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  1. Put him down. King, God, Wife, whatever.... put em down. now in the case of children and many npcs, obviously the tactic is to break them to their knees, kill all of their retainers and ransack their immediate surroundings.... no need for revenge, put down all family and friends of anyone you put down. be persistent, this takes time. eventually you will have amassed more money in fines that there are septims to pay them in all of skyrim. dont worry eventually there wont be any guards left. try to lure all essential npcs to a position they can not recover from. -Pits (cant climb out) -Fireplaces (continuous wound recovery cycle, effectively paralyzed) -leave children wherever they flee to they arent really capable of attacking you... just remember to be back in ten years,.... cause a deal is a deal and everyone involved with anyone you kill has to die.... again be persistent, this takes time.... I've been tracking down dunmer that ive been tracking the lineage of since morrowind on through oblivion. at this point it is an academic excercise, as the odds are staggeringly high i have already killed their mate or a friend or family already so I'm pretty much engaging in multicultural ethnic cleansing... skyrim shall soon belong to the animals.... unless one of them crosses me.
  2. The syrim lvl system is sorta unfortunate, when you get to the right lvl daedric becomes common unfortunately.... not available but common. you wont get a daedric sword from a boss, no that would be cool. youll get 3 daedric swords a mace and a daedric bow on the way to the boss, and they will be dropped by skeletons.... when your at the right lvl. all the shop keeps will be selling daedric when you return home to sell all those daedric items the skeletons dropped. I wish they had a system where like 5% of npcs were loaded, like 3-5 times as wealthy as others, not only higher end items, but armor, higher qual pots, and rare ingeredients, higher end gems etc etc etc... just a tougher dude. you'd have 16 bandits, 3 of em had a few glass items, most had steal and one of em had enchanted armor / daedric greatsword etc... the "boss"
  3. I wonder about Woman cops. All western cops wear Kevlar armor on duty. Even the men find their chests and shoulders much bulkier than normal, I presume womans kevlar is tailored a bit differently with a cavity for the breast to squish into.... mind you its not a large cavity and the breasts are still firmly pressed.... its not about fashion its about stopping bullets. A realistic female plate would probably work best on a small breasted woman, a or b cup simply wearing a male plate where the chest area had been somewhat deformed and moulded outward, also the woman should wear thick woolen padding around her shoulders, neck and across the front of the chest, to make the armor less abrasive to her chest / shoulders where a lot off the weight is going to rest. not quite Xena.
  4. kratos is right, silver owns both vamps and werewolves. the funny thing is there is a quest (no spoliers) where at some point a werewolf is forced into a fight with the silverhand and absolutely trounces them. heres an idea: disarm shout or ranged combat, bow / magic. you can never reduce the damage bonus from silver, but you can drink health potions to boost max hps for ex, and use poisons to bring silver hands down asap, like paralysis poison
  5. Arrow to the knee.... Arrow to the knee.... Стрэлка да калена.... Стрэлка да калена... פייַל צו די קני..... 膝への矢印 Flèche vers le genou!! KILL ME NOW!
  6. TES VI: Condition Zero Now with god damned headshots.
  7. yo, the way smithing works is, your smithing skill lvl effects the base you can upgrade any item at all, leather to daedric, however wen you get a specific perk for ex: elven smithing, you get that base upgrade celing doubled. for ex: lets say you have elven perk and not glass perk (yet) you can up elven 6 times, but glass only 3.... so get the glass perk! heres one annoyance, it works for weapons too :( so if you go for light armor you wont be able to heavily upgrade daedric or ebony for a long ass time. (assuming you even bothered with the perk, as you wont be using heavy armor)
  8. you might have clipped the prisoner himself during the battle... I've seen other situations (orc strongholds) where you are agro, but the npc you are agro'd by is talking to you, handing out quests selling stuff etc... acting cool. but since you hit them or whatever they report you)
  9. First char i ran through main quest fastish, ran into dragons all fall day, was irritating s hell... I'd go for a quest get interupted by a dragon and use all my healing pots then get burdened witha million tons of bones.... back to goddamned whiterun ok second fast travel worked better, no dragon... clear the dungeon then exit. OH NOES DRAGON... too bad im low on health pots, shame i cant fast travel either.... so i run for like 5 mins until it loses agro then fast travel again. they were irritating first run. second run tho im lvl 33 and have only 4 dragon kills, 2 of em were "kill dragon located at" quests.... only 2 random spawns. but I'm barely into the main quest. Soon the deluge.
  10. I wont post the spoiler about specifics, But anyone interested in the dark brotherhood will find available a shack in the woods that is safe to store stuff for free early in the quest.
  11. Nicely done hahaha. I've got a half assed set of smithing and alchemy clothing myself, low lvl enchants mind you but im going combat first. nice to know how high the ceiling is tho! gj.
  12. its a bit of a pain but theres a reward for it, the game is trying to make you wander to every store to sell your stuff, and since your there you might as well think ahead. if you are interested in enchanting later on (but not now, I need to up my X skills) when you sell at a shop and they run outta money, consider picking up a few soul gems, same goes if your smithing later, pick up ingots / leather same for alchemy. Always buy out the best arrows at evry store for ex, even if your not an archer. Better to use glass than iron if your a half ass archer anyway. so doing this buy and sell helps boost your speech perk and all the other crafting perks (in the future due to stockpileing) the speech perk that allows you to sell anything to anyone is a huge and critical perk. you might even want to train speechcraft to rush for it. speechcraft training at: Windhelm Pawn shop - do a quest for owner, he can train you to lvl 50. Winterhold: Bards guild can train the hell out of your speechcraft.
  13. heres another issue with smithing, If you want light armor and smith the left perk tree you will be confined to glass blades of high quality until you finally breach 100 smithing and can add the perks from left to right in order to smith daedric and ebony blades. I am irritated currently that my glass blades are much stronger than my ebony... and i cant smith ebony until I can get 100 pts for dragon armor, and THEN get the perk on the otherside so as to avoid wasteing perks on orcish / etc etc
  14. I want to add a question on top, related to the thread. The game does not imply that a black soul gem is better than a grand soul gem, but is the black gem better? so the only reason for black soul gems is to get grandsouls more easily by not having to defeat uber bosses for them, but merely a bandit or even a shopkeeper or homeless. nice..... I'mma enchant a new greatsword and name it "Hobo's Bane" and use a grand soul from a street person to do it.
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