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About sykoholic001

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  1. They wouldn't happen to have Razorwire's "Jimmy Hats Vending Machines" mod too, would they?
  2. Is there a mod that removes the neck cover from the Stormchaser Hat and Motorcycle Helmet?
  3. You could just turn the sleeve transparent. The problem you'll have though is that, in-game, not only would the jacket be missing an arm, your character would be too. You'd need to find a partial body mesh to put "inside" the jacket.
  4. I went thru the comments of the video and found a link where someone uploaded the mod to mediafire.... http://www.mediafire.com/file/f8u3umuc5ktd3pd/Novac_Legion-63526-1-0.zip/file The zip file contains an .esp and a bunch of sound files.
  5. The woman is Ranger Stella The only mod I know of that includes/involves freeing her is Free the Slaves. It's not really a quest but rather just more of an option.
  6. Unfortunately, that's not a quick mash. The jeans, belt, pouches, and vest are all a single mesh. They can't be separated in Nifskope. A person would have to use Blender (or something similar) to literally cut them apart. If all you were wanting was the vest, the shirt underneath it would also need to be cut out. The belt and its pouches would likewise need to be "skinned" off the jeans and have their back sides re-built. There's also the issue of the outfit being a game asset. I think we're not actually supposed to do that.
  7. Yeah... I think "Better Angels" is it. One of the NCR Troopers at the FOB is a Super Mutant and another is a Ghoul. The Super Mutant does a great deal of "thinking out loud" and the Ghoul (a rather foul-mouthed individual) constantly berates and insults him for it. You could easily forget about the rest of the mod and just stand there listening to the two of them bicker. The two of them are re-occurring characters from an earlier mod in the Someguy Series
  8. More of an idea/question than a request.... Has anyone made FNV versions of the FO4 companions? I'm not talking quests, dialogue, affinity, and all that complicated, in-depth stuff... just simple, rudimentary companion NPCs that LOOK like the FO4 companions.
  9. Not sure if these are all that helpful but... https://www.nexusmods.com/newvegas/mods/61109 https://www.nexusmods.com/newvegas/mods/50921
  10. I goofed with the folder name. Navigate to "C:\program files (x86)\steam\steamapps\common\Fallout New Vegas\data\textures\armor", find the "lucasimms" folder, and re-name it "lucassimms" (two S's in the middle rather than just one). My bad.
  11. That's about as far as I'm able to get until I can figure out how to turn an .obj into a .nif But now you know why I wanted a sailor hat. :tongue:
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