My favorite race is Dunmer, but I tend to play Nord way more often these days, here's a char I made a few days ago (and kicking ass with him): Race: Nord Class: Elementalist Attrib.: Intelligence, Willpower Focus: Magic Major: Axe, Block, Destruction, Medium Armor, Restoration Minor: Acrobatics, Alteration, Athletics, Conjuration, Security I can join every guild with this guy, but I know acrobatics and athletics are a poor choice... and I hardly use conju, but ah well. The reason I like Nord + Atronach is the 100% frost-, 50% shock resistance and 50% magicka absorption. To give my char an ever greater boost I visit the cave/tomb northwest of Seyda Neen for the Mentor's Ring (+10 int, +10 will) and the cave northwest of Gnisis for Denstagmer's Ring (+30% resist fire/frost/shock) :)