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mr mctuffy

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Everything posted by mr mctuffy

  1. I cant help but feel sometimes that npc's just stand around all day and occasionally talk to each other. Is their not a mod out their that makes npc behaviour a bit more realistic? for example a cough, a sneeze, a yawn... scratching/stroking the head every now and then? When their working why aren't they a little clumsy and drop things or fall over if their taking a stroll etc.
  2. Good shout. Ive sent him a link to this thread... Lets hope he reads it!! ^_^
  3. I'm after a mod that would make my character anime. I've looked all over but the only one I could find was the link below and I don't like the long hair or the back pack. http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/16209//? Any one know any mods out their that are similar to this?
  4. I'm after a mod that would make my character anime. I've looked all over but the only one I could find was the link below and I don't like the long hair. http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/16209//? Any one know any mods out their that are similar to this?
  5. male and female armour to make you look like a predator. Argonians would be a good candidate for this. http://fc04.deviantart.net/fs70/f/2010/225/4/f/She_Predator__by_isabel.jpg http://michaelmay.us/09blog/10/1014_predator.jpg
  6. Introduce "Magic Beans" into the game which you could magically enchant. When you plant it and it grows, the tree would act as a standing stone giving you benefits depending on what the enchantment was. (Player would be limited to how many he/she can plant).
  7. I like this idea and would love to see it made, but if the idea is too complex to do the only thing I can think of to make it more simple would be to have both parties drop their weapons and wrestle/box instead (like a choke/strangle hold or something). When youve won the duel your character can pick his weapon back up or re-equip it. What do you think?
  8. Interesting, if you created another slot for armour would this mod also allow you to decide what's worn on top and what goes underneath depending on what slot you asign the armour to? One of my charecters is a magic user but I hate the look of the mage robes, I wear them for the added benefit of magica regen but would prefer the look of heavy armour, so it would be awesome if this could be aplied the other way around as well.
  9. This idea is awesome!! are you going to add the disk as well : P
  10. Couldn't find any armour that would make you look like a robot, thought this would be fun. http://pixelorama.files.wordpress.com/2011/04/gundam_standing.jpg http://images3.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20121115191848/gundam/images/7/77/MSZ-006_-_Zeta_Gundam_-_Front_View.jpg
  11. I like the idea of putting the bag on the floor to access it. Sounds kind of like the menu system for the last of us, more realistic.
  12. The idea is that you should be able to do this with anything, whether that be a longsword, a sheild or even a dagger. I'm not a modder so I don't know the complexities of the idea sorry, I just like to share them. But of course if your using different sized weapons then it wouldn't make sense for a duel to trigger between a longsword and a dagger, so I guess the duel would have to trigger not just dependant on time of contact but what type of weapon your using as well (for example are they matching?).
  13. Good idea. As a suggestion, maybe when you place a bounty on a target their could be a small chance that they might get tipped off and then hold themselves up in a fort. If that happens you have to go round collecting recourses and gathering troops before storming the fort to make your kill.
  14. Like the Magic Duel mod, Weapon Duel would trigger two opponents with weapons wielded to come together into a little struggle. A nice little animation of your weapon pushing back against theirs as you both attempt to stay on your feet while at the same time your trying to knock the other person down or throw the weapon out of their hand. Some examples of what I mean: http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_detailpage&v=7L8ByreRfUo#t=140s http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_detailpage&v=MaH8ChvupQk#t=465s
  15. This would work like the stranger perk from fall out except you have the choice to summon him at will. And maybe instead of the mysterious stranger you could summoning Jaqen H'ghar, the assassin from game of thrones. (Ultimately I'd like to see this mod get made so I couldn't care who it would be, I just thought Jaqen H'ghar would be a better fit for Skyrim than a man in a long coat and shades) I like the idea of some one instantly showing up in the middle of a fight who can pick off my enemies from behind by either decapitation or a slit throat animation etc. I loved the perk in fall out but is such a thing possible for Skyrim? http://www.youtube.com/watch?NR=1&feature=endscreen&v=SIQB-yl0Cv8
  16. Increase the fear of being caught when using stealth by tampering with sound and visual effects. For example, those with a low stealth level who sneak up on others will result in: Slightly blurred vision. All other sounds getting drowned out. Sound of your breathing rises as well as your heart beat. The longer you aim with your bow the curser gets shaky. Stamina decreases the closer you get to others while sneaking, eventually causing implications to your health unless you either distance yourself, go around or kill your target. This idea could also be applied to things such as pick-pocketing or breaking and entering. As you level up in stealth these effects could become less noticeable but not completely go away.
