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About bluesunmerc

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Just upgraded to Ryzen - Not much better so far
bluesunmerc replied to vegaspro64's topic in Fallout 4's Discussion
Yea, I have probably spent the better of 2 weeks or so trying to fix the low texture lod issue. I tooled around with ENBoost and I also packed all of my loose textures into a ba2 archive and it really seemed to help quite a bit. I still get blurry or low quality textures but not nearly to the extent that I was. Since I have a ton of graphics mods it was a super time consuming progress. -
Signs that you play Fallout 4 too much
bluesunmerc replied to TheGadget1945's topic in Fallout 4's Discussion
When you are out and you see something and think to yourself that would be a cool idea for a settlement. -
Just upgraded to Ryzen - Not much better so far
bluesunmerc replied to vegaspro64's topic in Fallout 4's Discussion
I'll throw my 2 cents in and help. I7 4790k oc to 4.6 16gb 1600mhz ram Adata SSD 980ti I run the game @ 1080p with ultra settings I generally stay at 60fps even in Boston I may drop a few but mainly stay at 60fps I have various texture mods at 2k and 4k. So far things that have worked are dropping the item distance fade slider to about half. From my understanding this just controls things that you pick up like junk, stimpacks etc. I also cut the shadows down to medium on distance and detail. I also run ultra god rays and use this mod to fix the performance of the god rays http://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/15211/?. Also as others have said enboost and mess around with the settings and find the sweet spot for the memory setting. I did the math for mine and it was still not working I dropped it down a few gigs and I started to see a big improvement. There are several guides on how to setup enboost if you are unfamiliar with it. IF you have the time and patience then I recommend getting the creation kit and packing all of your texture files in the Fallout 4 data folder into a ba2 archive. I read from a few other forums including this one that the engine doesn't like loading textures from the ba2 archive and from loose files and has been known to cause the low resolution bug that textures will have. Packing all of my loose texture files into a ba2 archive also helped gain a few frames and stopped this annoying stutter i was having when running around and flying in a vertibird. Other than that just google search ini tweak guides, some help and some don't. I couldn't tell you which ones work and which don't. Some days I spend more time looking up how to fix Fallout 4 then I actually spend playing it -
Over ten years ago... Yea I get people are still upset about that for some reason, but that was many years ago and dlc was still a fairly new concept not saying its right or wrong but everyone including companies make mistakes. Also I doubt its going to destroy the community. Maybe cause a rift for some people who feel they should not have to pay for mods and mod authors who get into the program, but there are still many mod authors who believe mods should be free. Maybe in 20 or so years when they quit milking skyrim and release the next elder scrolls then maybe we will have nothing but paid mods. For the time being the community will stay the same some people will leave and then some will enter. Many thought Bethesda net would end mods and it didn't, sure some left because of the theft issues but good high quality mods are still being uploaded daily on the nexus and bethesda net.
I agree with you. I'm more worried about the long term effect, what quality these mods will be (Bethesda isn't known for its finely polished products), and the quality of mods left on the nexus. Obviously for the most part it wont change on the nexus we may loose a few good mod authors but it will for the most part stay the same. That would be nice. But during the E3 presentation I saw a sword for 150 credits, Mudcrab Armor for 500 Credits etc etc... Even the CC web page has these items. I see no indication of DLC's I think you are the one who is misinformed. Thats all fine and well but we have no idea yet of how much a credit is worth in real world value.
