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Everything posted by Deleted1056177User

  1. Yes, exactly. Every object which may have Actor-Values and scripts should be okay. Thanks for all the help :) Meant to reply earlier but I had to reinstall everything on my computer.
  2. Thanks! I tried to make sense of what I was seeing in the Workshop and WorkshopParent scripts but it just gave me a headache lol. When you say create an object do you mean a workshop placeable object such as turrets, chests, wardrobes, etc? I'm still trying to get my head around the workshop system so that will give me an excuse to start messing around with placeables lol.
  3. Hi guys, I am looking for the scripts that calculate the defence rating for settlements but I can only seem to find scripts that use that value. Does anyone know where the value is calculated? I plan on changing the defence value provided by guards to also increase by a small amount based on their equipment. The equation to calculate how much they provide is as follows. If weapon dps >= 50 Defence Rating = Defence Rating + 5 Else Defence Rating = Defence Rating + weapon dps / 10 If armour rating >= 50 Defence Rating = Defence Rating + 5 Else Defence Rating = Defence Rating + armour rating / 10 This will be in addition to the 2 defence that is provided for each guard post they are assigned to. Any help finding the script I am looking for will be appreciated. Thanks guys.
  4. Hi guys, Does anyone else feel like the way that the game calculates the defence rating for a settlement is a bit underwhelming? For example, if I have a guard with a pipe pistol he contributes the same (2 - 6) defence rating as a guard with a plasma rifle and super heavy combat armour, also Turrets contribute the same defence rating regardless of whether or not they are Mk.1 or Mk. 5, etc surely the more powerful turrets should contribute more. Edit: Probably worth mentioning what it is I plan on doing. I want to change the calculation/algorithm for increasing the settlement/workshop defence rating so that it takes into account the Weapon DPS and Armour Total of the Guard that has been assigned. It would calculate an average of these two values and divide it by a suitable number so that you don't suddenly have 300 defence from one NPC. Turret defence rating would now increase by +2 per level to balance this the rocket/laser/nuke/etc turrets would need to have their defence ratings increased too (which makes sense since the rocket turret can kill almost all NPCs in the game in a few barrages). For the sake of balance though I would increase the resources required to build certain turrets. Any help finding them would be appreciated thanks :smile:
  5. Hi Guys, Haven't messed around with the GECK since New Vegas and was wondering how I add ammo types to levelled lists. I noticed a severe lack of shotgun shells drop from enemies in this game and I would like to add them to more loot tables but I have no idea where to start. Any advice would be appreciated.
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