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About ryukue

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    New Vegas

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  1. Cazadors...they're body's are made of cake but they're stinger is made of Thermite i swear
  2. Have you tried FO3Archive? That works for me.
  3. Already been discussed, Bethesda would go bat s*** crazy, and it will end up like morroblivion
  4. Hey, I'm looking for a tutorial on skinning, I've been looking for a while and i got the basics (DDS tools, nifskope) just wondering if there's a tutorial out there that's not the most complicated thing in the world. @_@'' I'm not trying to make a new model I'm just trying to swap textures. I tried in the GECK but i don't see how i can get the texture up on the list. Please help.
  5. I don't know why, but all the followers in the game are under the faction "DontTazeMeBroFaction" in the GECK Anyone know the reasoning behind this? :P
  6. I've messed around with that a bit, but it seems like there would still be a lot of script to change
  7. Hey, I've been searching for a while on tutorials about companion making and the like on Fallout3. I've got the basics down (AI package, data, etc.) just wondering because of the main difference between companions on NV vs F3. How would i get the companion wheel to show up on a custom companion?
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