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Posts posted by XxLunaMothxX

  1. OMG OMG OMG!!!! I get the same problem!!!! idk how to fix it... but the first time it happened I was like "... wtf.... wait....0_o..."

    And it keeps going too right? No matter what... thank god I'm not the only one... because I thought it was my Silent Hill mod. But it stopped when I disabled ALL mods. Seriously.. I think Bethesda wants us to stop modding now 0_o'

  2. Well if there was an ending-outcome I could decide...

    I would have all the major factions (including the powder gangers and great khans) terminated from the Mojave. Leaving very few survivors, making the desert eventually reclaimed the city. And the inhabitants of freeside, westside, and the strip would all disperse back out into the waste. As well as the fiends would be the most common encounter in the Mojave. Eventually the survivors would build new cities over the ruins of the old remnants, scrap cities comparing to megaton but running underground. The creatures such as deathclaws and cazadors would migrate inward to vegas and the strip to new vegas would be under the sands of the Mojave. Eventually the robots the courier had control over would rot away and the Mojave would start rebuilding itself... slowly...


    Also btw I'm wondering why they didn't have karma play too much a role in the endings. I mean in fallout 3 the ending was pretty much decided upon your karma... also IMO fallout 3's ending was a lot better...

  3. Alright, so after my PC got messed up I had to resintall Blender. And the only version I could find was the 2.58 version, and I can only find a 2.57 version of the niftools. Also, I can't find the 2.57 version of blender to get. So either way, I can export or import .nif or .kf files. So... does anyone know where I can find a 2.57 version of Blender to download? or a 2.58 version of the niftools (if they exist yet)?


    I'll be watching.


  4. 254: Things don't go according to plan

    255: There are a wide variety of robots to tend to your EVERY desire

    256: Winning the lottery isn't very rewarding when you brag about it to everyone...

    257: If you punch people nailed to crucifixes and then fall down, then they just get back up crippled say "help me"

    258: Gamblers walking around randomly are "having the time of" their "life".

    259: When you exit old buildings beware of a gang of old ladies holding rolling pins because they'll try and kill you.

    260: Wastelanders say hello to dogs :3

    231: When asked if I am a maker of war or peace, then I get an option of "Pizza"....

    232: Lots of people say "nayhay theres the high roller"

    233: If you unties benny he isn't the best fighter....

    234: Never open bathroom stalls in Vault 22

  5. If you something repaired then while ingame equip your item, and go into console and type player.setweaponhealthperc <whatever percent you want it repaired>. Also note that after doing this that you won't be able to get anymore steam achievements (if your using steam...).
  6. When you sell your personal things to a vender, you are adding your items to their inventory. The easiest way to prevent them from "selling" it is to not sell it to them at all. After a certain period of time (I think it's 72 game hours) their inventory will respawn and everything you sold to them or bought will be reset to how it was 3 days ago... thats kind of how the inventory thing works... if that makes any sense...


    So I'm thinking the answer of that being possible is relatively close to the borderlines of no...

  7. Wow... interesting topic. I think I'll watch this if the thing kicks off. Oh yeah.. my character...

    EDIT: Will add a snapshot sometime around.

    Name: Rosaline.

    Gender: Female.

    Age: 21.

    Race: Vanilla Caucasian (with ashara hair).


    Combat Style: A big (really big) melee weapon (preferably sledgehammer) while wearing a classy small black and white striped dress. Sometimes a knife... for the occasional "La femme" or "Black widow" murder.

    Specialties: Persuasion, Barter, sharp objects and big melee weapons.

    Weaknesses: Snipers.... she hates those guys.

    Likes: Rebelling against big factions, also disguising as NCR and killing an entire camp without one trooper knowing... and she's very fond of the color black.. and the color white.

    Dislikes: New York.

    Wants: To visit Silent Hill someday, and to kill every big faction and drive them from the mojave wasteland. Oh, yeah and to avenge her friend Shay.

    Fears: Giant cannibal bunnies.

    Friendly Factions: Great Khans, and Powder Gangers...for now.

    Enemy Factions: Brotherhood of Steel, NCR, and Legion.

    Companions: No one. She's a loner.

    Love interest?: No one...

