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  1. thebic4, if I read that right, you said Fallout New Vegas will be like 1 and 2? *manure*. Freakydo, I have alot of friends who think that you should have 100% on-target shots like COD and such, but that wont fit fallout and wont be good. I think that experience should effect it. Having 100 small guns skill should make you shoot alot straighter then have 20. I really hope that they have radio stations, and that they decide to make them usable. I cant explain how happy GNR songs make me while playing. I have no idea why they did that in fallout 3. That robot at the start of the video is freaky though, you think he will come with you at the start?
  2. I never have enough saves when I need them, the last save is before I got into the tranquility lounger, and I'm not doing that again, just for map markers. Tbh, I know its a bug, but I swear the game is telling to go exploring rather then just follow the main quest and start again. Also, I know its FOOK2s W.A.N.K, so its no big deal. Load order is perfecto. At least I can abuse the Reillys Rangers quest for caps now :P
  3. After exiting the tranquility lounger I discovered my quickselect to be reset and all except most recently discovered map markers gone. Why? Has this ever happend to anyone else? I'm lvl 17, and I have 4 map markers, all beside each other. This could be something to do with FOOK2's *censored*:World and neighborhood kit. Ill ask there too.
  4. You get EVE with FOOK2. You will need compatibility patches for those mods. Search the files nexus.
  5. I finally installed FOOK2 today, and the WMK FOIP patch, cus I'm using WMK's aswell. I have been told FOOK2 includes the Wattz 2000 laser rifle textures and meshes, and HUZZAH, it does. But, something freaky is happening. instead of default textures, its using the texture of my armor. Checked only wiht power armor btw: Outcast and the Glowing T51b power armor mod. I'm sure something has gone wrong. It flashes whit when firing, and flicks between gray-yellow-white when on my back or in 3rd person. Dont get me wrong, it looks awesome, but I want to have the normal textures back without the crazy white yellow thing Also, Outcast power armor on NPCs makes a big red box with a question marl appear, and the armor is black. 100% sure this is FOOK2's doing. So, yeah, WHAT THE JESUS IS GOIN ON? http://img693.imageshack.us/img693/8068/screenshot118e.png Wattz 200 bug http://img64.imageshack.us/img64/6216/screenshot117.png Outcast bug
  6. LASERS! I dunno if that is within the scope of your mod but that would be awesome. However I'd say launchers are? The javelin might be a bit overboard, but there are others out there right?
  7. Alternatively, if you dont want to use the console, you know how to go into 3rd person by scrolling the mouse wheel? Well hold down the button, in 1st or 3rd and you can rotate the camera 360 on your player. Crap, sorry about the double post.
  8. Alternatively, if you dont want to use the console, you know how to go into 3rd person by scrolling the mouse wheel? Well hold down the button, in 1st or 3rd and you can rotate the camera 360 on your player.
  9. I think, your problem is with some of the large mods. Arent you ment to get compatiblity patches from the FOOK download page? I think thats it, but I dont have even half of those mods so I cant be sure.
  10. That snipers barrel is lol tastic. But fallout could use some decent hand guns. The 10mm is ok for starting out, but then you find the .32 is a peice of crap and so is the Chinese pistol. Unless I'm mistaken. The only good pistol is the laser one, which looks like a brick, a cool, laser firing brick, but still a brick. Theres already loads of assualt rifle and sniper, AND smg mods. Not many pistols I dont think. Auto Mag ftw!
  11. Reading books by Neal Asher, about a political faction named the Polity. Humans, not really controlled or ruled, more guided by massive AI intellects, have expanded into outer space. Seriously good books. I was wondering if anyone knows if there is a set order for some of the book's. Some of them seem just random, but awesome, stories. Recently read the Inheritance books by Christopher Paolini: Eragon, Eldest and Brisngr. Still waitng for the 4th and final.
  12. Soul Blade. 1st game I ever played on a console. Still one of the best fighting games ever. And continues to be in Soul Caliber 4. http://i58.photobucket.com/albums/g277/spacehopper_photos/Games/Soul_Blade_01.jpg Thats Voldo, my favorite character. http://www.emulatronia.com/fotos/soulblade1.jpg Also Half Life WORMS!!!!! Epic, that just game me so many years of fun. Unreal Wolfenstien Just to say, I got most of these games a long time after release. I'm 16, And I think I only got a pc when I was 11? My bro had them so he passed them on. No matter what age, or when, these games always kick ass.
  13. Has anyone tried to do this? It would be awesome to be one of those sentry bots with and infinite gattling laser and missile launcher. I think it would be an awesome idea.
  14. Good to hear about the power armor. I though I was onto a unique idea, appears not, so long as it gets done. I can still design seperate esp's with customised default weapons. I have a few good ideas. I just cant do meshes and textures. So, if you need a few original guns, ask away.
  15. I can still design seperate esp's with customised default weapons. I have a few good ideas. I just cant do meshes and textures. So, if you need a few original guns, ask away.
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