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Posts posted by Skyler6669

  1. So, I have TSLCRM or whatever the hells it's called. I am Handmaiden in the Telos Secret Academy, and I have just killed the sisters with Handmaiden and then I waltzed over to the Meditation Chamber door to find it closed. No cutscenes, no way out, no nothing. I uninstalled the game and reinstalled it without TSLCRM and it worked, I fought Atris. I don't know why no one in TSLCRM mentioned this huge drastic bug, but it's pretty angering, I'm not going to lie. It makes TSLCRM worthless to me. My game is the highest version. TSLCRM is the very latest. My computer is a 6 core processor with Radeon Graphics of the most expensive order, the entire package being $3000. There is no game this computer cannot play, especially a game with such washed out graphics and utterly primitive engines and scripting such as this. I play Fallout 4 on Ultra graphics with over 200 mods for example, and it's smooth as butter.

    So please, someone tell me some invisible console command that will allow me to pass through the mediation chamber doors to fight Atris. Otherwise, I will have to uninstall this game and leave it in the dust. And don't bother telling me to load a previous save. Even though I keep records of my saves every two hours of gameplay in numerically ordered folders, it will not help; I must come here and fight Atris with Handmaiden eventually. There is nothing to stop this glitch anyways but by uninstalling TSLCRM and the game is worthless without it, even though it does cause heeps of bugs. I also have KSE 3.3.3 or whatever version for whatever reason. I have not used it though for my later games, as I found no use for it, but I have read about its capabilities and the globals that can be edited, but I find none that are relative to this issue. So anything you can give me to get me out of this bloody mess, would be just wonderful, and greatly appreciated.

  2. I had a problem with a good amount of my saves not loading in Skyrim, searched the Internet far and wide and found a good deal of answers, none of them working for me, until on a whim I found a quick-fix that seems to make my saves loadable again. It's weird. I thought of it when someone in another post was talking about plugin load order issues causing saves not to be loadable.

    So I went into "My Documents" and then "My Games" and "Skyrim" then "Saves" (or wherever your saves might be), and I deleted the .skse files with the corrupt saves that I had actually written down to flag as corrupt and then replaced their .skse files with that of one from an earlier save, copying and renaming until I had replaced all the .skse files. I did this for 23 saves that were previously unloadable (and I MEAN unloadable with quick CTD on click), and it worked. ALL corrupt saves were again able to load. Try it out if your having this problem.

  3. I got it! I found the problem! When I installed CHSBHC for CBBE, I overwrote CBBEv3. This time, I chose not to overwrite, and it got rid of the glitch when I opened bodyslide, but what in the world is that going to do to my body physics in game? This means CHSBHC is incompatible with the latest version of CBBE and needs to be updated or a patch is needed. Very frustrating indeed.

  4. You need to use outfits that were made for the version of CBBE you're using. If you're using CBBEv3.3, then anything earlier than 3.2 will be hit-and-miss, as the UV maps are different.

    The first pic looks like one of the TERA outfits, so you should be using the BodySlide version of it. Dunno about the second, but a number of bikinis-instead-of-armour mods out there have been converted to BodySlide, so it's probably also on the mod listI

    I have this same glitch. I am using the proper CBBE addons however, and always use Bodyslide versions. But this same glitch is on ALL of my armors, and on ALL bodies in the game, even completely naked, including my player character. What in the world did I do wrong? It wasn't like this on my other computer. I think I installed some CBBEv3 addons in the wrong order or something and it screwed up my body.

  5. Well...it is cold in Skyrim, so you can see why the didn't, but I was really dissapointed when I killed a male vampire with Vampire Robes on, only to find that stupid black dress that makes me look like a school girl with a flannel sock dress code. It's ridiculous to look at the Nexus and not find a retex of the Vampire Robes. Laughable. I would think, with all the mods, someone would make this. The subtle darkness and social mystery of the female version of the vampire robes makes it a unique clothing item in Skyrim. There should be several versions of it. A girl I know made a version of it with the pant-legs of the Vampire Armor (very cool pant-legs) and removed the skirt, leaving the top mesh the same and adding wrist-bands beneath those cool sleeves, as well as some clipping on the top for cleavage. She doesn't care to upload it to the Nexus though, or have anything to do with the Nexus for that matter.

    The Vampire Robes should contain a retexture adding a few versions, one with the pant-legs of the Vampire Armor (for those of us womyn--or men or like to play us for whatever reason--who don't like to go running around in skirts, since a skirt in combat might as well be the sign of a dead idiot, or a socially bankrupt individual ignorantly applauding cultural standards) and then a normal version like in your picture there. There is a lot of cool things one could do with this clothing to make it better. I hope someone does it. A girl can dream.


    Ha! I would love to have that problem. I've uninstalled and reinstalled the game with Bodyslide and CBBE and I have NO textures in Bodyslide FOR ANYTHING. It just says "No Image" over every single body part. How's that for stupid luck? Gods I hate this game.

    BodySlide mod description, FAQ9.


