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  1. As you are asking for feedback i ll give it: Garbage. From reduced usability (for what users are actually here for) and oversight to needless frivolities (like the profile pic on every mod) and absurdly large pointless elements, truly a modern design. But i doubt you will change much based on our feedback anyway. I could write a dissertation by now from all the things ruined by modern UI design in the last decade or so but not like anyone would read it. Instead here is something close to it for anyone interested: https://datagubbe.se/decusab/
  2. You can have a race use armors from another race but to exclude parts would probably require a lot of scripting and formlists. At least to my knowledge. Maybe with use of racesubgraphs or something like that? The second thing can be done with onequip with a race check or similar onx scripts. Maybe onpickup and change it to a non equipable object. Havent messed with stuff like that much since FNV. Moding things is usually all about hack jobs.
  3. The solution for the first problem (for whom it may concern): Place defaultenabledisabletrigger (T box icon) so the player will walk over it, under linkedref link it to your mapmarker. Set your mapmarker to initially disabled and set its encounter table to the one used in your cell. This does make the mapmarker invisible so you can place down a second and then set it to opposite of your first (V88DLC does this) if you want the player to see the undiscovered marker on their hud. Up to here this seems 100% how the DLC interior settlements are done but this still leaves you with no settlement(info) on the map. To fix that this is currently my best solution: save, reload your plugin, ignore error, save again - no more error. Instead of ACID you ll get LCID in your plugin. No clue what either links to/does but the reference in them is the same. Edit: Found the cause of issue number two: Remember kids, finalize navmesh is there for a reason. Although a lot of the guides like the official wiki one dont even mention it. I would like to know the best method of a clean exterior navmesh solution. Since my placed door was right next to a navmesh i just finalized the cell, then in FO4Edit deleted all other navmeshes in the worldspace except the one with my door ref. Then i parsed over all data from the original except for the one door triangle reference, wiped the NAVI record and reopened and saved in CK. So far i got one caravan out of the door - promising.
  4. 1. / 5. I had it set up that way previously, then i read this: https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/32193 AFAIK it does the same thing but cleaner as it tags the new workshop so it can be differentiated by other mods etc. At least that s the impression i got from it. Both ways seem to work but dont solve my problem as this guide is mostly made for an outdoor settlement. 2.Doesnt seem to be required at least by any guide i ve seen. Ownership works just fine. I did change it from ownedbyplayer to enableautoownership in the script though - supposedly it is cleaner/better that way. You get ownership as soon as you enter the build area. 3.The settlement itself works just fine, goes to 80% as soon as i put in someone as all the basics are already set up and linked. 4. / 5. AFAIK that is only for encounters/invasions that are disabled, same with clearable as there are no mobs to clear. 6. Wouldnt do it any other way. I start from a clean save every time, the big ass disclaimer in my mod is there exactly for this reason. If you checked the mod, you would see it has all that, NPCs sandbox in it just fine. As for the door i now set it to require terminal but it only works for the first time, after that the player can just use it normally. I figure i could relock it with a script, but can you even do that to an open door? The other way would be to turn the door into an animated static like the unusable metal doors but i have no clue if that would even work. Now for the kicker: I managed to solve my first issue. How? By making the thing error in CK. It just werks! In detail: i opened the LAIR DLC, vault 144 mod and my esp in xedit and then compare-messed with the location and mapmarker till the fields were filled out in the same manner. Specifically ACEC, ACID fields in location and XEZN, (XLRL - found this in the vault 144 mod, might be the key) in the worldspace mapmarker. Throws out these errors (but so do quite a few locations in the master): MASTERFILE: <CURRENT> LCTN 'INSH_Location' (02003947) Special Ref 'INSH_Marker' (02005023) is not in the Special Ref data. MASTERFILE: <CURRENT> LCTN 'INSH_Location' (02003947) Warnings were encountered validating unloaded ref data for Location 'INSH_Location' (02003947). It seems you need to "fool" the game to get it to show supply lines and settlement data for an interior settlement. Would still prefer a cleaner way so i ll keep looking into this but at least now i know where the solution is for this issue. NPCs still wont move their butts in and out though. Probably pathing or another similar reference black magic thing seeing as my companions do follow me in and out just fine.
  5. The mod as it is set up as a settlement hence the title of the thread and all the mentions of settlement. The mentioned markers are all there and connected. For settler and caravan movement i also tried regenerating the navmesh and moving the markers closer to the entrance to no avail.
  6. https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/38405 The idea for this mod is to be very low impact on save/game performance but still provide a player house that you can send NPCs to. How bad is it to add and then remove a settlement mod like this from a save? What kind of bugs could an incomplete settlement like this cause? Radiant quest lockups, issues with other mods, etc.? Bugs/issues: Location does not show up on the settlements map, does not show data on map. I ve checked various tutorials and the Mechanist lair settlement but can not figure this out. All the basics are there, maybe something exterior, another list? Caravans and NPCs will not travel from/to this location. How complex would it be to fix this? A few waypoints to the door or something far more work intensive and game intrusive? Entrance door can be opened directly by player and NPCs. I remember seeing some doors in the game that do not allow player use, except trough the use of a button. Any guides, examples of this that would work with the doors i am using.
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