So, I've tried everything to get this damn quest to start and nothing actually works. The code is all there, the files have been checked, NOTHING will start this quest. It is an age old problem as my searches for solutions have shown but nothing has been done about it. After refusing Harkon's gift and being banished. NOTHING happens. No vampire ambush, Isran won't continue the quest, nothing. Don't suggest the usual solutions, it won't help. Tried it. On multiple saves. Multiple mod setups. The console commands, releasing all followers, resurrecting Tolan. The quest is just as fragile as wet tissue paper. You hit a vampire wrong in Dimhollow and the quest dies. It is beyond ridiculous that Bethesda, throughout years of people having this issue, so much that it's on a few wiki pages, and after releasing the game several times since then, have done NOTHING to fix this quest's fragility. I'm not a coder, and I'm not exactly going to trust myself to reach into the game's guts to solve this. I need a mod that will grab this game by the throat and scrote and say, "YOU'RE STARTING THIS QUEST, OR I WILL RIP OUT YOUR TRACHEA AND REPLACE IT WITH YOUR PULVERIZED BALLS!"