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Everything posted by NamesAreUseless

  1. Hope I'm not sidetracking the thread too much, but ... [offtopic] I'm part of the team developing Lays of Althas: Sundered Order (we're called Epoch Games ;)). We are moving away from Skyrim. When most of us were working on MERP, we generally found the Creation Kit too limiting for our ambitions (the heightmap bug with AI was a major downer, animation import limitations, etc). So for our new project, we'll be using CryTek's CryENGINE 3 Free SDK, a proper game development tool. You can find our first announcement on our team's ModDb page. [/offtopic]
  2. As a MERP representative, I'd like to point out that our Middle Earth probably won't be in any way connected to the Skyrim landmass (even via debug teleport commands). Because of the already huge size that our v0.1 release (Rohan, which will be about the size of Skyrim itself) is planned to be on its own, we will likely end up deleting the Skyrim world for filesize purposes. When we call ourselves a total conversion mod of Skyrim, we mean it :thumbsup:
  3. You've heard of MERP, right? We should have some of those armors in our mod (of course, MERP is much more then just new weapons and armors ;)).
  4. You all are aware of the MERP mod, right? Rivendell is planned to be in the mod for sure (although may not be implemented for awhile).
  5. Chill out dude, its just a movie prop :tongue: I do like the Witch-king's crown from the films. Its "out-of-this-world" scale really works well with the fact that Ringwraiths aren't human (well, not anymore at least) and shows off the Witch-king's grand position within Sauron's forces. I doubt any of the modelers on the team would want to do a different design of the crown, so I imagine it will be in (I just don't want to make promises I can't keep). Speaking of Rohan stuff ... http://www.moddb.com/mods/merp-middle-earth-roleplaying-project/images/rohirrim-weapons1 I would also like to point out that three of these swords are original designs (done by concept artist Nuvendil and modeled by BGS). Judge them as you choose to, but I think this shows that our team is capable of good original designs. Original sword designs (in case you haven't recognized the original design ones): http://www.moddb.com/mods/merp-middle-earth-roleplaying-project/images/more-rohirrim-weapons1 Our slogan has always been "Our goal as a team is to realize the world of J.R.R. Tolkien as closely as possible to his vision. We hold the lore to a very high standard and will try not compromise to it. We use the films for inspiration, but base our visual design mainly on the descriptions in the books ..." (although this slogan used to be worded a bit differently, same meaning). Mind you, a majority of the designs from the films should see a place in MERP. Creating "alternate versions of weapons" just to appease movie fans would be wasted resource time in my opinion. I would also like to point out that there are lots parts of Middle Earth not shown in PJ's LOTR films, but will be in MERP (and I can assure you won't be in PJ's The Hobbit movies either). When it comes to these locations, we have only the books and concept art from other non-WETA artists for inspiration. The Shards of Narsil right now are planned to be in two pieces, and being held by Aragorn until they're reforged, like in the books (instead of the many pieces it was in in the films, and the fact that they were at Rivendell instead of with Aragorn). Aside from that, we're planning to use the same sword design (same goes for Anduril). Speaking of Narsil and Anduril, Isilmeriel (aka tomato on our dev forums) is the Overseer for Visual Design on the MERP team, so you will be seeing her stuff from the LOTR Weapons Collection mod in MERP :)
  6. MERP will have what you're looking for once its released (although not sure if we'll be giving any of them Isengard Uruk-hai armor, it may be reserved to only Uruk-hai). Keep in mind that orcish races will be an NPC only race (they are without true free will in the lore).
  7. We might make this piece of armor for the MERP mod (no promises though, we may decide on our own original concept for Second Age Noldorin armor)
  8. Just to let you all know, rongphale is now a part of MERP (since it wouldn't be LOTR without mounted combat!) and he has the full support of our team :) I will pinpoint him to this thread for some of the good ideas I've seen here.
