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Everything posted by etherdose

  1. Ok. I shall. Thank you for the reply. It is super late and I will reply sometime tomorrow or so. Thanks!
  2. Concerning Fallout 4. Is there a reason "GovnoWriter" keeps blocking me from his mods? I don't understand? I reported a bug then he blocks me?? I was not rude or crude and I was polite. I am just wondering what I did. I was polite and he has been deleting a few people's posts and ignoring bugs. He made the mod "craftsman". He made a few others and many of them are broken. It is just not fair to other players and it could potentially wreck people's games due to his negligence.
  3. Here's an issue that has been bothoring me for quite a while. I notice when I fast travel to a new location, the surrounding textures of (say walls,) starts out looking more bland/fuzzy. If I stand there for about 5 seconds, it changes all of a sudden to a more detailed texture (like how it is supposed to be.) I also notice this when I am on a loading screen. The turning picture starts out in a low grade texture setting, then in 5 seconds turns "prettier" and the skin texture of the turning object of a sudden looks detailed. HUH?? Any ideas on how to adjust or fix this? I use an Nvidia card and I specify graphics settings for the game. Is there a buffer I should set?? Maybe a setting I should turn off? I need help. Thank you! (below is a before and after...notice the closest wall......) http://i83.photobucket.com/albums/j294/etherdose/POSTED/ScreenShot57.png http://i83.photobucket.com/albums/j294/etherdose/POSTED/ScreenShot58.png
  4. Heya... I need an issue resolved. There is a mod Robot Home Defense. All very well. ~~~~~~ http://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/5787/? ~~~~There is a new mod released recently about settlement robots and the making of robots. I mentioned on the mod page to the author that he may have copied his mod and I asked what the difference are in his mod versus the original. His mod is called Robots coming to Settlements. His mod claims to be the first type of mod like this, which is untrue. His name is GovnoWriter. He ignored all of my questions and I was not rude, but he kept deleting my post (possibly because he is guilty.) I really need a moderator to look into this and please do something about this. From what I understand, he is using someone else's work and then adding "folklore" and other stuff that isn't true about him being the creator. Thank you for your time. He had no reason to block me from seeing the mod just now unless I had a valid point. Thank you for your time Michael Patrick aka Etherdose
  5. I have used many mods in my Fallout 4 game, (true,) but I am very cautious. I have lost about 2 long time game saves over corrupted backed up saves, had bugs on installs that only became apparent when I got farther in the game and other patience testing bad things. ~~~~~~~~ My boggle is this. Using SOE, SKE, Homemaker and a few item expansions I later noticed lately in the game that many items go missing. Various types of lights gone from BOTH "Light" menus, many many Decoration items gone, etc. The menus themselves seem fine, but much is lost. I ALWAYS update my mods on a manic minded daily basis, but to no avail. The newer SKE version seemed to be accommodating to these but not sure now, even with the newest version. This seemed more so when I started to use SKE, but I only did so because Alternate Settlements requires as such. ~~~~~~~~~~~So, missing any of this takes so many cool lightings and other nifty stuff. However the game seems to miss much of the base stuff that comes with the game. I have all of the DLC's and the pictures I am posting show what mods I am using. More so I also notice my Merchant shops are missing as well. Gah!! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Please....hopefully some detailed help or advice with merit would be appreciated. "Cookie cutter" responses get me no where and waste (y)our time. Hopefully someone can look at my mod list and give a 40 something goth rock musician a break and set me forward on what I need to do. I had to recently make a new character build and I am doing well with her, ("Ryan",) so far....but it troubles me that my building options are partially nerfed to some extent. ~~~~~~~Thank you VERY much to those who can get me going. This and a few glasses of dark wine are my late night unwind, if you know what I mean. http://i83.photobucket.com/albums/j294/etherdose/POSTED/Capture1.jpg~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ http://i83.photobucket.com/albums/j294/etherdose/POSTED/Capture2.jpg
  6. Well.... Here's the scoop. As a heads up, I didn't just junk on a ton of mods. I did on my first play through of the game, then I started to get super bad glitches in workshop items not showing up and things not working. I got pissed then started my whole game over. GONE to all the nice and tower high settlements I built, (one even reaching an over hanging bridge to connect beautifully to the rest of the camp,) etc. On my reinstall and further research, I realized it was unpatched and I wasn't even using the newer .5 version of patches. I use all the addons but what I also found is that my older install of the game was not liking Keywords when I was running Homemaker ,(and other various mods.) on my new "build" of the game, I don't use keywords any longer. So, getting about 20 mods, I started playing with no problem but I still was not taking my time and testing every damn mod as I plugged it in. On my last batch of installed mods I got the weird jagged aura pixilating errors I mentioned above. I tried EVERY possible game setting using a setting altering mod, ( Fallout Tweaker 1.3.3 by Bilago,) and also worked hard to modify the settings for the Invidia update to specify specific changes to the game itself while using the graphics card updated software. Nope. After getting super frustrated and uninstalling all mods by accident, (forgot to restart the Nexus Mod Manager since the bug