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Everything posted by KingGsterUK
@SkyrimModHunter - My apologies for not being around over Christmas time and not noticing your trouble sooner, I've recently had an Infinity Engine addiction, hence my absence. (Oh how I wish that modding scene was as active as this one :sad: ) I hope posting this information can still be of some use to you. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ What you need: Main quest - Has stages, objectives, aliases and dialogue Silent quest - Doesn't have any of the above, it's just a shell with a script attached to it Add your silent quest to story manager, so it will receive events from story manager First off, my main quest has a "blank script", nothing in it other than the script name. It doesn't need one at all but I'm not deleting it because I may still use it, for something. Secondly, this is the script that is attached to the "Silent Quest". Scriptname ThePropLevelScript extends Quest {Completes an objective in another quest on level up.} Quest Property ThePropQuest Auto ;This points to ThePropositionQuest (your main quest) Int ThePropStage ;declare an integer variable event OnStoryIncreaseLevel(int newLevel) ;Recieve event from StoryManager, integer variable unused ThePropStage = ThePropQuest.GetCurrentStageID() ;Our declared variable is now the current stage of the main quest at the time of this event if ThePropStage == 10 ;This is checking if we are on the correct stage ThePropQuest.SetObjectiveCompleted(1) ;If we are, do this if ThePropQuest.IsObjectiveCompleted(0) ;Check if we've also completed the other objectives while we are at it ThePropQuest.SetStage(20) ;If we have, advance the stage on to the next ThePropQuest.SetObjectiveDisplayed(10) ;Also advance the objective displayed endIf endIf endEventThirdly, if you'd still like to pull the mod apart yourself, I've included it here, attached to this post. It's not really a mod, and doesn't deserve to have a full release. It was just the beginning of an overly ambitious project that aimed to allow the player and an NPC to build a central marketplace in Solitude, from planning and hiring to building and managing. A place where the player could place bulk orders for crafting supplies, botanical supplies, cooking supplies as well as hire staff, manufacture and sell products. It was meant to be a business mod that would be unrivaled with real-time building, new animations for carrying and laboring and constructing, Horse and cart deliveries and much more. My imagination is getting carried away again, I think I'll leave it there. TheBusinessPartner.rar contains TheBusinessPartner.esp ONLY - I can guarantee it's saftey Happy modding :)
Help! Cells dropping off the world! Disappearing land!
KingGsterUK replied to Noobo's topic in Skyrim's Skyrim LE
Maybe it's possible to clean such things in TES5Edit? -
Getting a custom summon to use a custom summon?
KingGsterUK replied to xunderxdosedx's topic in Skyrim's Skyrim LE
You could try placing the base actor in a cell and see if he uses your custom spell. Maybe a summon can't summon? If that's the case, you'd have to script a new magic effect for the new spell i think, to be free of any limitations. -
This was supposed to be a legitimate question to anyone out there with scripting experience but nearing the end of writing this lengthy post, after fleshing out my scenario to all of you and proof-reading what I'd written, I finally figured it out. The mistake is laughable and certain parts may also trigger peoples humor, that and this might actually be of some use to people who may encounter the same problems as me - is why I'm submitting a question, with an answer all by the same guy without edits. That seems so weird but without further ado, the original post: Hi all. I'm working on a practice mod to learn the basics of quests, dialogue and scripting. I have a quest, that so far, gives the player 2 objectives to complete at the end of some dialogue with an NPC. The objectives are like prerequisites (Obviously) :blink: for the next stage. But they're a bit... Weird. Well, one is. #1 I've never seen an objective in game that instructs you to "gain a level" and I'm struggling to find a way to complete "Objective Index 1" on a level-up event. I have an "NPC", a "quest", some "stages", some "objectives", some "dialogue", an "alias" pointing to the player and a "quest script". If I could write the script I needed in English, it would look something like this: #2 Even if I converted that into code it wouldn't work and would look something like this: #3 I get no errors compiling the above code. It doesn't work because it's not getting the event sent by story manager. That's understandable because I haven't told story manager to start this quest on level up and "I don't want it to start an already running quest up". Understandable, understandable. :huh: So I created a new "Silent" quest, QuestThePropLevelEvent, selected the "Increase Level" Event and added a new Branch/Quest to Story Manager, pointed it to the new quest and set some conditions. I then made a new script to go with the "Silent quest", with just this in it: #4 I thought, great, all I need to do now is set the stage of the other quest from here. <--- The True Moment Of Eureka and the point where I answered my own question I was going to ask "HOW THE HELL DO I CHANGE THE PROPERTY IN MY MAIN QUEST's SCRIPT FROM INSIDE