  9. I think we're (MERP) planning to. Only reason we wouldn't is if some of our modelers would prefer to make a Witch King crown of their own design (our mod does change, and doesn't use, some of the WETA movie designs)
  10. Hey Daniel, what's your screename on the MERP forums? @StuartSmile: Check the mod's profile on Moddb, where it says "Release Date." TBD = To Be Decided. There is no release date, the mod will be done when we say it is. @ghosu: Yeah that KnightOfGondor guy asks A LOT of questions >_>
  11. You've heard of MERP, right? http://www.moddb.com/mods/merp-middle-earth-roleplaying-project We actually did get us permission to use the Oblivion Galadhrim Armor from Arynn for MERP when it was still being worked on for Oblivion (he even made us a couple retextured versions for the project itself). Now about it appearing in MERP Skyrim ... actually, since you pointed the lore-aspect, it is a bit of a concern to the team that the films portray elven gear quite differently then the books (specifically with swords, since it seemed that only orcs and evil men had curved blades, and elves had straight swords; I think there was one named curved Elven sword in The Silmarillion, but that's the only example I can recall). However, that's just the swords, I can't remember if Tolkien ever mentioned anything about Elven armor, in which case the Galadhrim armor wouldn't be going against lore. So basically what I'm saying is that you might see the Oblivion Galadhrim Armor updated for Skyrim in the MERP mod ;)
  12. As a representative of MERP, I can tell you that that video was just to show off that mounted combat (at least melee-oriented) was implemented successfully into Oblivion. Damage was simply decreased for the purposes of the demo. Also the same scripter/animator who was doing MERP & Blade for Oblivion (and that video) is also planning to do MERP & Blade for Skyrim (only this time to finish and release it). The reason it was never completed for Oblivion was because MERP was already in the planning stages of moving to Skyrim at the time. By the way, MERP & Blade might end up being a seperate submod to MERP, in which case it could be used with the vanilla Skyrim.
  13. You mean Isilmeriel? Yeah she's the Overseer of modeling on our team (she's goes by the screename tomato on our dev forums). She just decided to release those swords on her own volition, it won't be a common practice of ours to release weapons/armors to the public. I really don't see the point either: its not like a set of armor is going to change gameplay or anything. You'll all just have to wait for our first public release (no release date right now, we still have a lot to do).
  14. MERP is in the process of making Rohan weapons and armor http://www.moddb.com/mods/merp-middle-earth-roleplaying-project/
  15. Then MERP (Middle Earth Roleplaying) is up your alley, since we want a playable Dwarf race in our Skyrim version of MERP ;) http://www.moddb.com/mods/merp-middle-earth-roleplaying-mod
  16. You've heard about MERP, right? http://www.moddb.com/mods/merp-middle-earth-roleplaying-mod We are still looking for new team members. Feel free to check out our forums: http://merp.straygenius.com/forum/index.php
  17. Verendum, I hope you've heard of MERP? We are a Middle Earth total conversion mod. We have a large group of modders already with the same goals in mind. It is a project that started off back in Morrowind and will moving onto Skyrim (our new heightmap is over 10x the size of Skyrim). If you have any nodding skills, feel free to fill out an application in our forums: http://merp.straygenius.com/forum/index.php Um, How about a little confidence in MERP? We just released a new beta for Oblivion a couple days ago (and we will be moving on to Skyrim from here)! http://www.moddb.com/mods/merp-middle-earth-roleplaying-mod/
  18. I'm one of the modders on the team: how about putting a little faith in us? MERP Beta 0.2.6 is near public release for Oblivion (and it'll be a big release from MERP 0.2.4), and after this release we'll be focusing on the MERP port to Skyrim.
  19. MERP is not dead. I should know, I'm on the mod team! You have checked out our Moddb page, right? www.moddb.com/mods/merp-middle-earth-roleplaying-mod Currently were working on the MERP v0.2.6 release for Oblivion (should be out soon to the public). Afterwards (and when the CK is released), we'll be concentrating on MERP for Skyrim. Heck, we even have a new Middle Earth heightmap (bigger and better then the old one!) all ready to go!
