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About blazebeard

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  1. ok after uninstalling there were a ton of files left in the new vegas file im thinking one of them is the problem
  2. ok well i dont really know what fonger is saying i think im just going to delete everything. make sure there are no lingering files and pray.
  3. or just deal with the fact that you are having UAC issues and move your install of steam to solve it hinty - steam has a thread about this. uh what? steam hasnt been an issue generally
  4. shouldnt these all be in the bsa files or i dont know where they are supposed to be
  5. or should i delete everything and purge it with fire the scol folder is what i meant
  6. should i move them to their respective places and risk .... well nothing it already dosent work
  7. C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\fallout new vegas\Data\textures\nvdlc02 clutter C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\fallout new vegas\Data\meshes\nvdlc01
  8. same deal in the textures file C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\fallout new vegas\Data\textures\nvdlc01\ inside that architecture armor characters clutter creatures effects furnature interface landscapes slides terminals weapons
  9. plasma caster is in this weapon file too and thats the only wep thats screwed up these are clues sir!
  10. waaait a sec i am looking at my meshs file and something dosnt look right. is there suposed to be 2 files called nvdlc01-02? also one called scol they seem to have dead money files in them.
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