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Everything posted by H1ms3lf
Heya peeps! Came back to play FO3/FNV in TTW, but there are aspects about books/magazines that still bother me (would wager many others as well), mainly because the comprehension perk gives a load of skill points (moreso in TTW), and magazines/retention perk are rather dull. No mod yet to tweak this area and it would be nice to have one that allow player input using ini or a menu. Some suggestions and I've no idea if these are feasible and can impact game performance (wich is not advisable?) Skill book change - Lets the player select amount of skill points gained per book (default 1 point but let people choose more or even less) Comprehension perk remake - books grant +0.5 to that skill value (but stacks retroactively, so no more stash/carry books around!) Magazine change - becomes a +X skill effect (configurable, default to 5?), and each 1 extra skill point is lost after X minutes (configurable, default to 6? Gameworld time instead of real time) Example, +5 to skill value and 1 point reduced each 10 minutes until skill value is back to normal Retention perk remake - Magazines for the same skill may now stack (and may also make bonus skill points last longer or until the player sleeps, but if player stacks magazines of a skill type, suffer from "Retention Hangover" in the next day -> value of that skill is reduced by X% for 24 hours, X being a set value and/or influenced by the extra amount of skill poins gained via stacking mags the day before) Skill book/magazine change - Whenever the player uses a skill book or mag, the item is replaced by its "readed version", a misc item with no purpose other than sell (no need to be skill specific, just a misc for "Readed Book" and another for "Readed Magazine", makes no sense books/magazines disappear after use - also the prices coud be changed to account) Skill book and magazine loot/acquisition change - Whenever the player is set to find a book/magazine (each skill type separately), that item has a chance of being replaced by its "readed" misc variant instead (chance starts at 0% and raises -configurable, default 1% for books and 2% mags- according to player usage of book/magazine of that skill type, so usable ones grow scarce based on player use). Alternative change - Reading a book/mag can't be done done in dangerous areas or enemies nearby Alternative change - Reading a skill book takes 6 hours (-20 mins for Intelligenece point) and requires player be in a chair or next to a bed (shows in the sleep menu as an extra option instead of sleep) Alternative change - Misc options or changes based or inspired by other mods in this area such as: https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout3/mods/19394 https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout3/mods/23792 etc If you have different suggestions/ideas regarding this area of the game, do post! Also much obligued if somebody with modding skills can implement one or more of these, specially the one to check and replace for the readed versions, that is surely to be tricky (kinda like the unfound loot mod but also affecting shops?) Thanks for reading!
That black rectangle needs to go!
H1ms3lf replied to H1ms3lf's topic in Fallout New Vegas's Discussion
You're right! Just tested 2560x1440 and no black rectangle. Bad assumption on my part, guess it only happens in ultrawide setups, corrected the initial post to reflect that. Since it is something apparently simple, could an user with meshes/Nifskope knowledge look into it? Many thanks if able and no rush!! -
That black rectangle needs to go!
H1ms3lf replied to H1ms3lf's topic in Fallout New Vegas's Discussion
Hmmm not familiar with Nifskope but did install :smile: FNV meshes in the bsa archives don't seem to have the same folder\file as in FO4 - meshes\interface\objects\HUDGlassflat.nif (I still suspect this black rectangle to be hardcoded somewhere.) Closest one seems to be meshes\interface\loading\loadinganim01.nif Problem is I really know nothing about editing stuff in Nikscope :sweat: (maybe if I ROYALLY screw this loadinganim01.nif, could at least notice where it belongs :laugh:) Edit: The texture for the black rectangle is in textures\interface\faders but there isn't a meshes folder for faders, also I couldn't find out what loadinganim01.nif does but changing it (for another nif) has no effect on the black rectangle. Edit2: not 100% sure but loadinganim01.nif seems responsible for the slides and images that keep changing during loads and at intro menu (if you stay there). All the other meshes are kinda self explanatory by name, likely unrelated to this issue but then I'm no expert :pinch: -
That black rectangle needs to go!
H1ms3lf replied to H1ms3lf's topic in Fallout New Vegas's Discussion
Hi FiftyTifty :) I hope that means you'll try to fix it and report back telling how or even release a mod that does so :cool: -
Hello guys and gals =) How have you been with your monitors and resolution display at playing FNV/TTW, all tip top?? I personally love ultrawide for that extra width, but going ultra or 2x 3x monitors (to simulate ultrawide) will introduce you to the hateful black rectangle: a villain as evil and as persistent as they come! Ultrawide in FO3/FNV shows a black rectangle (briefly) at the center of the screen (center only, extremities are free), whenever an area transition occurs. Immersion breaking as hell and **** if anybody can ever get used to it ^^ It is probably a hardcoded engine thing, but there have been modders and mods that dealt with such issues in the past and prevailed, so hopefully somebody gotta be able to fix this :ohdear: There is a video that exemplifies the bug and a workaround made by Trentosaurus that involves turning some textures completely transparent (such as Textures\interface\faders\black.dds) But this fix has downsides like removing fade-to-black and to-white effects, briefly blurring the screencenter at area transitions not in memory and conflicts with anything that changes pause screen textures (though that is a minor). A more complete fix would be immensely appreciated as time progresses and higher resolutions become common. Somebody gotta have the will and knowledge to take this nasty rectangle away! Thanks to those who can and please do it!! :dance:
Project Nevada Cybernetic implants standalone mod
H1ms3lf replied to Swordsguy2010's topic in Fallout New Vegas's Mod Ideas
Eagerly waiting and Eddorsul many thanks for taking this on you!! PS: Please include a TTW variant if possible. -
Textures - How to make these types of _n maps?
