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Posts posted by Kongolan

  1. They are opened with a excel-like text editor. If the original mod modifies the same file, merging is quite hard. Monster density is done over the level files, so each area just gets more density added in that colum for that monster. So as long the old mod doesn't modify the level files, you can just add it on top, but if they change these files, it won't merge well and you need to manually edit and merge.

  2. I heard collections are already working well for the testers on the alpha state of it.


    Collections are a feature, which will improve the life of every mod consumer, since we finally can download and build lists and have full control of everything later on. After my last modding attempt and Skyrims new release, it was the perfect timing to see what is working and forge lists again, since everyone started fresh. I wasn't playing for over 6 months and when the announcement about collections came, i was hyped, since it meant to me to finally mod the game fast and easy and more playing than modding. Right now it's like 80% modding, testing and like 20% playing until you find a new mod and you break you save file, so we finally need a good way to start.


    So please give collections a release THIS YEAR, so we can finally start playing over the silent christmas time. It is already productive and it's a great feature to everyone, who wants to mod his game, even if mod creators disliked it, it's the FUTURE!


    After you enter these two things, Vortex will get everything else automatically from Nexus.


    Well that is simply not true, because Vortex will only fetch the description page and nothing else, not the category, not the author, not the version (which is most important). Since this is a common problem currently, which makes basically all importing redundant and as well makes the version checks and mod sorting options obsolete on big load orders with more than 150 mods, there should be a new button to update or fetch missing meta data on the installed mods. Beside of overhauling the category system, to give it another view, which can be easier managed and overlooked, because sorting on category isn't enough.


    So I refer my post here again, where i already addressed this problem 2 weeks ago: https://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/topic/6590606-missing-metadata-after-importing-from-nmm-cant-fetch-them-automatically/

  4. It can also be fetched from Nexus when you download it, and applied to it. I support that idea! Beside of that it would be useful if there is a own file in Vortex which tracks if you changed a category from Nexus to something else, since some patches are under the patches section but you rather want them into the magic category and such, but when you redownload it, it will be overwritten, so it should have a modid table which connects your own presets how you want the categories, maybe even by name like you suggest, not that hard to do actually.

  5. Well Vortex certainly needs a way to have categories and names fetched from Nexus or at least renaming the Archive like the esp which is inside, so we get a better overview on what which mod is.


    I have the same issue, there is no good overview and if you have like 4 patches for some mods then you miss more than just the categories and better naming, you need some highlighting on which mods connect to each other in some way.


    That is literally the only draw back Vortex currently has, i don't run into any other problems. The only thing i disagree with is so far the need of Separators between the mods, because if the categories sorting works and can select multiple categories or search for part of the categories like "magic" then you are fine.


    Beside of that coding a separator isn't that hard anyways since it's just a dummy visual line, but it Vortex could get a 2nd view for all the mods which is the same like NMMs tree structure, that shouldn't be that hard either.

  6. I'm not sure if Github is used as frequently by Tannin as i thought it is used (last week there were many commits), so i post it here again:


