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  1. I thought that too, but if you're in the Thieves guild, you'd get a dialogue option to call off the robbery on account of you both being guild mates. This just started happening recently, and the issue seems to spread to more than thieves. Anyone have any ideas on what could be causing this?
  2. Hi, Just having a small problem with some random encounter NPCs not initiating conversation when they should. Thieves that try to rob you while on the road run up to me but do not start conversing. I've noticed this same problem with other encounters, such as different NPCs that taunt the player into combat. I've disabled all of my mods, but still have the same problem. Is this by any chance a known issue? Thank you!
  3. Thank you for responding! Although this isn't the mod I remembered, it looks to be worth a download. Thank you for suggesting it! I really wish I could remember the name of that one mod... Oh, well. Maybe those features will be included in another mod in the future, or even Shenk's overhaul. Cheers! :)
  4. Hi, I seem to recall a mod that makes guards follow you around when you are in the sneaking posture and when you have your weapon drawn. For the life of me, I can't remember what it was called, but I searched the Nexus and the web and can't find anything that is related to the mod. I just spent over two hours looking, and I hate to do this, but does anyone know if there's a mod that does this? I don't know if I'm posting this in the right place, and I apologize if it isn't. Can anyone help me? Thank you so much!
  5. Hi, I just had a few ideas to throw out there for potential mods... I was thinking that it would be cool to have the leveled lists spawn weapons and armor with varied damage/defense ratings. Ratings that are different from smithing upgrades and skill level. As an example, say you loot a chest and find a steel sword that deals 9 damage as is with your current level. The steel sword you currently own does 7, again, without any upgrades. Same with armor, but with defense rating. I just think it would add to the effect of discovering new items in the world, without it being a completely different weapon/armor piece (by name or model). Also, with items that you find with enchantments already on them, instead of having a 25% to 50% buff on a skill or effect, we could add more possibilities by going in between those two percentages (26% difference to 27%, etc). Would this be at all possible? My second idea was to add actions to NPCs in cities and towns that add to the illusion that you're not alone in regards to your actions. An example would be to script one NPC to pickpoket another in a city with the possibility of getting caught. I realize that there are the occasional thieves that spawn in town that guards attack, but you never see them in the act of stealing. Another part of my idea was to add unnamed NPCs to cities that shop in markets and roam around town during the day and leave the town at night, or place a few of them in taverns. Would it be possible to script NPCs to actually purchase items from vendors? Like a simple transfer of an item from a vendor's inventory to the NPC's pockets with a small amount of gold added to the vendor's cash? I don't know a whole lot about what can be possible with the CK, so I thought I'd just suggest a few things. I appreciate anyone that takes the time to read this, and I hope I'm posting this in the right place and all that. What do you think? Is it possible? Thanks!
  6. I was just thinking about suggesting a mod like this, glad to see a mod has been made. I do have other ideas that I'd like to share, too. :) I was thinking if it would be possible to create an NPC stationed near each city that you could hire to smuggle you into a hold for a price. Maybe along with getting access to a city while you have a bounty, the NPC that could smuggle you in could also provide you with a head piece that would make it so guards would not recognize you from a pre-determined distance, and if you get too close, the guards would start to follow you around with suspicion. I'm not a modder, but I just like to throw ideas out there. :) Any thoughts? Thanks!
  7. Hi, I've been having a problem trying to get any mod that changes respawn times to work correctly. The first one I tried changes the timescale to 3 days for cells to respawn. It does respawn the cells, but only after one day. This affects both inside dungeons and set encounters found in the wild, such as wolves. The second mod I tried was subscribed through Steam's Workshop, called "Faster Cell Respawn", and that one worked for a few times, but eventually nothing respawned. I thought I might have a conflicting mod, so I disabled the ones I had but things still seemed not to respawn. I've been hearing about the possibility that one of the recent patches broke these types of mods, but the publishers of the mods said that they've been working fine for them. Do these mods require a new save to function correctly? The mods I use are as follows: Interesting NPCs Better Water Glamorous Combat Cowardly horses Cutthroat Merchants Easy lift bodies Enhanced Blood Textures Realistic Ragdolls and force Deadly aim rank 2 Dynamic merchants Essential Followers Faster Daggers Followers Keep Up Food effects The high resolution texture pack (provided by Bethesda) Faster, more powerful horses Increased Inn/Cart Costs Kill them generals No Werewolf form cooldown Lost art of the blacksmith magic scaling More rain Deft movement perk enhanced no perk prerequirements (Perks) open faced guard helms owned inn chests Realistic lighting/patcher reduced distance NPC greetings skyrim respawn 4 (the one I'm currently trying to get to work) Slower Skills v1 Sounds of Skyrim - Dungeons valuable hunting walk (equal walking speed for both you and NPCs) Weapons of the third era weighted gold werewolf upgrade gender and race heights I searched this forum for a possible solution, but found nothing. I've had this problem since I first installed any respawn mod. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thank you!
  8. I, for one, believe this is a wonderful idea. I have wondered why Fallout 3 has not yet had a mod for such a thing. If there were to be any upcoming mod that would incorporate such a thing, it would most likely be greatly appreciated by many. It sure would be appreciated by me. :)
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