the NDA would be in place for reasons stated earlier about protecting IP (plots/themes for future projects etc). the trouble is that NDAs have to cover everything so that any possible breach can be taken through the legal system. because of this, people who sign the NDA won't make any statements about CC, even to say that it's all above board and there is no cause for panic, in case it is seen as a (possible) breach and they are kicked out. the worrying trend is that publishers (not game developers) are putting price tags on everything and if they aren't getting the money themselves they are shutting it down. Topware have just put microtransactions into Two Worlds II so that if you want to cheat you have to pay as they have disabled console commands. what happens if Zenimax follows suit? they know people will buy the next ES or FO game whether there is a modding community or not, especially on consoles. what is to stop them from putting the kibosh on free mods and console commands? when we pay for a game we don't pay for the right to use console commands, those are there purely for the developers to test the game. there will be backlash but it won't damage their business. even though I know that PCs are capable of far more than consoles, consoles (and mobile devices such as phones and tablets) are the future of video gaming because it is the casual gamer that generates the most revenue in sales and they have been acclimatised to accept microtransactions in all aspects of their gaming, especially paying to get things without spending time playing the game or getting past difficult stages. BGS are in the business of developing video games but they have to work within the framework set by Zenimax who are in the business of making as much money as they can from BGS' IP. it doesn't matter that the situation with Take2 and OpenIV/Scripthook is different to Zenimax and F4SE/F4Edit/Bodyslide/Outfit Studio. it doesn't matter that it is Topware, not Zenimax, removing console commands and replacing them with pay to cheat microtransactions. what matters is that they are setting precedents and if they are successful then other publishers will probably follow suit. I agree that they would also want to protect their ips/inner workings/in house tools etc. As pretty much everyone in the community who knows about CC knows that its a powder keg, and someone leaking some poor information could really set it off. I will say I agree that it has a possibility to set a precedent that does not bode well for the future. @DSPiron I think that Bethesda being quiet about CC is a bad idea but as I said above they know its a delicate situation and some modder poorly wording something could end CC and Bethesda obviously wants this to work, or tell us how bad its going to be. Either way keeping things quite until they are ready is the best thing for them.
Also on the subject of NDAs people are notorious for relaying information incorrectly. Modder A may see something and relay it poorly and modder B may see the same thing and describe it better than modder A. Some people aren't good at relaying information or could simply want to embellish something to stir the fan base up or any number of possibilities. If Bethesda wasn't facing the possibility of a huge community backlash the NDAs may have never been incorporated, but right now the last thing they want is someone relaying poor information about the cc and starting a huge fire that they have to try and put out. I'm sure Bethesda knows they are walking on a very fine line and any mistake this close to the launch of the CC could result in a disaster.
@MrJoseCuervo I feel that you are getting mod authors and Bethesda confused with one another. While I'm sure there are many who want to be paid for some of the mods they put out I very rarely (If ever) hear any of the mod authors on the nexus demand that they should get paid for the work they do. Bethesda is the one pushing this not the other way around. If the system goes through and they want to apply and get paid for their work that is their choice. Also, I don't know how familiar you are with the game industry and its hiring process, but your past work experience is not nearly as important as your portfolio is. Especially when trying to get your first job. Making mods gives many an ability to hone their craft and beef up their portfolio and being able to slap on to your resume that you did some contract work for Bethesda would definitely help you in trying to snag that first job. Personally I'm neither for nor against the CC. Until I get some more information on it I will remain neutral. You know making informed decisions and what not.
HAHA that last part gave me a good chuckle. Obviously they were vague because they knew the backlash was going to be bad and in this case (for them) the less is said the easier it is to reassure people it will be fine later. Its kind of like Xbox when they announced the One and started talking about always online drm and no game sharing and all that. Ultimately they changed all of that and dropped it but by then a lot of people had made up their minds. The same can be said for Bethesda in this case. Bethesda knows if they don't handle this situation carefully they could lose more than they gain. I would take a guess and say that we wont know what CC will be like until it drops. Since it is supposed to come out this summer it could be out any day now or a few months from now. I wouldn't be surprised if they kept quite about it until it launched just so they don't have to worry about any more damage control, or they are simply waiting for E3 to be over with and wait for all the angry people to calm down about it. I will say, Bethesda may be greedy but I don't think they are completely brain dead (if they were paid mods would have stayed the first go around).
What am I trying to do? Make people see how a few greedy elitist, butthurt over Youtuber, mod makers are about to help destroy modding forever. For ever free because I want it that way! and I deserve it! That is your attitude. I would just ignore him. Since he has started posting on this topic he has brought nothing but negativity.
