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Everything posted by stragomccloud

  1. It would be cool to also get the OG cowgirl outfit for flashback Tifa too!
  2. I do hope someone makes something like this someday! This would be the perfect way to play the game.
  3. Years later and I'm having the same problem. I only want one copy of the mod. It's additionally confusing because looking at version numbers, it seems like the old mod is active an the new one isn't. I en up just uninstalling both and then redownloading the mod. It's an unneccessary hassle. Thread this was originally posted in:
  4. Yes!~!! Please this!!!! I hope someone nootices this. It's been a year already...
  5. Dwarves aren't the same as halflings. That said, Dwarves actually look perfectly fine in this game.
  6. This is exactly what I thought. It's like.... If everyone was a halfling, then it would be fine! But there aren't any halflings(yet?) in Dragon Age.
  7. Yes! Please!!! I know it would be a LOT of work, but maybe at least for the main speaking characters. Can we please have a smaller head mod??? I love the game, but this really bothers me. Only Dwarves look completely normal.
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