H1ms3lf replied to H1ms3lf's topic in Fallout New Vegas's Discussion
Thanks for the help AusAllerWelt! While I haven't yet learned how to make those in a regular program, was pointed to a very handy website, in case anybody needs, here: https://cpetry.github.io/NormalMap-Online/ -
Textures - How to make these types of _n maps?
H1ms3lf replied to H1ms3lf's topic in Fallout New Vegas's Discussion
Are these alpha being generated from the regular image or from its normal map? Looked up some videos about alpha but all they do is make a selection with magic wand (for example the background around an object), delete that part and save so the image has transparency. Doesn't seem like what is needed to generate these _n files for dds textures. It can't be harder than a few commands executed in the right order. Can someone teach me how to create those in either GIMP or paint.net or photoshop (rather the first 2 wich are free, but oh well). At least to grasp the basics, after that I should (hopefully) be able to go around. -
Heya folks and sorry to bother! There is a type of normal map (I think it is a normal) that I've been trying to reproduce with no success. (For learning and maybe release a small mod). Here are 3 dds images and its _n versions: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1F1YaMK2-ErKOVLDsYBVsPsQZ6YA2lkM0 Would you be so kind as to tell +or- how to create these _n from its base image? Specially the one for dirtrubble_n - it looks almost fully blank/transparent but does a lot of difference ingame. Been trying to make those in paint.net with all the extra plugins, but maybe that is not the right program for this. Thanks in advance for any help and tips!
Scopes Binoculars etc Fix for Ultrawide Displays
H1ms3lf replied to H1ms3lf's topic in Fallout New Vegas's Mod Ideas
TTW Wow it worked!! Thanks a lot! -
Hello! When using binoculars or aiming through scopes (and probably other things that zoom) the display gets cut on the sides. I'm using 2560x1080 resolution, dunno how it behaves on 2560x1440 and up. Searched but couldn't find a mod that fixes the display, either for FNV or FO3. If there is one or a kind modder takes up the task of fixing this, pls let me know and a million thanks! EDIT - Turns out it has an easy fix, thanks dubious!! Solution: add the line "fScopeScissorAmount=0", in the "[Display]" section of all 3 INIs.
Help! - Mouse Glitch - ENB related?
H1ms3lf replied to H1ms3lf's topic in Fallout New Vegas's Mod Troubleshooting
Okay, fixed! Seems it was caused by rivatuner afterall =O If you look at the picture with the glitch, there is an FPS display at the top left corner, wich is a rivatuner option (show on-screen display), turning that option off in rivatuner has made the mouse display normally again! For the record, if anyone has this same issue, try checking rivatuner :thumbsup: -
Hi peeps and thanks to all of you who provide help!! :turned: I've run into a mouse glitch https://imgur.com/a/oHQ0cfe It happens after setting resolution to 2560x1080 (this monitors native) in FalloutPrefs.ini Removing the ENB files FNV root folder seems to fix the issue Current ENB files in FNV root are d3d9.dll - enbhost.exe - Both from http://enbdev.com/mod_falloutnv_v0322.htm enblocal.ini - enbseries.ini - Both from https://www.nexusmods.com/newvegas/mods/66626 The only other program running is rivatuner, but it has never caused issues (that I can remember). Since ENB seems necessary for high texture mods, I humbly ask for assistance :wink: Does anybody has any tips/ideas on how to try fixing this??
Dunno if it will make a difference, but try this, let me know if it works better! http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/69905/?
Any way of making the BOS and Outcasts non hostile?