    No need to necro a three year dead thread for this.


    Hey, who knows who's still listening. And in what profane weird anachronistic culture is "necro"ing threads a bad thing? Who made it that way? Who decided that and then made a bunch of stupid littlle slogans like "necroing"? You have to ask yourself these things all the time, so you don't get lost in the crowd.


    Anyways, I got it fixed. What was the problem again? There are so many with CBBE usually... Hmm. Oh yeah, the missing textures. I went into the Bodyslide settings and set the Skyrim data folder location, since for some reason the installation this time didn't install it in the right folder and I had to change it (which would be the tenth time I've had to reinstall the game this month. All good now.


    Remember to check the folders everyone! if you ever have that problem. It's in Settings when you open Bodyslide, at the bottom.



    I thought that Fallout 5 was already set in New Orleans?

    There is word that it will be set in Houston, Texas, with a DLC in New Orleans. But really everything is just rumors. Bethesda is dead-silent on the topic, and no matter how many "predictions" Game Informer, GamePro, and PC Gamer make, they are all irrelevant. I have a petition going, of course, to make Fallout 5 set in New York, Tokyo Japan, and London England, all at the same time. This petition will go directly to Bethesda.



    Fallout will never be set outside of the U.S.


    Much of the thematic content is centered around McCarthyism (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/McCarthyism).


    That just doesn't really work as part of the setting outside of the United States.

    Frankly, for that reason, I would personally never want to see it set elsewhere.


    I wouldn't mind seeing a new IP that took place in China and was set in the same timeline, but not under the Fallout label.


    Oh come on. That's some narrow thinking there. You've got to know that there was a huge culture of McCarthysm all around, even in the UK, including Spain! at that time. Just different versions. That content dwindled severely in Fallout 4 anyways compared to 3 and NV. And I only got London, from a BETHESDA survey that was launched asking people if they thought it would be cool to make a UK Fallout, or a Tokyo Fallout, or just go to California. I found it interesting so I made a petetition for all three at once, since those were the top ratings. Each Fallout, Bethesda hires more designers, and more, and more, and more. The ideas are getting more interesting each time. As the ranks bloat and fill with enough heads, anything is possible.


  8. I suppose it's possible to make modding a plug n play sort of thing. Just make a list of all the records altered by the most popular mods, starting at the top of the top mods list, and declare those records off-limits to any other mod. Any mod that conflicts is deleted from the server until it's fixed.


    But who would want to mod in that sort of environment? By now, you probably wouldn't be able to move a single tree, and all the girls would be running around wearing iron bikinis.


    You *can* play with over 200 mods installed, but you're not obligated to. Try playing with 30 or 50 only. It's amazing how smoothly the game plays AND how easy it is to add a new mod when you decide to be really, really picky about what you install.


    Yep. I see your points.


    I've never really been able to play with very many mods. My old computer was 8 gigs of RAM, all Radeon, a fair HD video card, and a Quad Core Processor. Now, as of a couple weeks ago, I got an Asus Master with 32 Gigs of RAM, a 6 Core Processor, an unbelievable AMD Radeon Video Card, all Radeon as well ofcourse. Ge-Force, Intel, and Nvidia have always had too many bugs for me. I'm running with a happy 403 mods now and lag, slowness, and glitches, are reallllllly far from my mindn now.

  9. lol ... funny. Sorry, but I think at some point we all have been there.


    Here is how you do it for reals ...

    #1 Re-download Skyrim and start out with a fresh copy

    #2 Get TES5EDIT LINK then clean your masters and later the added mods. Check out this video

    #3 Get LOOT rolling and use it to sort your mods loading order and check for dirty edits LINK. Check out this video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CqFCLrYn30c

    #4 Now that you understand how to use them tools and have cleaned all your base .esp's and have the Unofficial patches for the content you have ... exp: Unofficial Skyrim Legendary Edition Patch.esp

    You are ready to start adding mods ...


    First clean the mod with test5edit ( unless the mod tells you not to do that ). Then add one mod test it out. Then one more and so on. Building up mod by mod testing each one as you go.

    You may hit a mod that just don't work with a mod you already have installed. In that case you have to pick one of the two ...


    Truth is modding Skyrim is a game within itself (kinda). There is no way around doing the homework ... Have fun and good luck (it's easier then it looks, soon you will be a modding pro).



    Thank you very much. This was my brother's computer. Apprently he used the crap out of his Skyrim. It had all kinds of things that needed cleaning. I gave it a very good cleaning.


    My Skyrim is now working better than ever thanks to you. I'm pulling an amount fps I've never seen before and there is no lag at all in Race Menu and other menus. (Never even heard of no lag in menus, they've always been choppy on my other computers). I'm running graphics on Medium still though with minimal antialising, just for performance. But my, I have 403 mods activated and 448 total. And it is running splendid.


    Never used LOOT before. I'm using it now, and I'm very impressed with it. The code, the scripting, everything. It's one of the most innovative endeavors I've seen for these games.


