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Nexus Mods Profile

About HectorShiroi

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  • Currently Playing
    Fallout 4, Resident Evil 3, Dark Souls 3
  • Favourite Game
    Half Life 1, Fallout series, Return to castle wolfenstein, Battlefield series, TES Series, Dark Souls Series

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  1. Here you go, thought you might like this, and I actually have that radio, I don't have the player though but I am working on that.. lol

  2. ups.. already did ... , doin great. still around i see ?
  3. say something D: !!!
  4. man, how are you? :D
  5. Oh well I pratically never come here :D I don't care about my profile, I did it just to download and upload mods! :P
  6. seriously... i'm the only visitor to this profile --" , you need to go surfing forum sometimes hector XD.
  7. kinda too late .... but its better than never XD. thanks !!
  8. yay I didn't see that it was your bd!!! happy B day old man (:P)!! and keep up those beautiful images!! :D
  9. awesome right XD !!! i can't even believe i've done it,all the action is from a single scene not combined with photoshop. XD.

    btw thanks man :D.

  10. thanks hec :D,glad you like it.
  11. Good job mate, amazing pic!! :D
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