H1ms3lf replied to willgillies's topic in Fallout 3's Discussion
Shouldn't be that hard, do some search/research on how factions work, and try to edit both factions so that they're neutral towards each other. -
Not really, so long you don't load interiors, the geck runs pretty smooth. Messing with graphics often causes it to crash, so avoid opening 2 GECKs in these cases, even if it is just simple stuff like editing an NPCs face, gotta save often when messing with graphics =]
Well, had to look somewhere to get information \o/ Once you figure out enough in GECK to not get lost, and enough in Xedit to check plugin contents, only scripting is hard (and some other things incredibly tedious, like navmeshing or create/edit sound/lip files) OH! And don't forget to open 2 GECKs, it is helpful too when learning =]
Get ready for many headaches, GECK is a terrible tool IMHO ^^ Read here https://taleoftwowastelands.com/content/what-wrong-here and here https://taleoftwowastelands.com/content/understanding-body-mods-and-custom-races and here https://taleoftwowastelands.com/content/question-about-making-ttw-exclusive-custom-companions And install the tools (Geck, Xedit, script extenders -> fose or nvse or both) plus the upgrades to the tools (there are some if you search around, for example this for nvse+geck: http://www.nexusmods.com/newvegas/mods/41642/ ) Edit all the .ini files and back it up so that you only have to do it once, learn about the archiveinvalidation, how to use Wrye Flash to create a bashed patch, how to use LOOT, how to extract/create BSAs... You should first learn how to install mods and "set up" an advanced install of the game(s) Try these: http://wiki.step-project.com/User:Kelmych/Fallout3 http://wiki.step-project.com/User:Essarrbee/FalloutNewVegas http://wiki.step-project.com/User:Adonis_VII/TTW Then the GECK "My First Vault tutorial" can be a bit helpful http://geck.bethsoft.com/index.php?title=Main_Page Cipsics script tutorial too http://www.cipscis.com/fallout/tutorials/beginners.aspx If you haven't given up to this point you'll slowly figure out the rest!! Don't forget to return the love once you become a pro ^^
Okay, after much suffering I was finally able to learn a few tricks, if anybody wants a few changes to their Vault 101 start, heres the link and description of what it does: https://taleoftwowastelands.com/content/my-first-mod-dont-laugh Attached in the post is the FO3 plugin and TTW version of it as well ^^ Thanks again btw!!
From a modders perspective, I couldn't exactly say as I'm quite new to it xD TTW seems to be "the way" to play FO3 and FNV, more so as the 3.0 version comes out, but I believe (many?) FO3 mods would have issues with it, so better design with it included to avoid conflicts. You might wanna read here: https://taleoftwowastelands.com/content/faq#fallout3modswithttw I still don't fully get what you wanna do with the holodisks, for the player to use these in the pipboy like a "mp3(or 4)Player", it would be cool to have extra functionality that doesn't requires the "notes screen", like building a menu item for the player to access and configure hotkeys into the "holodisk player" (start,stop,volume,next,dunno). Just an idea, altough it would take extra work on your end.
Looks neat! Could you mod including TTW in your setup as well? There are some places in the game where I often think theres a door or somesuch (leading to an interior) but then upon close check, there isn't. If I play anytime soon and find one such place, I'll be sure to take a screen and post here =] Old Olney is an area that I remember having few/no interiors, would be cool if you could add something lorewise, it appears the place/inhabitants were overrun after they digged into some Deathclaw caves (if my memory serves). Also, you mentioned to have holodisks with 30 minutes of sound?¿... just out of curiosity, why would somebody play it? Assuming its the same way: having to go into notes and click it (would be 30 min without being able to check new/other notes??)
Heh thanks! Figured by trial and error and looking around :tongue: Anyway, after a LOOOOOOT of trials (like a real REAL lot), thing is running almost like I wished, gonna try some more and post the result here in case somebody wanna check and help me further ^^ But thanks peeps, I mean it!! :D
Lol yes! This extracurricular coding thing is news to me, thanks! But even outside of the begin, there are things that I would like to do but have no clue as to how, like for example forcing the game to enter into VATS right after a menu choice, I don't remember any portion of the game that actually does an auto-VATS for me to check how it was done :sad:
Hmmm.. likely the problem is not the pre-game (CG 0 to 4?) but my lack of knowledge with the proceedings, I was able to make him move to a new marker, but not ending the dialog earlier and picking it up from that point :( Guess I need someone good with scripting and creature behavior to tutor me a bit =X
Hello! :smile: Already modded for Baldurs Gate but it was piece of cake compared to this... trying to learn GECK for FO3/NV, some things are easy to grasp but others, even simple, elude me... So I humbly request some help =] For example, when Wally Mack turns his GOAT exam to Mr. Brotch and Says "I'm Finished. Here." I'm trying to make it so that Wally turns to exit the room and take a couple steps while Mr. B asks him if he doesn't wanna know the result, at wich point he turns back to Mr. B and replies his last line, to then run his leave room package. So first I went to the dialogue and flagged Wally line as a goodbye, now I assume I have to create a marker to tell Wally where he should move to, and set a variable that tells he should move there after delivering the test... Meanwhile I have to tell Mr. B to talk to Wally while he moves, I assume the same variable I set to make Wally move can be used to tell Mr. B to talk. Problems: I can't seem to create a variable, I tried to create one by inserting in the boxes here, but GECK gave me a can't compile, also tried to insert short WallyKnows into his script, again didn't seem to matter... I likely need a variable that shows up in the "condition function" and "function parameters" of the second image, and set it to my marker?? A bit lost here xD Can somebody give me a clue? Thanks very much!