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Posts posted by lZomboy

  1. Thanks for providing the mods list and confirming the location of the override folder.


    *cracks knuckles*


    natural bodies all in one > Did you configure this in DAO-ModManager?


    ligthning enhanced > Is this Lighting Enhanced? If so, it's a SweetFX config and it doesn't go in override. It needs to be installed to bin_ship, as per the instructions on the file page.


    madd guift guide > Are you far enough along in the game to know if this is working or no?


    pts vibrant colors > Have you compiled/edited your chargenmorphcfg.xml file to add the new tints to the character creator? (Note: there can only be one chargenmorphcfg.xml in override... if there id more than one, only Bioware assets will be accessible in the CC.)


    white teeth > this conflicts with files added by JB3. ((DAO teeth are part of the skin textures, and not a separate asset. JB3 adds high res 'freckled' skins which replace the same vanilla skin textures replaced by white teeth. If you search through the comments for JB3 you'll find a list of the relevant files; I know I've posted it several times and I'm sure others have as well.)


    battle animatios for both genders >no idea what this is, sorry :sad:


    jb3 textures > not sure why this isn't being recognised by your game, since you are using the correct override folder... only thing I can offer is that if you've installed any of the 'optional' files, you may want to try removing them and using just the 'main' package. Also, check the graphics/video settings (from the load screen) and verify that the texture setting isn't too low.

    I do not know how to configure nbio with dmm, I install it in the override section of dmm and then it says that the mod is compatible and nothing else happens


    yes is that lightning enhanced, thanks for the information to install it i had not realized that it was not in the override folder


    the guifts doesn't have the name of the person who corresponds


    i tryed to use chargenmorph compiler for the chargenmorphcfg.xml, but even if there is only one the game still doesn't recognize the mods


    i installed white theet without the jb3 and the game still doesn't recognize it


    i play the game with high graphics/video settings


    i know that mod don't work because they don't appear in download content in the main menu, but if they appear the mods .dazip installed with dmm



    now lightning enhanced works :D thanks


    there are the .dazip



  2. What mods, specifically?


    Is the game not recognizing all overrides, or just .override packages?


    What is the path/location of the override folder you are installing to?

    the game not recognize all mods that i put in documents/bioware/dragon age/packages/core/override and the .override installed with dmm


    the mods are natural bodies all in one, ligthning enhanced, madd guift guide, pts vibrant colors, white teeth, battle animatios for both genders, jb3 textures


    I thought it was a compatibility problem but even if i install a single mod without the others it still does not recognize it

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