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Everything posted by sirjohn45

  1. I was hoping someone could do a voiced companion you can romance. I really like Heather Casdin but we all need a new upgrade of something new. If i could do these things I would but my modding experience is not up to par for this and i know modders are a busy bunch, but thanks for listening.
  2. Can anyone make a faster skill book reading mod? There was one on Modthesims but it has never been updated. I enjoy sims reading but it's so slow lol. If it can be sped up would give me time to do other sim things in game. Thanks.
  3. Is there a way to make a mod like Place Everywhere for fallout 4 VR? If i was mod savvy I would do it but I am not so why I was asking all you great modders here, or is it the fact that without F4SE this can not be done? Thanks for your time. John
  4. Is there a mod out there that lets you paint any power armor with Atom Cat paint? I know t-60 can but t-45, t-51 and x-01 no. Would honestly think that all paints would be open for all Power Armors and i know it gives a small perk, but still I think a x-01 with Atom cat paint would look awesome. Thanks
  5. I know this is unwise but 99% of mods on the nexus for Kingdom come Deliverance needs updating from the last update 1.72. I know modders have real lives and do this for us and it's very appreciated, I will always support modders but there are times mods need updating and not quite sure why people make mods then just ignore the obvious. Why bother then? Most mods on nexus from Fallout on are updated by the modders who have good standing or just have the heart to keep their work going. I think some modders forget that mods need to be updated and if not then their mods are broken and those who like their mods are stuck. This is not an attack on modders as I have had friends who mod and I know its difficult at times to make a mod then to keep it up to date. Those who quit usually have someone take over to keep it updated. A lot of people are upset when after weeks or months a mod is not updated. Then the question is why make a mod that you are not going to keep updated? I have asked questions here about how to start modding with no success. I guess modding is a closed society and they feel like not helping, when in fact if they did help there would be modders who could help keep things going for you so in regards you would have people to help keep your mods going when you get tired or just quit playing a game. Again this is not an attack just an observation so if you reply do not attack for what was said, I think most would agree with what was said here.
  6. Is there a way for a good modder to help the rest of us with how to edit stats, combat and skills within the game? I have tried and tried to look all over internet and there is not one page about it. I will admit I am not a modder but was trying to start with it and just needed a little help. I was wanting to work on editing the stats and skills as a start. Thanks.
  7. I think problem being most mods need to be updated and the authors either quit playing or just do not care enough to update. Wish there was a way for mod authors to actually care when they make mods to stick around and update now and then. Why even bother making a mod then not keeping up with it? I have never understood that concept. Sure we all have a real life but if you are going to take the time to make a mod then stay with it when you can check on it now and then.
  8. yes I have ran into this also, most need updating but seems that a lot of the mod authors are doing real life things or just quit playing. Most of the mods look great and would love to try them out but until they get updated can't.
  9. Was wondering if there was a mod or .ini where i can change specialization of a squaddie say from Sniper to Ranger or specialist etc.? I remember in xcom 2 there was a mod to do this. I have not played in awhile so was just wondering if someone made a mod for this for WOTC. Thanks
  10. I started using FO4edit and came across this error and I noticed this person has same issue. Can someone answer it for us thanks ahead of time???? Claudentziu Feb 1 @ 4:15ama little help with FO4Edit plsError: record WEAP contains unexpected (or out of order) subrecord LNAM Error: record WEAP contains unexpected (or out of order) subrecord WAMD Errors were found in: 44 ".44" [WEAP:000CE97D] Contained subrecords: EDID OBND PTRN FULL MODL MODT ETYP BIDS YNAM ZNAM KSIZ KWDA DESC INRD APPR OBTE OBTS OBTF FULL OBTS OBTF FULL OBTS OBTF FULL OBTS OBTF FULL OBTS OBTF FULL OBTS OBTF FULL OBTS OBTF FULL OBTS OBTF FULL OBTS OBTF FULL OBTS OBTF FULL OBTS STOP DNAM FNAM CRDT INAM MASE LNAM WAMD <Warning: Unused data in: \ [97] Extended weapon mods.esp \ [5] GRUP Top "WEAP" \ [1] 44 ".44" [WEAP:000CE97D] \ [15] Object Template \ [1] Combinations \ [0] Combination \ [0] OBTS - Object Mod Template Item> <Warning: Unused data in: \ [97] Extended weapon mods.esp \ [5] GRUP Top "WEAP" \ [1] 44 ".44" [WEAP:000CE97D] \ [20] MASE - Melee Speed> Found a FLST reference, expected: KYWD,NULL
  11. I came back after a little time away from Fallout 4 and just noticed that Rising Unlimited Followers was taking down by Rhutos does anyone know the reason for this? This mod was the only Follower mod I used as it was user friendly and well made. Now that this mod is down, does anyone know of a mod close to this one that works just as good?
  12. has anyone heard why Rhutos took down this mod? This was the only follower mod I used as it worked great. Now that it's taken down with no reason why I have not found any follower mod that does the same or even close to it. any help would be helpful.
  13. They must be having issues normally update is out within 24 hrs. its now going into 2 days hope its out soon.
  14. Just a quick question when i use Legendary Modifications there is a Legendary mod 2lm and it says Weaponry Overhaul,esp is missing does anyone know what mod this goes to? Thanks
  15. I just came back to do another playthrough and noticed Settlement Restoration 2.0 was taken down by author. Does anyone know what happened? and if he will be putting them back up? I enjoyed what he did and it made it a bit more fun. Thanks
  16. give them a few days to update NMM to work with SE
  17. well I feel sorry for the people at F4se to constantly having to update f4se because of bethesda. I come home from a family trip and got new update then today another one. Is someone at Beth upset with f4se lol
  18. yep now time to sit back and wait for update to F4se. I think Beth hates the fact that our modders are better than they are LOL
  19. it sounds like there were some bugs taken care of but i think it was mostly for consoles....I have a feeling this is going to be a mess lol
  20. I understand and I am on the side of the modders I know how long it takes them but as for F4se if they make it they need to be on top of it which they are to some degree. People get frustrated because mods now need F4se to work so when they added these updates then people have to wait until f4se is updated. So i can see both sides.
  21. well will be waiting a few days till f4se catches up. wish they could be a bit quicker lol.........
  22. I just wish Beth would of had a little more story dlc to game fo3 had some why not FO4....i guess it will be left to the modders to fix Beth lack ot things.. Shame too.
  23. well hitting your link and still see the same old things do not see anything new. edit. Ok finally showed up guess internet here was slow
  24. yeah he is a bit off all dlc is taking care of by the season pass. so not to worry.
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