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Everything posted by Qwaxalot

  1. While I don't have a solution for you, I can tell you that the problem is your GPU. Oblivion is more Graphics dependent than many would expect. Try the lowest resolution, but don't expect a good result.
  2. @ Bben If you're ever in Michigan, I'll buy you more than a couple of beers (and you won't even have to fix my computer)
  3. For starters, try regenerating the .ini Exit Oblivion, then try renaming or deleting the oblivion.ini file (...\My Documents\My Games\Oblivion\Oblivion.ini)
  4. Yep, you hijacked it alright. You should, at least PM the Original Poster and apologize. I don't know if the mods can clean it up, but you could PM Bben46 (he's very good technically) and maybe he can help.
  5. Try turning the HP printer off when playing Oblivion.
  6. Stop using quicksaves. Try exiting to desktop (or at least out to the main menu) before loading a save.
  7. Try replacing the shaders: Oblivion Shaders: http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=20348
  8. Would an adapter work, or is it just better to get a PS/2 keyboard? You can use a USB to PS-2 adaptor. (If you can find one)
  9. Apparently, the Interface section of my .ini file is much shorter than yours; actually, I've got only this part: [interface] fDlgLookMult=0.3000 fDlgLookAdj=0.0000 fDlgLookDegStop=0.2000 fDlgLookDegStart=2.0000 fDlgFocus=2.7000 fKeyRepeatInterval=50.0000 fKeyRepeatTime=500.0000 fActivatePickSphereRadius=16.0000 fMenuModeAnimBlend=0.0000 iSafeZoneX=20 iSafeZoneY=20 iSafeZoneXWide=20 iSafeZoneYWide=20 Anyway, I tried to add the command manually, as you suggested, but it still doesn't work - I really don't know what to do You need to add the line to the Oblivion.ini file in your documents\games\oblivion file. NOT to the Oblivion_default.ini file in the Oblivion directory! The Obivion_default.ini file should NEVER be altered.
  10. It booted successfully to drive D: ? Is that a recovery partition on drive C: or a second physical drive? If it's a recovery partition, try booting into safe mode and do a system restore. Other than that, as Fonger said, your computer hates you. Pouty computers suck.
  11. The first thing to do is a "system restore" to an earlier time. If that doesn't work, try your windows repair disk
  12. If it does turn out that the keyboard is the problem, changing the laptop's keyboard may not be as difficult as you think. That said, you might try getting a can of compressed air and spraying all around the keys. Good luck
  13. By any chance do you have a joystick or other external controller attached? If so, unplug it.
  14. That is the understatement of the year. Firefox also works well.
  15. Since you say you had to add the line "ballowconsole=1" to the ini file: Did you, by any chance add it to the "oblivion_default.ini" file? If so go to your C:\....documents\mygames\oblivion folder and delete or rename the "oblivion.ini" file there. restart oblivion and it will recreate a new "oblivion.ini" In the future don't mess with the oblivion_default.ini file!
  16. Laptop keyboards can be a pain. Get a can of compressed air and try to clean the keyboard with it.
  17. Try replacing the shaders: Official Oblivion Shaders: http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=20348
  18. At present, get rid of Norton (and McAfee) and use Microsoft Security Essentials. It's in Microsoft's best interests to keep your computer from being trashed.
  19. You realize you just responded to three year old post?
  20. This is exactly the problem here, and exactly why a dxdiag is sometimes indicated.
  21. I quite agree with this ^^^^ MSE seems as good as anything out there. Not obtrusive, and free.
  22. This is usually a result of an inadequate video solution. Specifically an integrated video chipset. To know for sure, Please post a "Dxdiag" report: Run (XP) or Start (Vista or 7), type in "dxdiag" (without the quotes), save the report to a desktop text file (default). Copy and paste the results (the whole thing) here in your thread. The report is huge, so place it in spoiler tags.
  23. It broke after I installed Oblivion the first time. Replace the drive, you need it to reinstall!!
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