Hi, I just had a few ideas to throw out there for potential mods... I was thinking that it would be cool to have the leveled lists spawn weapons and armor with varied damage/defense ratings. Ratings that are different from smithing upgrades and skill level. As an example, say you loot a chest and find a steel sword that deals 9 damage as is with your current level. The steel sword you currently own does 7, again, without any upgrades. Same with armor, but with defense rating. I just think it would add to the effect of discovering new items in the world, without it being a completely different weapon/armor piece (by name or model). Also, with items that you find with enchantments already on them, instead of having a 25% to 50% buff on a skill or effect, we could add more possibilities by going in between those two percentages (26% difference to 27%, etc). Would this be at all possible? My second idea was to add actions to NPCs in cities and towns that add to the illusion that you're not alone in regards to your actions. An example would be to script one NPC to pickpoket another in a city with the possibility of getting caught. I realize that there are the occasional thieves that spawn in town that guards attack, but you never see them in the act of stealing. Another part of my idea was to add unnamed NPCs to cities that shop in markets and roam around town during the day and leave the town at night, or place a few of them in taverns. Would it be possible to script NPCs to actually purchase items from vendors? Like a simple transfer of an item from a vendor's inventory to the NPC's pockets with a small amount of gold added to the vendor's cash? I don't know a whole lot about what can be possible with the CK, so I thought I'd just suggest a few things. I appreciate anyone that takes the time to read this, and I hope I'm posting this in the right place and all that. What do you think? Is it possible? Thanks!