  20. Yep, it's been a LONG time since I last posted, but I come bearing a gift for the new year ... MERP Beta version 0.2.4! Download it today! :biggrin:
  21. Nice. We will get to see that great character !!! Dont' forget Goldberry.lol She won't be forgotten, don't worry ;) Although we are working on two main questlines focusing around the Fellowship (the Ringbearer and 10th Fellowship Member questlines), we don't have a questline where you play as Gimli. But a playable Dwarf race should be in the next upcoming Beta, along with many other playable races ;) You do know this is a TOTAL CONVERSION mod, right? Of course this mod is taking place on a new worldspace! This Middle Earth worldspace is 7 times larger then Tamriel! Want proof? Middle Earth: http://i128.photobucket.com/albums/p161/ob...rthOverview.jpg Tamriel: http://i128.photobucket.com/albums/p161/ob...ielOverview.jpg Well we are in no way editing Tamriel. Middle Earth is on its own separate heightmap. So using the console command "cow tamriel x,x" (X being the coordinates) from the Middle Earth heightmap should transport you back to Tamriel. Actually in the current Beta, where we haven't implemented new races and just have the Oblivion vanilla ones, you still start the game in the prison and everything. In order to get to Middle Earth with our current Beta version, you need to do a "cow middleearth x,x" command in the console. Just see for yourself in our current Beta version which you can download here: http://merpmod.ning.com/page/get-merp
  22. The guy who has done the 3rd Age Gondorian soldier gear is also working on Citadel Guard, Tower Guard, Gondorian Ranger, and maybe even 2nd Age Gondorian Gear. BIG NEWS: A new public Beta version of our mod is in the works (MERP version 0.2.4) and has a release date of January 15, 2010! Also, we're throwing a banner contest. The winner will recieve VIP access to our Developer forums, where they will get access to what we're working on in the shadows that most fans don't get to see: http://merpmod.ning.com/profiles/blogs/new...the-developpers Also, the Nazgul Sword worked on by one of MERP's new developers, Isilmeriel, has been released in a mod that people are free to download: http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=28714 I'd recommend endorsing it, it's a beautiful sword :)
  23. *dusts off thread* Wow, it's been awhile ... Updates incoming! Annuminas (a ruined city in Arthedain) http://img26.imageshack.us/img26/1180/screenshot212i.jpg http://img26.imageshack.us/img26/8958/screenshot213x.jpg http://img26.imageshack.us/img26/4712/screenshot214.jpg http://img136.imageshack.us/img136/3114/screenshot215u.jpg Lebennin (a province in Gondor) http://img35.imageshack.us/img35/5272/screenshot232.jpg http://img35.imageshack.us/img35/4552/screenshot233h.jpg http://img35.imageshack.us/img35/8527/screenshot234n.jpg http://img35.imageshack.us/img35/1493/screenshot237.jpg http://img35.imageshack.us/img35/9662/screenshot238u.jpg Laketown (in progress) http://img337.imageshack.us/img337/9889/ob...11091904112.jpg http://img337.imageshack.us/img337/4606/ob...11091909254.jpg http://img337.imageshack.us/img337/7760/ob...11091906157.jpg http://img337.imageshack.us/img337/6707/ob...11091909393.jpg Weapons & Armor (MERP Exclusives) http://img214.imageshack.us/img214/7681/sambarrowsword.jpg http://img527.imageshack.us/img527/5421/faramirsword.jpg http://img21.imageshack.us/img21/8694/eowynsword.jpg http://img697.imageshack.us/img697/3100/gondorarmor1.jpg http://img337.imageshack.us/img337/1716/gondorarmor2.jpg http://img81.imageshack.us/img81/8032/gondorarmor3.jpg http://img337.imageshack.us/img337/6410/gondorarmor4.jpg http://img265.imageshack.us/img265/6546/ga...fwhitestaff.jpg http://img69.imageshack.us/img69/3064/ringwraithsword.jpg http://img42.imageshack.us/img42/1354/moriagoblinshield.jpg Dunland Architecture http://img10.imageshack.us/img10/161/tempzb9.jpg http://img707.imageshack.us/img707/6800/temppe2.jpg Rivendell Architecture & Stuff http://img707.imageshack.us/img707/2347/tempet8.jpg http://img707.imageshack.us/img707/3991/tempnp0.jpg http://img707.imageshack.us/img707/1416/tempej6.jpg http://img31.imageshack.us/img31/9214/tempso8.jpg http://img31.imageshack.us/img31/4996/tempxc2.jpg Rohan Architecture http://img31.imageshack.us/img31/7793/rohanhouselong.png http://img31.imageshack.us/img31/4259/rohan02.png http://img31.imageshack.us/img31/444/rohan03.png Minas Morgul (needs work) http://img707.imageshack.us/img707/7545/42082656fq5.jpg Weathertop (WIP) http://img14.imageshack.us/img14/5434/update1o.jpg http://img14.imageshack.us/img14/9008/stepsm.jpg
  24. Sorry for the double post, but I wanted to update everyone that Arynn is still working on his armor. Here is a response I got back after PMing him: And this response was recent, as of November 16.
  25. We hope to do the Lorien robes and all that stuff as was seen in FOTR :)
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