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About Woz616

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  1. Made some great progress on that, keep it up. :yes:
  2. Bump. Take a break by all means, but try not to come to a complete stop ;D
  3. Its sorta hard to explain what i mean. Its easiest to see on these. http://thenexusforums.com/index.php?act=at...ost&id=6876 http://thenexusforums.com/index.php?act=at...ost&id=6657 it starts to look bubbly near the lines that go through the mask. It might be the smoothing thats making it go like that. but as i said, it might be the shines making it look that way, in which case, i would recommend making it nearlly completely matte. Hope thats of any help. Oh and hurry up and release before my head explodes. <3
  4. I'm expecting great things from this : D bump
  5. Bump, looking great man. One crit would be that the face seems a little bubbly. not sure if this is due to the shinyness or the mesh. Either way, this will be getting my download.
  6. That last image was sexy stuff, I anticipate this arrival.
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