started where you have to restart NMM when you add a new mod then re-active all them again.) I noticed the jagged weird pixaling disappeared from the distant rooms border, (when indoors,) and the area around NPCs wasn't in that awful "boxy" halo. After painstakingly starting each mod, loading game, observing for pixialing, then going to the next one and repeating said process, I came to a discovery. The "Scrap Everything" mod was doing this! HUH!? Wtf? So...I did more research and I starting using the Housecleaning mod. It also came with a compatibility fix that claims to also work with other "cleaner/scrap mods." I kinda like Scrap Everything better as it seems to scrap more, so I got rid of Housecleaning and switched back to Scrap Everything but this time I used the patch included with Housecleaning. BINGO. Everything was fine and no more pixalations! So, all being said, I do NOT keep a mod until I am tested it thoroughly right after installation. No more batch mod installs. Hell no. I learned my lesson. Just as well I don't plan to build on every damn settlement some monolith sky touching structure that takes a few days of painstaking work and effort. In fact, I plan NOT to activate all the settlements in favor of keeping only maybe 2 running, (possibly the ones that the main story forces you to open.) That or I may kill all the NPC settler in Greygarden to take the location since FO4 doesn't fault you with some overdrawn karma system, (like "HEY....you stole an empty glass bottle!! You karma has gone DOWN you evil bad guy you" like it was in Fallout 3.) I also do not plan this time to get a bunch of area modification "homes/dwellings" added or new home locations underground. Many of these are awesome but I find just using a 3 story tiny apartment in Goodneighbor works just fine if I order the storage boxes nicely and keep it lovingly detailed for RP purposes. This all being said....if anyone has any comments or replies about better unlocked home locations OR better scrap mods than Scrap Everything, please e-mail me at "[email protected]" I may not recheck these posts after the dust settles and I crave feedback of any sort pertaining to building, modding, new locations I might like, or game alterations. Please feel free to. I check my e-mail every other day, so let me know if I might do something better. Example? Well....I still can't get this whole "load order" thing down, but I do know you put master files up top. Anyhow....thank all who replied or does reply too late and I hope this lengthy response/post might better direct someone else with the same issue. I think I love mods too much as I check the Nexus forum daily for anything new. I am just not a big weapons mod person. I am more about locations and neat item or function ability files. Anyway, thank you! Now......back to my addiction called Fallout 4. And yes, I plan to get a vault boy tattoo soon by a very good tat artist. Weird eh?? Devoted?? Maybe. Cheers!
  7. heya Folks! I have a big issue with Fallout 4 distance rendering and small town/closed room pixaling errors. It looks REALLY block all around npcs and other objects when in a small room or a town. When in open world exploring it shows up near the distance more. Things look coated with pixels and blocks. Here's the rub. I DID research and discovered the "run F4 launcher and set all to 'LOW' settings, then turn off GODRAYS, then reset all settings to higher" trick. This did not work. Am I doing it wrong or is there any other possibilities?? Very frustrated as everything worked on first install, and after traveling and discovering a few locations, I got to the giant town with the cooking robot, (forgot the town's name.) Anyhow, it seems as soon as I got there, all the characters where super pixalated around their edges and the towns horizon was just as bad. Please....need help. This game is my drug of choice and it sucks not to play it during my "wind down time." Ideas? Suggestions? I am all ears.....(err...well eyes in this case.) ;-) Note = It flickers from boxy pixels to normal as I turn the view then back again. I don't think it's my graphics card because it works fine on other games. :-) image links http://i83.photobucket.com/albums/j294/etherdose/POSTED/ScreenShot0.jpg http://i83.photobucket.com/albums/j294/etherdose/POSTED/ScreenShot1.jpg Also, I tinkered with my Nvidia card settings and I didn't think that's it. It ran fine a day ago and something I must have altered using a game settings modification program must have screwed something up. I used many mods on Nexus mod program from the nexus site, but I uninstalled all mods and no changes. I do believe this to be some type of graphics adjustment, but after 2 hours straight of changing this..reloading...checking....changing something else again....reloading...checking... (RINSE...REPEAT...) I am near manic. I will be checking this post off and on and I really would be humbly grateful for solutions. Thank you all.
  8. Essentially I use homemaker, but not too many mods that should be making things disappear from the workbench selection menu. What gives?
  9. hey folks! Very frustrated because after all the balancing and cautious use of mods, my Decorations selection in the workshop is gone. I use these. http://i83.photobucket.com/albums/j294/etherdose/POSTED/Mod%20List%20Capture%201.jpg http://i83.photobucket.com/albums/j294/etherdose/POSTED/Mod%20List%20Capture%202.jpg http://i83.photobucket.com/albums/j294/etherdose/POSTED/Mod%20List%20Capture%203.jpg http://i83.photobucket.com/albums/j294/etherdose/POSTED/Mod%20List%20Capture%204.jpg Load Order.... http://i83.photobucket.com/albums/j294/etherdose/POSTED/Load%20Order%20Capture%201.jpg http://i83.photobucket.com/albums/j294/etherdose/POSTED/Load%20Order%20Capture%202.jpg What is causing my Decorations selection to be gone??? Need help. Thank you. I am going through Fallout 4 withdrawals after 5 days of tinkering this, changing that, removing this and deleting that. I have both DLC content. *sighs*
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