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Posts posted by paulrhyan

  1. Until recently my gold would show in my inventory under MISC. I noticed today that it isn't showing in my inventory. At first I thought that I may have accidentally stored it in a chest at home. This was not the case. Then I thought the save file was corrupted. I checked several other past and very old saves and the gold isn't showing in inventory there either. It took me a while to realize that I still had the gold [by looking in the lower right corner of my screen where carry weight, gold and health are displayed], it just isn't showing in the inventory like it used to.


    While I guess it technically doesn't matter since I still have the gold. I'm a little peeved at the change and would like to know why. I'm playing SE, not AE. Here are the mods I am running:


    8.4 A Quality World Map


    Acquisitive Soul Gems Multithreaded

    Buy Lumber In Larger Stacks

    Jaxonz Map Markers

    Jaxonz Renamer

    PapyrusUtil SE





    This started very recently, either yesterday or today. I have not updated an mods recently. Anybody know what has happened here?





  2. There are some mods for Skyrim that I would like to run but they do not seem to be available for SE. Can one even run mods across Skyrim versions? Here is a list of mods I am interested in using:


    Follower Map Markers or

    Custom Map Marker Redone or

    Player Created Map Marker or

    Jaxonz Map Markers or

    Player Home Map Markers or

    World Map Skyrim Hold Borders


    Only one of the above mods have dependencies. Jaxonz Map Markers requires SkyUI so I am quite doubtful that it will work.



  3. I have been playing Skyrim® for a couple of years now but I’m quite new to the modding scene. I’ve avoided mods mostly because it (used to) interfere(s) with earning Steam® achievements. Now that I found the AchievementsmodsenablerSSE mod here at NexusMods®, I’m getting my feet wet. Most of the mods that I’m interested in are bug fixes, inventory/map management, and cosmetic enhancements. Cosmetic enhancements, my friends, is where my idea was born.

    I have seen plenty of mods involving large naked boobs and cosmetic adjustments to armor. So… how about we start work on an UGLY CHRITSMAS SWEATER mod? By ‘we’, I mean modders that know how to do this. I’m just the pitch man.

    Who wouldn’t want to wander the streets of Riften wearing a sweater depicting Frosty the Snowman dressed in Adept Robes of Destruction while casting an Incinerate spell? Or maybe you’re exploring the dangerous Kolbjorn Barrow. Even though there is the constant menacing presence of draugrs, you are not worried because you have the warmth and protection of an ugly sweater that depicts Santa; decked out in full Dragonplate Armor and wielding an Iron Greatsword of Ice. Maybe the Santa sweater could have an enchantment that increases your carry weight.

    ‘We’ could class the ugly sweaters as light armor, level 31 maybe. Then they would be fun and useful. Also, it would be nice if this armor were developed in such a way that you could gift it to a follower who would wear it. Just think about the bonding experience you and your spouse would have raiding Lost Echo Cave while wearing matching sweaters. Maybe if ‘we’ have time ‘we’ could also create festive footwear like Falmer-foot slippers or Troll-head booties. Perhaps an enchanted toboggan hat? Who wouldn’t want to see Miraak as a balaclava?

    As of this writing it is almost June. I think if ‘we’ got to work now this could possibly be ready to roll out by Christmas. Any takers?

    Thank you for reading.

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