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Everything posted by SeaihnBlacke

  1. Yeah, that's one of the bad things about marriage in Skyrim: it's too... 1950's. Ostensibly the only purpose of a wife in Skyrim is child-rearer and meal-maker, unless you go far off-campus for more.. adult.. fare. That being said, I'd always imagined the Dragonborne as looking for more of a Valyria [sp?] type of mate. A romantic partner who wants a life-bound partner, not a house wench.
  2. I tried Arissa and while i liked a lot about her, like the Regard system, I found the primary thing -her dialogue- to be more limited than I would have imagined. That's why I've been waiting for a follower like Sofia for awhile now. Now we just one that gives the player the freedom to marry. Seems like most of the recent crop of VA followers have written that option off.
  3. I read earlier that you had decided to make Sofia un-romanceable. I beg you to reconsider. Make it difficult, if her personality dictates that, but having a follower that shows real personality, wit and life and not having that as an option seems torturous. Just look how many people have fallen in love with her form just this forum and your videos.
  4. Given the topic of your mod, I would suggest you consider visiting another website that goes by the initialls LL and deals with adult mods. There's an ongoing mod for an extended questline concerning the Sisterhood of Dibella and your two mods might work well together. Google "Sisterhood of Dibella" and it'll guide you true.
  5. Good Lord, I must have her... have a rough idea when your first version might hit Nexus?
  6. Ok, so I've read a number of opinions on this and am looking for a good baseline on the best way to go about modding my Skyrim. Nearly everyone says that once you introduce a mod into your saves, then it's almost insane to remove it; that sounds beyond logical, so I'm not going to question that. However, what is the best way to introduce those mods? Should you slap every mod into your game at once, from the beginning? Should you gradually add your desired mods between separate trial saves (i.e. add some mods, load, check, save, rinse repeat)? Add them as you go through the game? Currently, I've got a save immediately after the Helgen intro with only character gen mods and some basic gameplay mods active. My next step is adding my 'environmental' and immersion mods in, like Frostfall, Climates of Skyrim, Wet and Cold, lighting, etc. After that I'll add towns and homes, then quests, the followers, then weapons and armor (which I'll be forced to merge esps on I'm afraid). I was planning on sitting in one place and saving between adds, making sure all is stable. Is this a good plan? Should I stagger mods into my game only as they become needed (geographically or narratively)? What have people found best? worst? Thanks for any responses!
  7. I'm posting this here because I use MO for my mod management and i am flat out of options in terms of a best place to seek assistance. Anyways, i use MO to management my mods and I'm having severe CTD issues. I'll break out the finer points. I can start a new game, fashion my character, go through the introductory section and pass through the cave into Skyrim at large. Ostensibly, I could continue on my travels and play the rest of the game without issue, EXCEPT: If i save the game, and reload that same game, I CTD after selecting the save game and it the loading screen appears. This is not save specific, I've gone through this scenario five times and each time is the same: playthrough is fine, but loading my saves cause a CTD. I have tried a complete uninstall and reinstall; this did not resolve the issue. I have no missing Masters or dependencies. While I have a total of 254 mods in MO, I am using only a small fraction of that for testing purposes and in an attempt to keep the game as vanilla as possible through the Helgen intro. This CTD does not occur specifically when i enable those mods. it happens everytime, whether i have the mods loaded or not. Current load order listed below. I suspect that this could be a single mod, but disabling individual mods does not seem to allow me to load. This is a new PC with a new install of Win7x64. System specs listed below. I am at a loss guys and hope someone can see what i am plainly missing. i have played through Skyrim with a number of the listed mods on a MUCH lower specced machine and have had no issues. I am looking forward to seeing just how beautiful Skyrim can be and see far, i am see more Desktop-rim than Skyrim. if anyone can see my mistakes, I beg you to point them out to me. Thank you! System Specs: Load Order: At the behest of others, I've additionally upgrades to SKSE alpha and installed uGridToLoad. What upsets me is that I hear how great MO is, how superior to NMM it is, but I had the exact same load-out on my last game using NMM to start out and didn't have any of these issues. I'm about a day away form just re installing Skyrim and using NMM to start again.
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