THE SILENT QUEST's SCRIPT!!?? all friendly like. The thing is I don't need to change the property of my "Main quests script", that property shouldn't even be there, because that quest isn't receiving the event from Story Manager. Deleting everything in the "Main quest's script" and putting it all in the "Silent quest's script" should do what I am trying to do. To actually finish off what needs to be done to get this to work is: 1) Copy/delete the code from ThePropositionScript 2) Paste it into ThePropLevelScript 3) Point the property towards "QuestTheProposition" 4) Save everything and try it out in game And Kaboom! Everything works! Happy G :woot: Note: Checking whether the player had 5000 gold in their inventory was quite simple to figure out from the creation kit reference pages. Whether I'm doing it the most efficient way, is not likely but it's working. For anyone that wants to implement an objective similar to "Objective Index 0" in the above table, can do so like this in the #6 spoiler tags and anyone else interested in code or wanting to optimize it can read it too: #6 Note To Everybody Else Troubleshooting Code: Take some time to think about your code logically, even better from someone else's perspective. - Try and explain it, do a step-by-step, does it make sense? Can I make it more efficient? Do i even need to do it like this? - Things like that. Thank you to those who read this and Happy Modding :thumbsup:
I'm not particularly sure for Skyrim but when I was making things in Oblivion I exported all the different pieces of the armour as separates, with uvw and skin information as an nif then open a similar looking vanilla armour in nifskope as well as all your separate nif's in new nifskope windows. I'd then delete the branches of the vanilla meshes and one by one copy/paste the branches of all my own separate pieces into what once was the vanilla armour nif. I'd then go through each of the pieces and make sure the textures they are using from the uvw information is pointing to the correct folder /textures/whatever/whatever. So basically what your aiming to do is make all the little individual pieces separate, export them as separate nif's, then assemble them all together within nifskope. While your in there you can make sure all the other data is correct. I'm sure it's still a very similar process.
http://www.howtogeek.com/howto/windows-vista/get-the-linux-altwindow-drag-functionality-in-windows/ (run as administrator) This simple lightweight programme allows you to press Alt+Left Click on any part of the window and move it off the screen to the top (or anywhere) so you can see the rest of the dialogue box. I've tried 2 desktop managers (Dexpot, Gimespace free to no avail) and other similar Alt+Left Click solutions but this one is the only one that I've found working with the CK. This a an old thread but I wish I would have found a post like this straight away instead of trial and error for nearly 2 hours. Hope this helps! Happy modding! :wink:
Trouble summoning a size scaled creature (mini dragons)
KingGsterUK replied to KingGsterUK's topic in Skyrim's Skyrim LE
Cheers steve. I managed to create the spell which summoned multiple miniature dragons, obviously the speed at which they moved was scaled down drastically with there size. What surprised me was when I gave them equally increased speed under the actor>stats tab, which I gradually increased from 100 but ended up settling on 2000, I noticed only some of the miniature dragons responded to the speed stat changes. Whether coincidence or not it was the unnamed ones (elder/ancient/ice lake). Going back in the CK, I made all the mini dragons use the same combat style (csDragon), summoned them again and Alduin was moving a little faster, Paarthurnax and Durnerviir were still at a snails pace. Right now I'm completely baffled. By using the in-game console, they respond perfectly to the command: forceav speedmult 2000 I think my next plan is to use the same unnamed one, for all, just changing the skins and shouts, see if that works. My last port of call is to dive into scripting tutorials and learn how to get things done. I'm having trouble just creating and saving the simplest of scripts, with just a scriptname, it won't save. -
Hey. Recently I've been playing around in the the CK, creating new summon spells, like Conjure; Arngeir/Vampire Lord/Werewolf/Frost Giant/Dragonborn etc etc. Crazy things. I overcome the hurdles presented by some of these creatures, like the Frost Giant who needed to be assigned to a new race which was "medium" size not "Extra Large" so I could actually summon him. Which I'm thinking I'll have to do for the mini Dragons, my next spell. What I'm trying to achieve: Create a new spell which summons 4 dragons. (twin souls has been changed) Each dragon is a scaled minature. Ideally using the CK summon feature. My problem is (apart from being rusty as hell); 1) I can't scale a base actor, it needs to be a reference. This can be done in the actor>traits tab, under "height". 2) I can't summon a reference using the CK summon feature, It needs to be a base actor with the "summonable" check box ticked. 3) I'm not proficient enough in papyrus to create a script that obtains the ref and scales the creatures. (the script manager is quite different from Oblivions) Sooo, I was wondering if you guys could help me out by showing me a workaround for 1 and 2 or help me with 3 :smile: Thanks.
