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Posts posted by Opperslang

  1. Well I've got the same problem but with Fallout NV, I've tried everything here but nothing helps. Everytime I get a black screen and I hear the intro music. I can even press enter and load a save (I can hear by the sound) but I just can't get a screen :sad:

    If I remove the d3d9.dll fallout works fine but with ENB it just doesn't work...

    ENB in GTA V is running fine so I don't really understand what's the problem here

    Does anyone have any idea what could work?


    thanks in advance

    I've updated everything and installed the 2010 pack multiple times. The weird thing is the first time I ran the ENB it worked then I quit the game and a few minutes later it just doesn't work.

    I've tried it without any mods so I know those aren't the problem.

    But is there any way to check if I have all the direct x files?

  2. Well I've got the same problem but with Fallout NV, I've tried everything here but nothing helps. Everytime I get a black screen and I hear the intro music. I can even press enter and load a save (I can hear by the sound) but I just can't get a screen :(

    If I remove the d3d9.dll fallout works fine but with ENB it just doesn't work...

    ENB in GTA V is running fine so I don't really understand what's the problem here

    Does anyone have any idea what could work?


    thanks in advance

  3. To be fair I never liked his textures and the spamming of his textures, also the sharpness was literally over 9000, the only thing I could see was the sharpness that just hurt my eyes.

    So for me it's not really a loss since there are a lot of less known modders that make better things and now they can maybe become more known :)

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