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About DaisukeNiwaKun

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    Fallout 4
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    Skyrim, Fallout New Vegas, Fallout 4, SimCity 4000

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  1. I like the new design, but... The main page is to narrow for me. It should be 5 row on larger screens instead of 4 or at least should be configurable in settings Top bar should be centered as it was before or at least blocked to some position. If you are use ultrawidescreen then the top bar is wide as hell. Game and mod list is awesome it's a life changer from what it was before. The new design is a little graphically degraded, please at least add gradient shading for some elements
  2. In response to post #76157638. #76165048, #76180733, #76258248, #76287918, #76292153, #76294828, #76296843 are all replies on the same post. Why? Using the same password is illegal or something? People remember one thing that user is not responsible for security breach. Ethreon if hacker would had access to quantum computer and if it were so accurate what people thinks they are. Then who would you blame then for the security breach? The user who use different 12 letter password for each of his account? For the record the quantum computer can decode 12 letter password in few seconds in certain conditions. I would like to make you aware that computers are getting faster and faster and in a few years even a 15-letter password may not be enough So I am asking who is to blame? User or a Hacker?
  3. In response to post #76157638. #76165048, #76180733, #76258248, #76287918, #76292153 are all replies on the same post. Actually you all gets wrong... The responsible one for this is the hacker itself that actually stole the data not the user. Users are stupid sometimes. In polish I call them "użyszkodnik" with means literally pest user. But does this mean the user's fault? No because someone else want to rob all of us! This is a lesson for all of us. To defend by yourself and not to count on third party or governments or god knows who else. That's why I suggest to start using stronger passwords, keep them safe in a notebook or remember them.
  4. In response to post #76171858. #76220643 is also a reply to the same post. Well it's obvious that you need to change password if there is a chance that someone could decode the hashes. Better to cold blow than woke up with a hand in the potty. If you know what I mean. It also means that this guy is ekhem... not smart enough. (No offense Oniichan001, but it means you have 47 accounts with the same password or you had a txt file with all your passwords which is stupid) I don't want to be rude, but your post could also leads the hacker to compromise you in the first place. You actually admit that you have 47 accounts with the same password which could make it easy to hack other your accounts.
  5. In response to post #76151748. #76159353, #76167778 are all replies on the same post. Well one of the best password manager is Norton Password Manager it's a pay program but it also had Firewall and Antivirus so there are only benefits and it cost much lower than lifetime subscription on nexus ^^
  6. Geeez people you are arguing about usernames, 12 letter passwords and god knows whatever else. I was mad too about my username but it's only a username it took me 5 min to understand this change. But one thing is really silly! Well the site knows exactly with user is premium and who isn't. So why when clicking download it takes me to a sub site to choose slow download or fast download. I think people here made a bad decisions and users will gonna quit not only because of their usernames and passwords but also because of the psychological forcing to buy a premium subscription. Staff add only a button, but what the future will brings? 30 seconds timeout with ads for free users next? Dear Nexus please stop where you are now because you choose the wrong side. The year 2020 should be better not worse! Do not let this happen. P.s. The subscription lifetime plan is little to expensive, make a promo.
  7. "and thus cannot ascertain how many - if any - email addresses, password hashes and salts were accessed. " - So you inform users about this almost 2 months later? From what I've read you should inform users immediately! here's the source: https://ico.org.uk/for-organisations/guide-to-data-protection/guide-to-the-general-data-protection-regulation-gdpr/personal-data-breaches/ How users can defend themselves if you alert this so late? Some of us buy premium membership what about payment information, credit card numbers? I know that many people here they do not realize the seriousness of the situation.
  8. I read a lot of comments here and people are seeing nexus by the prism of Skyrim. I know Skyrim is one of the best modded game here, but we can't look behind. We need to move forward to build a better future not only for Skyrim, but also for many other wonderful games out there. I think we should stop talking about Skyrim and focus on the future. This site need a new interface and NMM need a new engine that could handle not only Bethesda games! What users need is: 1.) A clean, fast website both on computers and mobile devices 2.) A mod community that is active and willing to help each other. 3.) A tool that can be used without any bugs (working with as many games as it can) 4.) and the last I think the biggest. A Person who is willing to share it's knowledge, resources, money and time to make this community a better place for everyone. I mean the owner of Nexus because without Him this cannot be done. We are only users that only demands something, but that's not fair. We need to share our knowledge and cooperate with as many subject as we can. I think we need to create a place where people can share their Ideas about how this community should looks like and a person who will moderate it. It's not an easy job I know. But One guy can't do all those things but with our help this could be done. Ps. As for the Skyrim special edition... Well It's a new game and it should be treat like a new game.
  9. I'd really wish to see a working demo. The first thing I will worry about this design is the loading speed. There are hundred of random stuff that gets loaded when you browsing the site. The design is very unique but you show us only, a very small part. We all curios how will look our mod pages, what new function you add to make it more interesting and functional. In overview the site look very cool, those ajax script are great, but there is still a lot of work to be done.
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