If you can make Hobbits, I'll fall in love with you!
This has all been discussed to death really. I don't like Steam or Origin or anything like that, that tries to be more than just a download manager. I only use them, because I have to. I'd rather have all my games on physical disk that I actually own and don't require internet to use. Just because of that I'd prefer to not use Steam Workshop. About the CK. I like the new features, they look really cool, like the quest storyboard thing, use of dynamic lights etc. Epic. I'm just curious though, how easy will it be to make new spells and such in the CK? Hope it supports it unlike the CS.
Construction Set for Skyrim, where is it?
KingGsterUK replied to Hannibalektr's topic in Skyrim's Skyrim LE
I get most of the posts in this thread, in certain ways. Yeah I'm keen to get my hands on the CK, that's why I check back everyday, pretty much since they said January. But you can't please everyone. It's released when it's released, nothing we can do about it. The most important thing though, is that it's actually ready when they decide to release it. So I'm not bothered about the wait, if it does what it says on the tin. -
Sounds to me like they are both using the same armour slot. Like either your gauntlets are set as a body, as well as the actual body set as a body or your body is set as a gauntlet as well as your gauntlet set as a gauntlet, they need to be separate so when you equip them one doesn't disappear. If you get me. No idea how it's done without the CK. I refuse to start modding without it.
I want my sword to look like this ingame...
KingGsterUK replied to ghosu's topic in Skyrim's Skyrim LE
If you used crazy bump for the normal map, I bet you £10 you'd end up with a shiny metal texture. Might be worth just browsing Skyrim for something shiny, similar to what you want and using that. -
@cymraeg1989 Have you enabled the data file? I've downloaded that mod to test it and it works. It doesn't replace anything, it adds it to the game, so you have to enable the data file either through the launcher or using something like Nexus mod manager. But you say you are holding it and it's invisible.... So you must have enabled the file. Other than triple checking your file locations I can't suggest anything else. @tgirlshayna Those files are replacers. Which means the only thing you need to do is put the texture and meshes (.nif and .dds) into the correct folders and the game automatically uses them instead of the ones in the BSA file (Skyrim has automatic archive invalidation) Double check file paths and file names. For the Ebony Mail: Extract the .7z file somewhere, downloads/desktop whatever. Open the new folder/s you've just extracted until you see two folders, meshes and textures. Select them both and copy them. Navigate to your Skyrim data folder on your HD. ...program files(x86)/steam/steamapps/common/skyrim/data/ Now you're in the data folder, you should see a bunch of .bsa files. Paste the two folders you copied into here. Yes to all. Launch Skyrim and you'll see the new model when you look at a set of ebony mail being worn by a female. Repeat that process to install the nightingale armour. If that doesn't work then I'm lost. I've downloaded both and checked the integrity of the filenames and folders from meshes/textures onwards in the zip, they seem to match with what I have but I havn't installed it because I already have a female ebony replacer.
Just relaized something weird....