    It's a shame that you are the only developer for Vortex, which i still don't understand, i would do some pull-requests if i could understand the structure more and if i see more commits, which add features. I already grabbed the current master build and will soon maybe fix the features myself, which i need.
    1. Importing Progressbar and general more responsive Actions
    I tired to import all my NMM data into Vortex (which indeed is a long process without a proper loading bar, it seems like being stuck and took me around 3 hours for 150 mods). Also can't cancel it without running into problems and on huge files it just takes too long and looks like it freezed. My suggestion: add a file transfer dialog, so we see what is done by Vortex, actually add it to all "actions" it performs, because most likely it just seems to be stuck. There could be a new window on the bottom like a log files, which tells us what Vortex is doing right now, like copying a file or creating a folder, basically a overview of all progress. It will give the buttons more feedback as well, because sometimes i click "sort plugins" and i don't know if something changed and if the click even worked.
    2. Fetching Metadata from NMM
    When i try to update the metadata with the import option from NMM, i would like to skip this BIG files, because the overwriting isn't really fast and there is no option to disable the overwrite and just fetching the data, beside of fetching the metadata yet isn't working at all. Maybe you could check if the exact folder is already present (which it already does) and then try to update the files which are not the same like the metadata in the table.
    3. Procedural Imports and option to skip files mid-loading
    The import feature needs some cleanup, that it doesn't lock vortex fully or maybe make it procedural (it takes like 99% of my HDD performance, when i use other file transferring tools like FreeFileSync they somehow have a lower performance impact, while they are still fast). When the mods are imported procedural, we can see which mod is currently imported and we can skip mid-loading and go to the next or quit out, if we think we add or that mod later manually.
    4. Automatic Metadata and Naming fetching, like NMM had
    In the end the result was that all mods were imported and it also cleaned the data folder well, BUT no metadata was fetched, so i can't update them and i'm stuck with the horrible mod names. I really like the feature of NMM to change the names when trying to check for updates, because the naming of the mods needs to be fixed when they are not readable like "German Version - 80224" and the categories are essential for me to have a good overview of what i have installed and what can potentially conflict.
    So my basic request is to have a way to automatically change the names and fetch the version numbers and metadata, because they are literally missing. I really need to have a better overview of my mods, and i don't want to set all categories manually. If not i at least would like to have the option to grab the metadata from NMM in a sort of pre-import state, so i don't need to copy the big files all the time, when i already have them.
    I hope this can be fixed sometime soon, because it shouldn't be a hard fix, as long the core features are already there, and i saw i can already grab the modid automatically and even the nexus page associated with it.
    I just saw that it works like a charm if i download a mod and don't put my own archive into downloads folder or import it. That is strange, because i don't see where the metadata comes from. Where is it saved anyways? I don't find it in AppData nor in any of the mods folder... When looking at the code it seems like there is a table which stores them, but i don't exactly find how we could change that.
    5. Regular work hours and Github usage
    My last question is somehow something personal to you Tannin, since i don't know what exactly are your working conditions with Nexus. Maybe it's just odd, but when i saw that you updated the Github last week from Monday to Friday straight, i checked everyday since Friday, what you currently working at, so i get a overview, if i just wait or want to fix some stuff myself (when i understand how everything is stored and processed). What are you working times for Nexus? Do you have a fixed time from Monday to Friday or when can i check for possible commits? Are you commiting regularly or are you working most of the time offline, so we don't see when you actually done something?
  7. Hello there,


    I have a pretty simple question, which will for sure not be that simple as i think it should be.


    Actually it's 2 questions:


    1. Is it possible to overhaul the kill moves which are randomly triggered and give them a specific key that will trigger it with an own formula which checks if the enemy is weak enough for it, or if it will succeed randomly. I know i can just the global variables for it, so the kill move gets triggered, but having a 2nd key is important in matter of the 2nd question.


    2. If the first thing is possible, my aim is actually to have a new combat move, which will grab the enemy and perform an instant kill (of course only when you are strong enough and the other weak enough). The animation should be cancelable, so the enemy can fight back if he gets strong enough or if you get damage while performing it, obviously it should be a high reward thing which can be countered, so you will get a lot of damage if countered. This is way harder i think, first i need a new animation, which is maybe not in the game and 2nd how can animations be canceled? Does anyone have experience with this?



    The last thing why I actually aim to get this, is not to code a new combat enhancement mod. I more likely want to modify sevencardz's and noobzor's Knockout Overhaul (https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/52681), so that NPC don't die or at least don't always die when you fight them, they more likely get knocked out and need to be killed manually with a specific key. Like stabbing the sword into them when they lie on the ground. All inspired by Gothic, where you had to finally kill everyone after you brawled with them, else they just stand up again. 2nd thing for this would be that there is a way for you to kill protected NPCs as well and basically everyone or just leave them alive, while you have to consider in long fights if you have time to kill a bandit, while you fight the others or if they just recover and fight you again. Basically it's aimed for realism, so sometimes you kill someone in mid fight as well, when you do a lot of damage to him, but sometimes they are just weak and will go down and slowly dieing or not (nobody will know until you finish them).


