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  1. Agreed. Anyway they survived pretty well in Raven Rock. It wasn't a Vault but it has all they need including laboratories and judging by the supermutans and deathclaws they had in there, they seems to been out in the waste quite alot of times :) That's my point: I guess they took the chance of the war to replace the president and all the politicans too in a quick sweap :) A nuclear sweap. It wouldn't surprise me if comes out that the persona vault of the white house was sealed and turned off to be sure that nobody will ever come out. I do hope too that in Vega we'll see some gaps filled but we don't even know if the game takes place, before, during or after fallour 3 events. I hardly doubt that the Enclave will be finished with Fallout 3. We are talking a military organization / shadow government that survived pretty well the war. No matter how many skirmish you win I guess their true number is quite large. America is a big country after all no?
  2. They have set up the vaults yes, but the Overseer was put in charge by the Vault Tech. You don't expect that every single person involved knows the secret agenda of the Enclave right? I suppose they weren't able to get inside for different reasons: change of codes, the overseer and down this line
  3. Either that or was a perfect replacment cause he/it didn't hinder their plans? :)
  4. I agree and I know that the Enclave is the old US government ... but it game the the clear idea that they had their own problems with leadership, if they trusted it to a Presidet AI, just an idea ofcourse.
  5. I agree but let's think about this for a moment: The Enclave was doing all this for his own secret agenda, counting on the fact that probably nobody had the guts to drop the first nuke, taking advantage of the situation in other words. And right now yes, they are all screwed up, so they have to use the Plan B, a "what to do" after the nukes. And we know what they want to do, wipe out the mutated, ghouls and any kind of resistance to build their new utopia :)
  6. I see and since the 4870x2 is a multigpu card, she is the actually culprit ... with Gambryo too ofcourse :)
  7. I start to belive that it was all an elaborate plot by the Enclave. Put together some vault with the official purpose to save humankind from nuclear holocaust, but instead use them to study different aspect of human sociology to better understand how to colonize another planet. Val-Tech is indeed a big corporation and for that reason they do as the people who pay them says. My guess is that the Eclave plan was screwed by the actual war: they probably though nobody had the guts to launch a nuclear strike and used the "general" fear to leave the population in the dark of their plans, using the vaults, studying them and so on. Otherwise why create specifica vaults (music, overseer and so on) when you can't collect the data after a nuclear war? The adventures of the vault dweller, since the first fallout seems like a drop in the ocean. You realize how big the weight of history is as slowly you go through the story but in the end, who actually cares now? I just imagine to be the main character. How thing will change for him knowing why the vaults was built, the plans of the Enclave and so on? He need to survive as first thing and try to find his dad, then project purity ... It's like ... I don't know ... It's like HE does have more immediate and real problems to face than chase ghost of a 200 years past. PS. Vault 101 was sealed and ment never to be open ... We saw very few people in there, nobody stopped for a moment and though: gene pool? I don't want to start to talk about weird cuckold/bull stories but do the math and tell me :)
  8. Had this problem too but there is a little mod that solve the problem. It's called Dree Repairs. I don't remember where I found it, probably by a forum or something, here the link from my personal site, just grab it :) http://www.webalice.it/exgemini/stuff/Dree_Repairs-4475.zip Just put this mod in the list and you won't have any more to bother on levelup problems ever. Enjoy! :thumbsup:
  9. Hi guys. I've been reading almost all the tech support section and I can't quite understand one thing right now. Is the HRD broken or simply doesn't works on random cards? Or worst it simply won't work correcly on Radeons? I own a 4870x2 and I can tell you easily that the problem is still alive since the launch of the game. At first I belived that the sky flickering was an "effect", since you come out from a vault and your eyes have to adapt to the sunlight ... but damn it cannot be that. Every damn surface looks ultra shiny or ultra dark and it's not a brightness/contrast thing. Ofcourse I'm running the latest drivers. I was on Vista 64 and now I'm on Win7 64. I used to have AA and Aniso set by the control center of the drivers and turned that off too just to be sure. So in the end, does anybody have a clue about this? Is HDR racist and doesn't works on AMD/ATI cards but works fine on NVIDIA? :) Is there anything we can do beside turning bloom on and hdr off? Thanks in advance!
  10. Nothing to do. Tried two times more to be sure but nothing worked :(
  11. Here what I do. 1) Open Geck 2) File->Data 3) Scroll Down and double click on the esp I'm going to edit 4) Click "Set as Active File" 5) Press ok and wait for geck to load all his stuff 6) I can edit what I Want but if I click save, he won't let me save on the original file. I will save it on another one and the size doesn't matches too
  12. Darn :) Thanks anyway I'll survive with a plugin, no worries :D Silly me is an ESP file... not an esm, sorry!
  13. Darn :) Thanks anyway I'll survive with a plugin, no worries :D
  14. It's and esm that contains a Crysis NanoArmor conversion for Fallout. I didn't like much how it was done and I'm trying to fix the data so that it mathces a little more the standard Stealth Armor. The tweak works perfectly, the armor does what I told her to do but I can't save the file on it's on esm.
  15. Indeed backup is a must :D I had my share of messing around with such things :) I tried to do as you said but when I click on save it promtps me to write a new name for the eps, if I click on the existing one it tells me "It's a master file or is in use"
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