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About HahaIKilledYou123412

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    Halo 3

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  1. I dont care about that. Just please someone make it for me?
  2. I want someone to make it FOR ME! i cant do this myself i dont even know how to change stuff in photoshop aside from regular pics, (like SKULLS and lamborghini's) not oblivion stuff.
  3. Hi i have a pic i madein photoshop (randomly played around with it) and came up with something sick, i was wondering if someone could make it into a hood for me? (i want the face to look like this)
  4. Hey just got an idea, how about a sword, where, the bottom part of the sword (handle) is 3 skulls (Bottom,left,right) with short bones connecting them to the blade itself? i have no pics but use your imagination, and send me a pic of what you come up with if you decide to make it :thanks:
  5. Cmon someone help me out here (also known as bump, lol)
  6. FINE! here is a pic http://images.wikia.com/halo/images/0/0d/TataurusHammer4.jpg its the exact same on both sides. and if possible make a script where if you hit it near (but not on) an enemy, they go backwards a bit, not needed, but it wouldbe cool.
  7. Hey, could somebody make me a gravity hammer? like make a glass (or something) warhammmer look like a gravity hammer from halo 3, thanks if you can. :thanks: :cool:
  8. hi, i'm sorry i couldn't send you the model. i hope we will sort this out
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