    It would be really helpful to get some information, because i'm basically new to animations of all sort, as well as overall the combat move system of skyrim, but i'm a coder for 9 years now, so i know how to code, when i know if it is possible. Thanks for all the help and I hope i track attention to this, because i think this is wanted!!

  8. Hello there,


    I have a pretty simple question, which will for sure not be that simple as i think it should be.


    Actually it's 2 questions:


    1. Is it possible to overhaul the kill moves which are randomly triggered and give them a specific key that will trigger it with an own formula which checks if the enemy is weak enough for it, or if it will succeed randomly. I know i can just the global variables for it, so the kill move gets triggered, but having a 2nd key is important in matter of the 2nd question.


    2. If the first thing is possible, my aim is actually to have a new combat move, which will grab the enemy and perform an instant kill (of course only when you are strong enough and the other weak enough). The animation should be cancelable, so the enemy can fight back if he gets strong enough or if you get damage while performing it, obviously it should be a high reward thing which can be countered, so you will get a lot of damage if countered. This is way harder i think, first i need a new animation, which is maybe not in the game and 2nd how can animations be canceled? Does anyone have experience with this?



    The last thing why I actually aim to get this, is not to code a new combat enhancement mod. I more likely want to modify sevencardz's and noobzor's Knockout Overhaul (https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/52681), so that NPC don't die or at least don't always die when you fight them, they more likely get knocked out and need to be killed manually with a specific key. Like stabbing the sword into them when they lie on the ground. All inspired by Gothic, where you had to finally kill everyone after you brawled with them, else they just stand up again. 2nd thing for this would be that there is a way for you to kill protected NPCs as well and basically everyone or just leave them alive, while you have to consider in long fights if you have time to kill a bandit, while you fight the others or if they just recover and fight you again. Basically it's aimed for realism, so sometimes you kill someone in mid fight as well, when you do a lot of damage to him, but sometimes they are just weak and will go down and slowly dieing or not (nobody will know until you finish them).


    It would be really helpful to get some information, because i'm basically new to animations of all sort, as well as overall the combat move system of skyrim, but i'm a coder for 9 years now, so i know how to code, when i know if it is possible. Thanks for all the help and I hope i track attention to this, because i think this is wanted!!


    Edit: i just saw i posted it into the wrong forum section, can it be moved to Mod Talk?? or deleted here?

  9. Hello there,


    I have a pretty simple question, which will for sure not be that simple as i think it should be.


    Actually it's 2 questions:


    1. Is it possible to overhaul the kill moves which are randomly triggered and give them a specific key that will trigger it with an own formula which checks if the enemy is weak enough for it, or if it will succeed randomly. I know i can just the global variables for it, so the kill move gets triggered, but having a 2nd key is important in matter of the 2nd question.


    2. If the first thing is possible, my aim is actually to have a new combat move, which will grab the enemy and perform an instant kill (of course only when you are strong enough and the other weak enough). The animation should be cancelable, so the enemy can fight back if he gets strong enough or if you get damage while performing it, obviously it should be a high reward thing which can be countered, so you will get a lot of damage if countered. This is way harder i think, first i need a new animation, which is maybe not in the game and 2nd how can animations be canceled? Does anyone have experience with this?



    The last thing why I actually aim to get this, is not to code a new combat enhancement mod. I more likely want to modify sevencardz's and noobzor's Knockout Overhaul (https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/52681), so that NPC don't die or at least don't always die when you fight them, they more likely get knocked out and need to be killed manually with a specific key. Like stabbing the sword into them when they lie on the ground. All inspired by Gothic, where you had to finally kill everyone after you brawled with them, else they just stand up again. 2nd thing for this would be that there is a way for you to kill protected NPCs as well and basically everyone or just leave them alive, while you have to consider in long fights if you have time to kill a bandit, while you fight the others or if they just recover and fight you again. Basically it's aimed for realism, so sometimes you kill someone in mid fight as well, when you do a lot of damage to him, but sometimes they are just weak and will go down and slowly dieing or not (nobody will know until you finish them).


    It would be really helpful to get some information, because i'm basically new to animations of all sort, as well as overall the combat move system of skyrim, but i'm a coder for 9 years now, so i know how to code, when i know if it is possible. Thanks for all the help and I hope i track attention to this, because i think this is wanted!!