    Parents: She's adopted. Poor thing.


    Early life: Adopted by raiders. Raised in west New York, and was constantly abused by "family", kids, and others. So she was pretty much treated like a slave... but she had one best friend, and that friend would stick by her no matter what... her best friends name.. was Shay. Shay was eventually abused to the point of suicide where she took the .32 pistol, and placed it to her head.


    Teen years: By the time she was 15 all that anger rolled up into a greasy fist... one day she took her step mothers fireaxe and started to slowly murder and kill everyone who abused her. When she had left the town she took a monorail system to the outskirts of the Mojave desert...


    How did she become a courier?: With little money and pretty much no job to be done, she was kind of forced into becoming a courier... and that's where her story in the Mojave began...


    Quick Description: She doesn't kill out of hate though... she kills out of love...

  8. Is the .dds you're using about the same dimensions as the original and saved with DXT1 compression? Is it located in a folder with a proper file path? Do you have any kind of archive invalidation activated, such as the one used by Fallout Mod Manager?

    The .dds is the same dimensions, and no I didn't save it as a DXT1 I don't think, I put it in the same path as the other loading screens, and my archive invalidation (to what I know) works fine. I'll check around with the format I saved the .dds, when I checked the original loading screens they didn't have mipmaps... or is that just me?

  9. Alright so I have looked about everywhere and asked quite a few people on how to make your own custom loading screen appear in fallout new vegas. When I tried experimenting how to do this I got everything to work except the loading screen image itself. Could someone shed some light here? I use Gimp 2.0, if that helps at all...
  10. I was wondering if anybody has ever figured out how to make it possible to give the player character more than one facial hair style at a time.


    For example, being able to equip the "Man's Man" and the "Machiavellian" to create a sort of makeshift goatee.


    Hopefully this is possible, I'd love to see this in-game.

    It is possible but I really don't know any other way than by saving them together in blender and re-exporting them as a new facial hairstyle. You might wanna try that.

  11. Dang....that was alot of reading. Thanks to the awesome creator and well...if he gets hit by a train or something then we'll lose alot of hard work (unless of course that hard work is stored on your sacred red USB drive). Btw thanks for taking the time and typing all this. It's a VERY interesting read.
  12. I need a mod that automatically adds an item to the players inventory and allows him to edit his character when clicked on. I haven't found any mod for this and hell I tried doing this myself. None of that worked out. I need this for a series of filming I need to do. Kudos to anyone who can get the job done.



  13. Double click on where its says NiNode and type in BSFadeNode and, save. Compare some other vanilla nif's you'll see that they all start with that node. I've found when I forget to change this after exporting from blender, My custom Nif's can act funny.


    If that doesn't solve your issue upload one to a file share site and I'll take a look to see if I can figure out the issue.



    Now I got this error...|:S

    Ill give u the file later..g2g 4 now

  14. Ok so...I was gonna test to see if my export worked and I put my .nif file into the new static and this happened....(Link Below)


    Click Here

    (The file in the upper-left hand corner is what I'm trying to export.)


    Thanks, if you can help. :S



    Post a screen of where I can see the entire nifscope screen. You may need to turn it into a BSFadeNode.


    Ok..heres the full .NIF view.

    Click Here..plz

  15. Ok so...I was gonna test to see if my export worked and I put my .nif file into the new static and this happened....(Link Below)


    Click Here

    (The file in the upper-left hand corner is what I'm trying to export.)


    Thanks, if you can help. :S

  16. If you want to contribute to helping make the mod I have been working on for o' so long, you can do 1 or more of the three following things.

    Remember, I just need help so there might not be too much rewarding things, EXCEPT to have the Silent Hill mod released. So.....3 things I need.



    Number 1: Since when you travel to Silent Hill you get stripped of all your items, (dont worry you'll get them back), I was wondering what kind of outfit do you guys want when you get into the town (it has to be already in-game).


    Number 3: I need someone to Animate the models AFTER they are made/ported . The reward for the animation is you will get an easter egg considering something about your profile in-game as well as being in credits list, (sounds cheap but thats all I have to offer)



    I have finished number 2 on my own, but still 1 and 3 are here...so if anyone wants to help, PM me.

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