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Posts posted by LibertyBull

  1. I am starting my BL modding journey by editing the faction leaders' battle and civilian outfits to make them look more unique and kingly. I did this by adding in custom EquipmentRoster entries to sandboxcore_equipment_sets.xml from the SanboxCore folder and then edited the Lords.xml in the Sandbox folder and replaced the equipment templates for the various lords to point to the new EquipmentRoster entries.


    When I overwrite the two XMLs inside the vanilla Sandbox and SandboxCore, it works every time like a charm.


    The problem arises when I try and make a custom module for publishing. For whatever reason, the changes seem to only apply to some lords some time. When re-rolling a new sandbox game with the mod activated, 1 - 3 of the 7 lords have the new equipment while the rest is vanilla. It is never the same lords each new Sandbox re-roll, either.


    If I had to hazard a guess, it has something to do with the fact vanilla lords equipment roster has multiple options they choose from at random, and for some reason, my custom entries are competing with their other vanilla outfits so they only get chosen some of the time.


    I dont understand why this is happening as for the lords to use even one of my custom equipment roster entries, then it should indicate that both lords.xml and sandboxcore_equipment_sets.xml are being touched successfully.


    Any ideas?

  2. Ok so I figured instead of trying to figure out how to make an armor reduce an individual limb cripple damage (which probably isnât even possible) that instead I can have a headshot system where any real damage to the head cripples the head, which then instantly kills the NPC because of the crippled head = kill script. Then, have helmets reduce the cripple damage. Even though it will reduce all limb crippling, the damage in my Overhaul will be so sever anyway that it is a non issue. Thusly helmets can protect from headshots independently from the body.


    Now I just need to figure out how the proper syntax for a script that simply is âon head crippled, kill actorâ.

  3. So Iâm thinking about making a health system where:


    #1: when a humanâs torso or head is crippled they die. Thatâs one separate issue I am trying to figure out scripting wise.


    #2: A way to have an armor item reduce crippling to one specific limb only


    While there are armor modifications in the base game that globally reduce limb crippling, is there a way to make this effect only apply to the head? In this way, my health system will allow helmets preventing headshots, and then also using a similar effect to have body armor protect the body but not the limbs.


    Any ideas for either point? Cheers :)

  4. Or some other way of making incoming limb damage multipliers change dynamically.


    Basically, I want headshots to do 5x damage without a helmet and to only do 1x damage if an NPC equips a helmet.


    I had the idea to simply copy the human race and make a new âhuman helmetedâ race that uses a new set of body part data with the 1x multiplier.


    Any ideas? I know Iâm basically trying to force the game to work in ways the devs didnât intend. I know this can be done through the script extender since thatâs how better locational damage does it but Iâd like to be able to release my Overhaul mod to Xbox.

  5. Now my current task is trying to figure out how to get an NPC's race to change when they have on a certain armor. I basically made a new race using the human race for the data and simply changed the bodypartdata the new race points to so that the incoming body part damage multipliers are changed. Basically trying to change the head damage multiplier when a helmet is equipped.

  6. That worked! Thanks Reneer. You know I have very limited scripting knowledge but I have "if/then" logic understanding from Redstone in minecraft, logic gates in FO4, etc, so I figured there was some way I can establish conditions like you outlined but I couldn't figure out the actual syntax.


    Thanks for the hand holding, and being a visual learner this experience has helped me get a better understanding of the scripting language and I think I'm going to take to learning the scripting more in depth.


    Only thing thats weird is that the object mod I made is supposed to set fweight to 0 but the weapon still has .5 or 1 weight. I'm guessing this is the weight of the weapon mod itself? I'm going to try making the set weight to mult weight by 0 instead or look at the object mod and see if there is a weight stat.




    Just tried a heavier weapon too and it seems to take exactly 5 weight off of the weapon for whatever reason.

  7. Ok, so this is what I got for the script and it "works" in the since that it DOES reduce the weight of the weapon... but it does the infinite looping so the weight fluctuates between having weight and not having weight as well as making the noise. This loop keeps going until the gun is unequipped.

    Scriptname noweightweapons extends ObjectReference
    ObjectMod Property NoWeightMod Auto
    int DoOnce = 0
    Event OnEquipped(Actor akOwner)
            if (DoOnce == 0)
                DoOnce = 1
    Event OnUnequipped(Actor akOwner)
    	DoOnce = 0
  8. Alright, so it works, at least in the creation of the script.


    Using it in game, when I equip the weapon it still has its weight the same but the equip and unequip sound plays at a high rate of fire, making it sound like a hundred typewriters typing at once lol. If I drop the gun it hovers in the air for a second before droping while the cursor text of the weapon flickers. I'm guessing the script is somehow looping something.

  9. Alright, so I am able to add a new property through the menu, and I select âObject Modâ from the drop down. I put âNoWeightModâ as the name in place of âNew Propertyâ and then leave everything else blank. The property is added, then I single click on the property and select the object mod I made and then save everything and test but the effects arenât appearing in game.
  10. Here is the error I'm getting when I try to "add property" and try various things in the boxes.


    Papyrus Compiler Version for Fallout 4
    Copyright © ZeniMax Media. All rights reserved.
    Starting 1 compile threads for 1 files...
    Compiling "lightweapons"...
    D:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\Fallout 4\Data\Scripts\Source\User\lightweapons.psc(18,13): mismatched input 'Property' expecting ID
    D:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\Fallout 4\Data\Scripts\Source\User\lightweapons.psc(21,10): mismatched input 'Property' expecting FUNCTION
    D:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\Fallout 4\Data\Scripts\Source\User\lightweapons.psc(0,0): error while attempting to read script lightweapons: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.
    No output generated for lightweapons, compilation failed.
    Batch compile of 1 files finished. 0 succeeded, 1 failed.
    Failed on lightweapons
    *** EDT ***
    To clarify, I am on the weapon that I attached the script to, I click on the "lightweapons" script that is in the Scripts window, and press the "properties" button but no properties are actually being show in the pop-up that appears.
  11. I originally posted this in the general modding help section but it occurs to me I probably should have posted it here in the mod author section. So here's my question if anyone can help a relatively newbie mod maker.


    So in the mod I'm currently working on, carry weight is being used as an backpack/pouches inventory capacity system, and as such I want equipped items to not take up any carry weight.

    For armor this is a trivial task as I just had to give the player a perk that nullifies carry weight on worn armor.

    For weapons however, this is where I'm stuck. I can go through and add a "fortify carry weight" to each weapon for the amount that they weigh, but this is not ideal because I want the players total carry weight to be representative of the total backpack size. Simply setting weapon carry weight to 0 is not an option as I want weapons to take up "space" in backpacks.

    Any ideas? Is there some way I can achieve this through a perk? I only really know FO4 Edit.

  12. Darn, thats a shame. I've been gone for about 2 weeks so the last patch I had was 4.4 where some stuff was in either spanish or italian, like "Bandit" was "Bandito" and "Wolf" was "Lupo" or "Lupus" I forget which. If only I snagged the fix before he cancelled. =[
  13. If it in fact is the same for all races that would be a damned shame. That was part of the immersion in Oblivion, running around at chest height as a wood elf or towering over the imperial women as a high elf.
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