    Edit: i just see i posted this in the wrong forum section, can it be moved?

  10. Thank you for this super long post. I really wasn't aware that altering the base object means that all references get this reflected change. That explains a lot, why i saw CloneForm used so much. Obviously i was hoping to avoid CloneForm or at least to avoid creating multiple copies of weapons for every character and even for every "set" of stats, but it seems like i can't avoid using a database. This will be some hard work, but for sure doable. Since i'm already experienced in various other programming languages the usage of arrays and sorting mechanismn isn't a problem. My main problem is the leak of understanding Oblivions functions...


    To change stats of each individual weapon on each individual NPC, you might potentially need one new base form for each single weapon with unique stats - or simply each individual weapon out there in the gameworld - depending on how you do it. With some sort of smart tracking system and a database of sorts (using OBSE arrays and stringmaps), you might be able to create a sort of "pool" of cloned forms to pull from, while also substituting any old, irrelevant clones with original game items to free up the "pool" for new clones.


    On which base should i sort the arrays? It seems like every weapon type (longsword, claymore or such) will need a own unique cloned form, right? So would it be smart to sort a key map with the name of the weapon and the array of all cloned forms for this weapon type?
    Alternatively there are differences between all stats and their NPC, so it will maybe be more useful to just use 1 cloned form per NPC representing his active weapon. But i think i can't change what the weapon is, when i just use CloneForm right? Also how can i store Actor references, by which indicator (are there IDs? Same with WeaponTypes)?
    So i will still need one form for every weapon. The reuse of the weapons can indeed be fetched and checked for old or irrelevant clones and then applied to the npc (most of them use the same weapons anyways). But i'm not exactly sure on which criteria i should check this relevance, best indicator would be if the player is in the loaded cell, but i literally can't imagine how to do it.
    Also i attach a token with a object script to the npcs, which means it stores the reference for the old and current weapon. What will happen when i alter a cloned form stored in the array, which has a reference in another unloaded npc? Will the changes affect this one and if so will this function call true?
    set OldWeapon to CurWeapon
    set CurWeapon to Me.GetEquippedObject 16
    PrintToConsole "%n" OldWeapon
    PrintToConsole "%n" CurWeapon
    if (CurWeapon != OldWeapon)
      PrintToConsole "Updating Entered."
      set bDoUpdate to 1

    Most important: "substituting any old, irrelevant clones with original game items to free up the "pool""

    How can i do this? I still don't get how i can create default references or items and even how to fill them into the arrays. Is it possible to use the name of a item as objectID or how should i get the default of the item stored in CurWeapon?

    Me.AddItem CurWeapon 1 ; obviously gives me just the same reference again and not the default one

    Sorry for that many questions, most likely the last question is by far the most important.



    Kind of found GetFormIDString, but not sure if it's the correct one, since it will give me another formID for the cloned weapon, right?

  11. Hey there,

    i'm working on a mod, which modifies the speed of a weapon for every npc depending on their stats.

    Currently i'm facing 2 questions with it:

    1. For what is CloneForm used exactly? Currenlty i'm assigning the current Weapon to a ref and just modify its speed later like this:

    set CurWeapon to Me.GetEquippedObject 16
    set CurSpeed to GetWeaponSpeed CurWeapon
    Me.SetWeaponSpeed NewSpeed CurWeapon

    But i heard it's better to use CloneForm for modifying an existing weapon. Is that right and why? I also heard there are memory leaks related to CloneForm (discussed here: https://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/topic/300599-cloneform-questions/).


    2. My second problem is the most important one. Since the script is attached to an object it runs very often and checks for a weapon switch or new stats to calculate the speed from. Main problem is that GetWeaponSpeed CurWeapon also throws the already modified speed. I would love to use / get the default speed for that weapon and calculate from that point.


    I literally didn't find anything to get default values from any weapon in OBSE or Oblivion Script Language so far. And after searching for 2 days, i only have you guys left here... I'M STUCK!


    It would also be possible to create a totally fresh and new weapon of that type and add / equip it to the actor, but i have no idea how to do that, i can only copy existing ones -.-

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