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  1. I'm having the same problem except I dont even get to the "a good display, but your time is at an end." part. I kill the bugs and falmers that become unfrozen but then he just sits there. I hope it's not because of a mod (which it probably is)
  2. Hey guys, Anyone else tired of followers not being able to keep up with you? After running for no more than 10 seconds, followers are already far behind. Is it possible to create a mod that makes followers stay close behind you, even when sprinting? I'm aware of the console command setav speedmult <number> but that doesn't fix it. I noticed that the reason is because they delay for a second or two after you've started running, before they do. I suppose you would have to change the time before they start running, I don't know how possible that is--that's why this is in the mod request section :) Feedback?
  3. I did look for it on google, guess I didnt look hard enough haha, that works perfect, thanks!
  4. Hey guys, Is it possible to change the existing stats of a potential follower (or someone that is already following you) and make their stats completely crazy, so nothing stands a chance against them? (also, just a side question: is it possible to view a followers overall armor rating, and damage rating? (how much armor they have, and how much damage they deal)) The reason being that I gave my follower some armor that had a bunch of different enchantments( Actually, just block, one-handed, health, health regen, heavy armor, stamina, and stamina regen) and I wanna know if those enchantments actually modify my followers stats.
  5. Hey guys, I've got a relatively simple request I don't know the rules about editing other people's mods, but I'd like for someone change this mod: http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/downloads/file.php?id=990#content to have a lot more than 3-7 slots for enchanting weapons and armor. I'd like for there to be somewhere around 20, thanks!
  6. Well everyone is different, I've read about a lot of other people being annoyed with this as well. But... it sure seems like no one is interested in looking into this... guess I'll have to learn to use the sdk
  7. hey guys, So, does it bother you that when you're dual-wielding, you only sheath the weapon in the right hand, while the weapon in the other hand just disappears? Would it be possible to add a sheathing-unsheathing animation for the weapon in the left hand? I've seen a lot of people complaining about this, I can't comprehend the Bethesda devs.. with the immense detail they've poured into Skyrim, that they wouldn't add an animation for the left hand. they must have ran into some serious problems, or didn't even try. It would be cool if you were able to choose where the weapon is located on your character, i.e., one 1H sword on your back, and another on your hip. or a 1H sword on your hip, and a dagger on the other, or just simple a sword on both hips. (I'm not necessarily requesting this, just throwing out ideas :) ) I'd love to hear your thoughts on this, and if anyone has already made something like this, a link would be greatly appreciated!
  8. Okay.. maybe adding Shoulder Plates is too difficult, at the very least just replace the model with the Ebony Breastplate armor.
  9. Hello again guys, I'm just requesting a simple mod that adds shoulder plates to the Ebony Mail armor as shown below: http://img705.imageshack.us/img705/9373/skyrimebonymailshoulder.jpg If something like this already exists, please link me to it! Thanks! I have thought that it would would be easier to replace the Ebony Mail with the Ebony Breastplate model, but the Ebony Mail is a bit different in color and design, and I would like to keep that design, just with shoulder plates :) But if it proves too difficult to add shoulder plates, a simple replacement with the Ebony Breastplate will suffice.
  10. Wonderful! that's exactly what I was looking for, guess I didn't search hard enough xD Thanks so much!
  11. Hey guys! I'm just asking for a mod that fixes the back of the Helmet for the Ebony Armor set, it's all messed up, here's an image. http://img205.imageshack.us/img205/3053/ebonyhelmfiximg01.jpg I'm a little shocked someone else hasn't already made a fix for this ;D If that's not the case and someone has already made one, a link would be greatly appreciated!
  12. It is back up for me! it should be for everyone else as well!
  13. All is well my man! Sounds like you had fun haha.
  14. I completely see where you're coming from, but at the other end of the spectrum, I like the fact that all my games are in one place, and I can access them anywhere there's a computer. As well as automatic updating. I will say that it's annoying that you can't play your games if you don't have an internet connection, but it's all about perspective. My computer is never not connected to the internet, so I never have a problem with it.
  15. Well in that case, I do agree that the whole "Subscribe" thing is stupid. But you'll never have to pay for Workshop.
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