    My hat's off to you. Have a good one.

  10. " installing the select mods I want to select", which may or may not be properly selected (compatible, well done mods). Blaming bethesda for frustation caused by attempting modding without knowing what you are doing doesn't sound right, it's not bethesda making the mods, it's not bethesda installing them either.

    Oh you'll have to bear with my comments on Bethesda. You obviously don't hate them like I do. I severely hate them. There is no Bethesda game I think is remotely worth playing without mods. I'm in college majoring in Internation Business and Graphic Design. I did C++ and HTML classes until I got my Advanced IT Certificate. My dream is to create a corporation where I one day hire modders from the Nexus, and the other two major sites you probably know about, and use them to create much better games than Bethesda. I think the modders of the Nexus have displayed much more ingenuity, creativity, and overall innovation; except for the occasional lack of initiative, but who can have an abundance of initiative when you're not making bank by making mods.

  11. I thought that Fallout 5 was already set in New Orleans?


    There is word that it will be set in Houston, Texas, with a DLC in New Orleans. But really everything is just rumors. Bethesda is dead-silent on the topic, and no matter how many "predictions" Game Informer, GamePro, and PC Gamer make, they are all irrelevant. I have a petition going, of course, to make Fallout 5 set in New York, Tokyo Japan, and London England, all at the same time. This petition will go directly to Bethesda.

  12. Ha! I would love to have that problem. I've uninstalled and reinstalled the game with Bodyslide and CBBE and I have NO textures in Bodyslide FOR ANYTHING. It just says "No Image" over every single body part. How's that for stupid luck? Gods I hate this game.

  13. I've installed Skyrim over and over again for about three weeks now, installing the select mods I want to select, dealing with the MOST INSANE stupid problems. I have a 2000 dollar computer, 6 cores, 16 gigs of RAM, Radeon Video cards, EVERYTHING RADEON. I'm bloody DONE! I'm done with Bethesda. I'm done with Skyrim. I'm done with Fallout 4. NONE OF THEM work right. NONE OF THEM. I will PAY a modder who actually knows this stupid gibberish and has a working game, which I've never seen before. Everyone I've EVER seen play Skyrim or any Fallout game has a history of bugs 10 times the size of their history of fun. That's not cool. That's stupid, lazy, and disorganized. That means despite all the Nexus has done, it can collapse at a moment's notice and then it was all for nothing. Where's a modder who actually has a working game that knows how to use Mod Manager or whatever the hell they use who I can PAY to install my copy of the game on my computer with all my selected mods and get it running RIGHTHTTHHTHTHTHHT!

  14. It would have to be motorcycles. Way more practical for the terrain in Fallout 4. And for cars, Borderlands 2 style buggy things, or whatever the hell they're called. Something can actually survive the rugged terrain of broken asphalt and rocky roads. Motorcycles would be the coolest though. We're talking about a x10 Mad Max style apocalypse game with motorcycle textures and meshes already in the game. If anything, motorcycles should happen. Think about it. It would be much easier to fight on a motorcycle. Animations could show the player with a firearm in one hand will driving. This would be one hell of a difficult creation though, because you could never just pop a vehicle in Fallout 4 like the FNV mod. A vehicle that you just dissapear into and drive with no circumstances and effect on the world around you and no available actions while inside the vehicle except getting in and getting out? No, that won't do at all. The difficicult thing about vehicles in Fallout 4 isn't making them; it's incorporating them into the gameplay of Fallout 4 as a very actionable item. That's TONS of behavior scripting, meshes, AI--the list goes on endlessly. Forget the sex mods. Those are a walk in the park compared to how incredibly hard it would be to make vehicles in Fallout 4. The horses in Skyrim and Oblivion do not provide near enough of a script and navmesh foundation for vehicles, not even close. But years and years from now, maybe, just maybe, it will happen.

    However, I don't think vehicles like that will ever come to Fallout 4, or if they do, it won't be worth downloading. I predict that Fallout 5 in London will be the Fallout where vehicles make their appearance.

  15. I have a Smartphone Pip Boy for my Fallout 3. There is a mod for it. I don't know why someone hasn't done that for Fallout 4 yet. Things are a bit slow now for Fallout 4. The speed of mods released was plummeted higher than any game I've seen and now it's just kind of stagnant again, at least compared to it's initial rise. However, I'm sure someone will do the phone Pipboy thing.

  16. I'm really unimpressed that the only ring mods for Skyrim do not show more than one ring on at a time. I've tried all of these mentioned mods. They are either very buggy or still show only one ring. I remember playing Oblivion I was able to equip one ring on each hand. It might have been with a mod, might not have. It's been years. But this is sad, but really surprisingly so. Bloody hell, I wonder how long it'll be.

  17. Yeah, they are definitely calling you a non-Nord. It happened to me to. I've played the game on a variety of computers and there are actually instances where they call you a trueborn Nord and all that shite. It's a glitch, not a mistake in the game. I found a way to fix it before. I just don't remember how.

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