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About EphemeralDuck

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  1. I was tinkering with some mods and noticed that the damage scaling due to Heavy Gunner of the Missile Launcher is much stronger than it should be. Having experimented a bit further just now, indeed both the Mod weapon attack damage and Mod player explosion damage entry points are affecting the (explosion) damage more than they should. This is all on a very lightly modded game (Skip Intro, MCM + Floating Damage Numbers, Cheat Terminal, Unofficial FO4 patch, Faster Terminal Displays, plus a tiny mod adding specific perks for testing now), right out of the Vault. So I don't think this can be some sort of modding conflict or save corruption, and not sure how those would be able to affect behaviour of perk entry points like this anyway. It's also not hidden behaviour of Heavy Gunner somehow, since in testing I use newly created perks changing the entry points separately. All my testing was on normal difficulty using a standard missile launcher (135 explosion + 15 impact damage) against a behemoth (DR = 145). Damage numbers mentioned below are all specifically for the explosion, not impact damage. Anyway, without any damage perks, the missile does 66 damage, which given DR is exactly what it's supposed to be. However, with 2x weapon attack damage and 2x explosive damage, the damage done is 440. Calculating back through the DR formula, this gives a pre-DR damage of about 543, which is almost exactly 4 x 135, suggesting that the damage of the explosion is actually scaled by the weapon attack damage multiplier as well. Though at the same time, damage listed in Pip-Boy is still just 300. Setting the explosive damage multiplier back to 1 and only varying only weapon attack damage (at 1.5, 2, 3) confirms this, scaling the explosion damage exactly even though this isn't shown in the Pip-boy. However, setting weapon attack damage multiplier back to 1 and varying the explosive damage multiplier, the scaling actually isn't accurate. For multipliers of 1.5, 2 and 3 I get 133, 201 and 336 damage, which should have been 114, 170 and 295 (so it's roughly 15% more damage than it should be). Though this difference isn't consistent if I again vary the weapon attack damage multiplier, as said at 2x each the damage done is consistent with almost exactly 4x135 before DR, and at eg. 3x weapon and 1.5x explosive it looks to be 4.4x135 before DR, so starting to dip below what it should be. This is all independent of the impact damage on the missile by the way, changing that to another value makes no difference. Anyway, does anyone know what's going on here? Is this a known bug that I'm just not aware of; and if so, is there a proper fix? Or is this somehow an issue in my specific installation? Can't imagine it would be since it's very light on mods at the moment and I can't see them suddenly allowing Mod weapon attack damage to do this if it didn't before, but still.
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