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  1. Basically - all I'm after is a mod that lets you either have your adopted children adopt more than 2 pets overall (perhaps if you have the Multiple Adoptions Mod, then you could have 3 canine and 3 critters) - it would not only help add to the immersion, as it makes sense for more children to equal more pets, but it would also mean you're not just limited to just Bran, or Vigilance - if you've already adopted one of these, you then don't have to feel like an awful person for abandoning Meeko. XD If anyone is willing to make this, or something like this - PM me, and we can refine ideas. I'd make it myself, but I know absolutely nothing about modding. XD
  2. Basically - all I'm after is a mod that lets you make any custom/modded home Bran's home - I've tried the "My home is your home" mod, but it doesn't seem to work with him. So basically - yeah, that's it. A mod that lets you send Bran to a custom home. I hope one of you out there can help me! :D
  3. I recently downloaded the "Multiple Adoptions" mod, and I've been debating over which house to choose to put my family in. I'm mainly considering Candle Pond Ranch or Dragonstead - with the former feeling more "Homely", but the latter having much more useful stuff inside (such as Dragon Priest Mask Displays, Daedric Artifacts displays, etc.) - but I was wondering, which would you say is the best "family home", with 6 Child's beds and such forth - one of these two, something else? If one of the above two, which would you go for?
  4. I tried this mod... but it only worked on Human followers. I turned to Vigilance, and... well - nothing, sadly. Is there any way to make him compatible with with mod? :S
  5. Basically - All I'm after is a mod that lets you make your home your animal follower's (that is, Meeko, Bran, Vigilance) home. It would be similar to this mod: http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/18045/? and would simply change the place that the animal returns to after you dismiss them. I'm aware that Hearthfire allows you to adopt an animal - but it's limited to 1 canine and one "critter" - which I think is a bit limiting, if you've fallen in love with Vigilance, yet feel really sorry for Meeko, and then learn that there asre Huskies and fall in love with them as well. XD Also, and one other small request - is there a mod that re textures Meeko and ONLY Meeko into a slightly different breed of dog (not a Husky), just to make him a little different from other dogs in the game. Many thanks, ~Silva'al Myme
  6. Now, I'm aware a mod like this sexists for Meeko, and there is a Husky version (but all that does is turn Meeko and Vigilance into Huskies) - what I'm after is a mod that allows YOU to adopt a dog, not one of your children - for YOU to decide to keep it at your house. So, basically, it could give you an option to change the Dog's default "home" location to your house, allowing for both of your children to adopt a pet, including one dog - but then also allows you to send ANOTHER home as well, but not have it assigned to either of your kids. As such, I could have... say - Blaise adopt Vigilance, have Sofie adopt a fox, and then personally send Bran back to Lakeview as well. If anyone is willing to make this mod, or find a mod that does this - I would be massively grateful! Many thanks, ~Silva'al Myme
  7. Well, I've been playing the game with Vigilance as a follower for a while now, and him and my characte have definitely formed a strong bond... but just recently I learned that you can get Huskies with the Dawnguard and they're just so adorable and awesome and ARGH HUSKIES! *Ahem* Anyway, I was wondering - is there a mod available that allows for you to adopt more than 2 pets for Hearthfire, and more than 1 canine pet? It would make this debate in my mind over who to choose so much easier. XD
  8. NOTE REGARDING THE JARL: The parameters for which Jarl is at which point would be as follows: If you do the quest before Season Unending, and you give Riften to the Imperials, Laila simply agrees to side with the Imperials - and then even though she's Jarl, you don't take Riften for the Imperials in the Civil War. If you storm as the Stormcloaks, she simply changes allegiance again. If you do this AFTER season Unending, you have to meet with Laila and agree for her to be reinstated as Jarl, with her changing allegiances. Then the above Civil War conditions are the same. If you do this AFTER the Civil War - you either just get rid of Maven, or you replace her with Laila - who once again, changes allegiance. Okay, so this does sound a bit more complex than I thought it would... but surely if the effort was put in it would be manageable?
  9. Here we go: (Side 1) http://i90.photobucket.com/albums/k262/jakeofthevale/2014-04-11_00002_zps512cf295.jpg (Side 2) http://i90.photobucket.com/albums/k262/jakeofthevale/2014-04-11_00003_zps62d45df6.jpg
  10. I have a number of "dream" mods... but right now the only Mod I really desire is for this to be made. http://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/topic/1593210-riften-vs-the-thieves-guild-a-mod-suggestion/ XD
  11. NOTE: The Pamphlets are found downstairs in the Pawned Prawn, as it turns out. I'll try and get a screenshot.
  12. I saw that one - and I do think it's good... I just don't think it's immersive enough, really. But something along the same sort of lines, yes.
  13. Addition: The aspect regarding the Jarl would be the case of having Maven ousted, say - before Season Unending or Completing the Civil War for the Imperials - there would have to be a way of keeping Laila as the Jarl. If Maven is already Jarl, there would have to be a way of having Laila reinstated as Jarl, etc, etc. In fact, it doesn't sound so complicated when explained like this, but I imagine it would still be quite an undertaking.
  14. Oh for crying out loud... today just isn't my day is it? Sorry - reposted this by accident. As with the previous mispost on the other thread - please ignore this. XD
  15. There are a few mods out there for dispatching the Thieves Guild - but none of them have that great a level of immersion as one would hope, and I feel that something slightly more elaborate is needed. Basically - there have been found in someone in Riften's house certain pamphlets regarding the Thieves Guild (I can't remember who's) and they could very well be from an unused "Destroy the Thieves Guild" Quest. Basically - my idea is such: Mjoll contacts you, telling you that she has a plan to rid Riften of the Thieves Guild once and for all - and she tells you to go and talk to the citizen that has the pamphlets. Upon talking to them, they give you the pamphlets and tell you to give them to the other store owners in Riften. You go about doing this - and give them each a leaflet. After giving them all out, you're confronted with a Corrupt Guard who knows what you've been up to, and arrests you. However, rather than throwing you in jail, he hands you and Mjoll over top the guild - and they incarcerate you. The next part of the quest is to escape - not sure how this part'd be done, but you don't actually run into any members of the Guild. After escaping, you agree with Mjoll that the plan is too long winded and that a new change of plan is in order. She says she'll go about telling the citizens, and that you should meet her outside the Ratway at midnight. When you get there, you find that the other citizens are outside, and that they're planning to storm the Ratway. You do so - and there's a big fight between the Riften...ites... :blink: and the Guild, and after you win, you have to go to the Jarl to tell them that the Guild is no more. This could lead on to a separate quest that's dependent on your point in the Civil War Questline, involving either exiling Maven or ousting her as Jarl - however, this would probably be an even bigger undertaking, and would take a lot of work. However, with a lot of people thinking behind it, it could theoretically be quite straightforward. However, while all these ideas are well and good on paper... I have absolutely no modding skill whatsoever. So I thought that perhaps I should suggest it to you guys here at the Nexus. It's just an idea - but I could actually see it becoming quite something, if people were willing to put the work in.
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