Again I don't agree with it simply quoting what he said about it. That is his marketing degree at work right there. He is probably not the creator of nor was he the brain power behind creation club he is just their marketing guy and knowing how volatile of a situation CC is its no wonder that Mr. Howard didn't announce it himself. Also why it was right in the middle of their conference and they only briefly glossed over it. Until I get more information about CC I will remain skeptical and pessimistic about it. If and this is a big if, if it is as good as they are letting on then I congratulate any modder who gets into the program and gets paid to mod it. I personally think they will have to follow an NDA and are very limited on discussing the inner workings of CC. Things such as how pressured they are to get a mod done, disclosing how they work with Bethesda on mods, and pay. Those are the types of things I have a feeling they will try to keep the modders quite on. Of course I may need to put on a tinfoil hat to start talking about NDAs.
3d modeling is just one degree that I am going for. I have many other options before I get that desperate. :smile: I'm sure the next barista will be happy to help you though. Remember kids don't put all of your eggs in one basket.
Some Fallout 4, Witcher 3, and when my buddy is on we have been playing some Space Hulk Deathwing
I wouldn't think this would be an issue because you're not a company employee working on company time. You have to submit a proposal and get it approved to get paid. No proposal should mean no claim on whatever else you made while a member of "the Club". Your post points to the problem as it is now. We have very little information on what the CC means exactly. I read a post from gamespot where they talked to pete hines and he said something along the lines of they are not modders they are working for the company. "Creation Club was a new thing that the team came up with to say, 'We want to continue to make and do stuff for Skyrim and Fallout 4, and we want to create an ecosystem that works across both games, but we want to leave mods the way that they are,'" he said. "And we don't want to change how that works. And we want to actually be able to do this ourselves but to also bring in external developers or even bring in people who are known for making mods, but not bring them in as modders--bring them in as, now you're a game developer with us, not on a mod; whatever we greenlight that you make has to meet certain criteria. It can't be something you've already created that now you say, 'I want to offer this through Creation Club.' That's not what Creation Club is about." source https://www.gamespot.com/articles/e3-2017-bethesda-boss-contrasts-fallout-4-skyrims-/1100-6450987/ You can read the full interview there if you want to. Again they have still left a lot of this open to interpretation and they have not been clear on what they are truly going to do with this in the long run, or what kind of mods they really want on the creation club. @chucksteel. Dont be so sure of that. I guarantee they will get 1,000s of submissions from people who can barely get their game running with mods much less know how to make mods and have spent 10 minutes in blender. Nvm I just attempted to apply to the creation club to see what kind of info they wanted and I see that they do require a portfolio or a link to your previous works. IT is understandable that people who make slooty mods or mods that don't exactly fit into their guidelines are going to try and get in. I don't think its fair to ignore half of the community just because you and your share holders don't like it and are afraid to offend someone. Obviously they will ignore those mod makers but that doesn't seem entirely fair because some of the people who make slooty mods do really good work and make some fantastic armors and re textures. Again they are adding money into the ecosystem and when you add money into anything you are welcoming in scam artists, liars, and deceit. Nothing is exempt from this and paid mods, paid dlcs or what ever you want to call them are no different. I also wonder how the bug testing will go for this. Again Bethesda is not known for their bug free games and their finely polished end product. Edit: I would like to say to any mod authors who may come across this. If you get accepted into the creation club then I congratulate you because as someone who is going to school for 3d modeling and animation it seems very cool and exciting to do something like this. Even if I am outspoken on this subject and do not necessarily support the CC (at least until we get some more info on the matter) I am not naive and can definitely understand how something like this would help you get a job in your field or if this is just a hobby of yours then I could see how exciting it would be to do something like this.
As someone else stated. Regardless if you like it or not some of the slooty mods are of some of the highest quality to. Some of the sloot mods have lots of details and are crafted very well. Like I stated a few pages ago what worries me the most is the amount of awesome mods we may never see because the authors wont post it/wont make it because they aren't accepted into the CC club and will attempt to wait until they are accepted which may never happen. Sure some wont be like this but some might be.