KingGsterUK replied to diamonddragoniori's topic in Skyrim's Skyrim LE
To the original poster. Imperials are sexist, you're right. For a reason, and that reason was pretty well summed up by the guy talking about gorillas. Kind of an amplification of what you see in the human race making the differences a lot more obvious. On the subject of muscle being strength or technique being strength, both is right and wrong. If you take the construction of the human arm, and measure pulling force, the more muscle mass means more strength. However, if you take the construction of the chimpanzee arm, with the same muscle mass as the human arm, the chimpanzee arm can pull significantly more due to the way it's built. They say chimpanzee's are 5 times stronger than a human, I think that's an over statement myself but pound for pound they do exceed our strength. In this sense, you could have fairly large muscles and think you're stronger than a Chimpanzee that has slightly smaller muscles than you. You're most likely wrong. However, humans share the same muscle structure. So generally speaking, the more muscle mass a human has. the stronger it is. You could keep attacking the idea and compare Cardiac muscle to Bicep muscle. Major difference in quality, strength and endurance at an equal mass. Some people will have slightly leaner muscle and are slightly stronger than others of the same size. Oh and also, it just depends what you feed these muscles. A car isn't going to run without fuel and a race car will run better with better fuel. -
I want my sword to look like this ingame...
KingGsterUK replied to ghosu's topic in Skyrim's Skyrim LE
I love your model, nice scabbard too. Well done. You generally get better reflections with higher resolution textures, what's yours? I haven't used Nifskope since Oblivion but assuming it's still similar on the NiTexturingProperties you can adjust a few setting there to help the way light is reflected/emitted or how bright/dim the texture map is displayed on the model. Try tweaking these and you might be able to create a better effect. Also, your normal map colours for the blade and polished metal areas of the model should be "high" that will help with giving a realistic metal shine. Probably more than the Nifskope tweaks. -
I'm gonna have a play around with the kit, definitely! I think Skyrim is short of an arena or two and I think I'll play around with castle sieges attacking/defending, coordinated battles, new weapons and armour maybe, that sort of thing. Can't wait.
It sounds like a file location problem. When you download a mod it will be a .zip or .rar or .7z and often when you extract it there will be a folder within a folder then your files. You've probably got multiple folders in your data folder with the same name as your .rar's. So just double check. When I install mods I extract the .rar where it is and open the new folder. Open the next if there is one until you get to your textures and meshes or whatever. Then copy and paste those into the skyrim data folder.
No mate, that only allows you to change yourself. If you bring up the console, you can change their race, by selecting them with the mouse and typing setrace dragon. That will turn them into a dragon. Do a google search for "Skyrim console commands" and check out some of the lists. You can do pretty much whatever you want to an NPC on the fly (in game), change their stats, scale them up/down in size etc. Alternatively, if you wanted to do the same to yourself as you've done to an NPC, either select yourself and type in the commands using the same format, or you could type in "player.setrace dragon" that way anything could be selected because you've already specified the target. If you know the reference for a specific NPC you could use the latter format to change an NPC without the need for it to be visible and clickable. For example, ( I have no idea but let's say Esbern has a reference called ebernref) you would type esbernref.setrace dragon. Boom he turns into a dragon on the other side of the map. EDIT: Of course you could just wait for the Creation Kit. Doing that to any NPC, you run the risk of breaking a script that checks to see if they are a particular race, stat, whatever. So it's not really advisable to make changes like that to a save game your currently working on.
What version of windows are you using and exactly what file are you trying to execute?
We all know Bethesda is pushing for mods on consoles, this is their first step towards that. If they prove they can manage content that is uploaded to Steam, to a Microsoft standard, they can push forward with their plan. Good for console gamers as they get pretty much unlimited user made content. Although if they carry on following the trend of controlling mods and content, they could make the future CK's Steam exclusive. Not good. In the meantime, the Nexus will always be what it always was. It's not just a Mod Hosting site, It's an encyclopaedia of knowledge. People come here to learn how to mod. We share ideas and inspire others to go and make new things.
I've just took the time to read Steam Workshop's contribution agreement and disagree with many parts of it so I won't be submitting there. I don't want to pay for mods. I don't want to charge for them either. Keep everything free. However donations are a good idea. You don't have an obligation to pay but you might just come across the odd persons work that blows you away and you donate.
Just found this and thought I'd share it, info on new updates and the Creation Kit http://www.bethblog.com/index.php/2011/12/01/skyrim-what-were-working-on/
I think what he's trying to say is, he'd like to see dragon weapons in the ultimate smithing perk because atm it sounds like he's gone the light armour route through smithing, got 100 but is restricted to glass weapons as the best he can craft. Personally, I really think bethesda should have put silver and mithril on the light side. We're are definitely going to see dragon weapons, lots of authors will attempt them. If I was going to make dragon weapons though, I'd probably base them on their teeth, and give you another crafting resource to collect.