that i find appropriate, other than demons. For years and years i was teased and broken down until i was only a shell, i barly did have friends, and those that i did have betrayed me and stabbed me in the back more than often. And its not like there were a few of others like me that were teased... no in my class it was only me. In a short period of time people that were not even in my class teased me... at one stage even the teachers caught onto it. My time there was like hell to me. And no matter how many times i reported this to the teachers and supervisors they would do absoulutely nothing about it. Instead whenever i tried to get them back I was the one to get into trouble... even if i was just trying to make a comment BAM i would get into trouble... but oh no... no matter who teased ME they would never get so much as a glare. I remember one time we had to do a play at the circus... i diddnt have many roles to play so i did what i could. when the play was over we all lined up in the circle for the closing speech. Woe is me that i was infront... and those behind me were my tormentors. The costume that i was wearing had an open back with an elastic end on the side. The one that was behind me dug his nails into my back and dragged them to the elstic where he pulled and let it loose. I dont know how many times he did that... but i do know that each time he did it would hurt more and more... it felt like hours until that speech was over and we were allowed to leave. By the end of that speech tears were streaming down my face. Even then the teachers did.. nothing. Going back to the 'friends' that i had at that time ... and even now. <the ones that are here in SA mind you> Use me and then stab me in the back. If they need something they would get me to do it then BAM betray me. Home school isnt that great either.... i have literally spent the past two years in my room with no contact to the outside world. There are many things that other people know that i dont... many people have more friends than i do, and many people would laugh at me because of the way i act.... but you know what? I DONT CARE! i dont care what those people think. I have learnt that the only way that you can survive in this world is not to give a damn about what people say about you, and live your life as you want to live it.. no other way. otherwise you will end up being used as a doormat for people to wipe their feet on. But dont think that i am impolite. I will greet you with a smile, even if i dont feel like it... i would hold back my anger if i got angry. But i can no longer trust people easily. I died inside long ago... and i never thought it possible, but thanks to a small ammount of true friends that i have i am coming back to life.
  12. I only wish i could play online games..... but unfortunately living in south africa has its many disadvantages. Currently i only have a cap of one gig per month. So yea... those are a no go unfortunately. However i do like to RP... it gets my mind off things. unfortunately there are not many good RPers out there...
  13. I got a pillow that is the same length as me <Great for snuggeling up to :P > I got 220 <rands> from my grandparents A bag made entirely of zips 0_o <called a T.Box> Agame and a movie that i am still going to get from my friend ^_^
  14. I am sure most of you have wanted to be left alone at least once in your life, and again i am sure most of you have just wanted some company. But what a confusing sensation it is when you feel both at the same time is it not? You have to choose either one or the other or it feels like you are about to be ripped in two. But sometimes it is an impossible decision.... what then? stay in your room and sulk the entire week? Or just sleep it off until someone has to get worried about you? Or do you just put on a happy face and act to be well and content with your life, when on the inside you feel overwhelmed with nothingness.... eventually having no more imotion than a toy robot. Not wanting to do anything, but wanting to do something all at the same time. I may sound crazy, but i like to climb to the top of a tall tree and just sit there for hours just thinking. It helps to clear my head. Now for my question what would you do?
  15. Very nice josh ^_^ i know i enjoyed reading it
  16. My father has only one arm that works, the other dosnt work anymore and only gives him pain, but he still does anything that any normal people would do. hell because of that accident his left leg is stiff and can't bend at all, and yet he still rides quads and bikes, he built the stables outside. in my mind <and im sure in his mind too> there is nothing that he cant do that a person with two operational hands can do. lol he beats my ass and most others when we play half life multiplayer.
