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About glensh

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    United States
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  1. I am trying to change the loadout of the troops in the Enclave Commander Mod NV Ed. I am new to this so I am starting out with small changes to get the hang of it. I tried changing the weapon and the hat worn by the 1st Recon Sniper. The weapon and hat are from two different mods. I was able to get the npc to equip the weapon but not the hat. Do I need to make seperate plugins. I was told to edit the second item using FNVEdit. I am not sure how to do that I am just changing the npc associated with this mod
  2. How do I change the load out of what the troops carry in the Enclave Commander mod New Vegas version? I just want to change the weapons carried Thank You
  3. How do I change the armor used by an NPC in the GECK I am wanting to change the NCR Ranger armor and NCR Heavy Trooper armor
  4. I'd like to add some armors as a disguise to the NCR. How do I do that?
  5. Okay but the problem I am having is the textures are purple Should I go to Nfiscope to check the paths?
  6. Okay, but I am having trouble figuring out what path they should be to fix it.
  7. How do I check the file path for textures?
  8. I am trying to fix an armor mod that isn't loading textures. All of the armors are purple. I checked the file path and everything seems to be correct. What else could I do to fix this? The mod is Medieval Skyrim http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/downloads/file.php?id=14492
  9. I need help or suggestions to create a look alike of Sam Worthington version Perseus from the 2010 Clash of the Titans. I know the overall look is pretty basic, a 5 o'clock shadow and a short buzzed cut look hair. But I can't get the facial structure to look right. And I am OCD so I've got to get it right. I admit though, I suck at character creation. Can someone with skill attempt this so I can have an idea? I think such a character would make the perfect Imperial Legion
  10. This request maybe be simply because of my OCD. But a mod I would like to make or seen made is when the character does certain actions, you see it with an animation. Such as eating and drinking, after selecting a food from inventory it is followed by a animation. Is this possible?
  11. Can anyone make a good suggestions for towns that have work to make profit.
  12. is there a trick to do a finishing blow on the dragons. I've killed two so far and nothing or nothing like on the preview
  13. I use Steam, and I've never had a problem with their system(Well some minor). And the occasional hacks are unavoidable, everyone in this day in age is risk to hacking. The dang U.S Govt is hacked daily (Which is no surprise, their idiots). But I am still ticked off at Bethesda for the simple fact that I HAVE TO use Steam. That just seems a little controlling. It even ticks me off a little more, I found this out after I paid for the game. Then again, there are possibly some advantages to having the game linked to Steam. Please correct me if I am wrong, but having the game linked to Steam means the game will be updated automatically. Plus it would be nice to be updated on the game news. It would also be nice to have easier access to DLC.
  14. Is there a mod or some file edit that can allow me to have all Knights of the Nine companions with me instead of just one? I have a Companion Share and Recruit mod already, but it doesn't give the option.
  15. I installed the mod MMs NPC Faces, and I would like to use one of the faces for my character. I know how to add it to both preset and save game, but I want to do this and have the NPC face set to default so I don't have a twin in the game. The NPC face is Lohgain from the mod. Link to mod: http://www.dragonagenexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=765
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