  17. Increase the fear I agree with this, I've played games in the past that involved finding clever ways to break out of prison as you say. It was actually the most enjoyable part of the game for me. I wouldn't actually mind committing crimes if I knew it was going to lead to something exciting like whats being suggested here ^_^
  18. ^ Just for laughs?
  19. The whole idea of this mod is to increase the fear of being caught and increase ones awareness of the dangerous odds they find themselves in - which in the long run makes getting away with your deeds all the more sweeter. I actually got this idea from "I am alive". It featured an awesome concept that when ever you got near to dying or found yourself in dangerous odds, eery things would start to happen. And I wonder if the same (or similar) thing could be applied to Skyrim for those who enjoy stealth. Imagine your new character has entered a cave, your in sneak mode and spot some bad guys. As you get closer to the enemy suddenly your: Vision starts to blur.All other sounds get drowned out.Your breathing increases along with the sound of your heart beat.The longer you take aim with your bow the curser gets shaky.Stamina starts to decrease as a result of irregular breathing... if you don't distance yourself from the enemy your stamina will continue to decrease impacting your health (forcing you to either back off, go around or kill them).I suppose this idea could be applied to anything you do while in sneak mode, such as pick-pocketing or breaking and entering. As you level up in stealth these effects could become less noticeable but not completely go away as I like the idea and effect it could have on the gaming experience as a whole.
  20. Race Definition: "Many years ago a group of Men and Women were exiled to a harsh land known as Furya. The harsh living conditions of their new home forced them to evolve and adapt. As a result Furyan's are much hardier than most, having been forced to adapt to an unforgivable climate and rigid landscape that no one else has ever set foot on has led to their most defying feature as powerful and spiritual warriors. Furyan's heightened survival instincts also give them special ability's such as the will to see in in the dark." Yes I'm sorry : P but as the title suggests... I'd like to be able to play as a Furyan (the race which Riddick comes from). Personally I think the goggles would be a cool bonus but I like the idea of having a Furyan as your character. I tend to take a stealthy approach with my games but don't run away from a fight if I get caught doing something I shouldn't, so I would love it if somebody could make this mod!! I don't know too much about modding so forgive me if any of this isn't possible, but if you've seen the movies then you know Furyan's see in the dark in a unique way. So ultimately what I'd like to see in the game is my character with a form of night-eye that would fit the way Riddick see's: unique pink/purple colour tones/blur (see links below)http://desmond.imageshack.us/Himg256/scaled.php?server=256&filename=cri2zm.jpg&res=mediumadded effect of veins around the edge of the screen (adding to immersion)What do you guys 'n' gals think?
  21. I think it would be pretty cool to shout SHAZAM which would transform you into him or give you his clothing providing the added benefits of a super powers ^_^ Not so sure about playing the game as a kid though?
  22. Not all of them. I'd like to see my character launch of volley/flurry of arrows into my dying victim. I think that would be a cool finishing move... if not possible then maybe a mod that would allow arrows to do something similar? Like this perhaps: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r4E0pj0vE1A http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9V2Z9Ccc1xg
  23. I'm not sure if this has been attempted before but I'd like to see some animated finishing moves for those equipped with a bow. Maybe the camera could follow the arrow in slow-mo until it reaches it's target, or maybe the character could follow with a flurry of quick consecutive shots filling your enemy with multiple arrows. For those who get close and personal you could stab them with the arrow, hit them with your bow etc? Maybe something similar to the animated moves that archers use in DC: Universe Online would be pretty cool as well.
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