  17. my last little ones died -_- poor little eggies. i got some new ones tho, and all clicked :P
  18. OOC: helo anton... remember me? now ... im not the one who made this RP..... buuuut im going to tell you what Cyberweasel might say..... read the rules
  19. Razor had hopped off the roof and was slowly making his way back to Morlin, trying his best to aviod people.... especially kids. "well..... you were in some deep trouble ill give you that Razor.... you OWE me big time." Razor stopped and relaxed his shoulders and let out a sigh. "Claude..... i should of known." the theif walked out from her hiding place in the shadows, she rested her hands lightly on her hipps "Another kid Razor... give me a break... this is the third one this month! just go along with it why dont you? you are going to end up either killing someone or getting dismantled. but you know..... Morlin is going to give you one hell of a lecture." Razor let out a sigh and started to walk again, Claude started to walk with him. "you don't have to tell me. i try to stay away from them but... WHY ARE YOU LAUGHING!!!" Claude was holding her hand to her mouth to try to stop laughing. she lowered it to speek, still chuckeling between the words, "You are a kid magnet! They SEEK you out and latch onto you like monkeys. just the thaught is funny!" Razor's ears were tilted backward, he wasn't amused. "Please tell me why you don't go and bother Cale..." Claude put her hands behind her back "because its not like i have anything better to do... besides..." she leaned over to Razor and whispered in his ear "he scares me...." This was Razors turn to laugh, although his sounded slightly mechanical.. but not by much. "Scared of cale?? not THAT is funny!!" Claude crossed her arms stubbornly "WHAT!! havn't you ever seen what he DOES to people?! especially those who call him short?!!!" Razor let out a sigh "push my sensor and ill show you what going mad is really like..." Claude slightly moved to the side "yea.... you sacre me when you do that too..." "you are a wuss..." Claude smiled "and you are a crazy dog who likes to read books... so we are even. besides.... ive got all the others to protect me HA!" with that she ran off towards the now visible group of Morlin and cale. "If its a race you want!" Razor lowered his head and charged Claude, he seemed to be gaining up to her... untill she turned around and ran faster. Claude was so distrected from trying to win the smell race that she collided hedlong into Cale.
  20. Claude sat hunched down in the shadow of a building, watching the owners of a nearby shack walk off. She had been watching them for hours, not even moving, waiting for them to leave. Eventually they slipped out of sight. Claude diddn't say a word, only quickly moving from her hiding spot to the window. she waited a moment, to make sure that the house owners diddnt plan on coming back for something that they had forgotten. Satisfied she quickly slipped thrugh the window and into the shack. It was rather empty as she had suspected but there was a cabinate on the far end that had peaked her interest. she slowly moved over to it and picked the lock with a bobby pin from her hair. The door moved open and she started to sift thrugh the owners belongings. "Jet... jet.... jet... psycho.... ooh stimpack. damn.... are everyone druggies nowdays??" she said quietly to herself as she relieved the family of the stimpac, but having no use for the other iems she left them alone. Claude closed the cupbord and moved over to the other end of the room where she came to a fridge, using her skilled fingers she gained entry to the fridge and saw it stocked with a variety of things, only a few of which was food. Just then she heard footsteps outside the entrence, so she quickly swiped a box of sugarboms, some iguana bits and the refridgerators lightbulb. she pocketed her items and quickly slipper out of the window before returning casually to the streets, the house owners none the wiser. Claude took out the lightbulb from her pocket and examined it "... sometimes... i really wonder why i steal what i do. i mean... a lightbulb! what the hell??" Just then a few men with combat boots and rifles in hand ran past her, she quickly stepped to teh side to avoid being knocked over. "whoa whoa whoa fellas... where's the fire?" One of the men turned round "sorry miss, but we are looking for a uuh... monster dog? perhaps youv'e seen... one.... possibly??" Claude noted that by the man's tone he was doubting the report that he had recieved, she used that to her advantage. "monster dog eh? where did you hear that?" she said the last with a bit of a chuckle in her voice. The man responded by a nervios chuckle "Crazy huh? yea, we heard it from this little kid who apparently got attacked by the thing." "well.... did anyone else see this ... monster dog?" "well uuuuhm... no.." "so are you sure that you want to be chasing after shadows? you do know the kid could be on something rite?" At this point the guards embarrasment was apparent. "Well.... the kid has given us some false reports before....." he laughed, although it seemed to be a rather embarrased laugh " sorry to have waisted your time mam." with that he and the other men left, probably going backto whatever they were doing. Claude let out a sigh "Razor... you owe me one."
  21. hey... ;( you are forgetting about me. | V what are these? XD :D besides, the answer is simple. atleast i think it is.... A) we need more users to come to this thread, and also more proper users to come to the nexus, not only people obsessed with spamming and posting that which is not neccisary. I think that the Order of the dragon is a worthy topic. hmmn... how can we make it more... interesting.... *processing :P * <clickied.>
  22. Granted, but you wont be able to get your hands on a good enough 3D software programme and will have to settle with blocky swords that can't be textured HAHAHAAHH!!! <-_- that would be like hell to me.....>
  23. im banning Branimirzg for forgetting that the Lounge dosn't count posts <i wouldnt be novice if it did ^_^ >
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