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  1. Ah, right. Will these events be received on my Container objects even if my object is not currently loaded? (e.g. if Im several cells away, behind many load doors, etc.)
  2. Hi there! For a quest I am implementing, I would like to have a specific loot item appear in any instance of a specific Container. For example, say I have this container: zzzRaiderContainer_LargeRed_01 This container has 10 instances, spread throughout the world. Normally this would contain a standard raider loot set. However, during a specific quest, I want any zzzRaiderContainer_LargeRed_01 container to ALSO contain a specific item, zzzSpecialRaiderQuestItem01. Is there a way to accomplish this? It doesn't seem leveled lists allow for conditional loot. I'm not sure if this is something the Story Manager can help with, as I've not touched it in a while. My only thought is that perhaps I could have a script attached to the Container form that calls AddItem in an OnLoad event for the container if we're at the correct quest step, but I'd like to hear if anyone else has other ideas. Thanks! :)
  3. Hello again! Today we have an exciting new update for our story-driven new world modification for Fallout 4: A Tale of Jo, Liz, and a Better World. Today, we're sharing a gameplay demo, featuring a quest about a third of the way into our story. We're all very excited to pull back the curtain on the story and world a bit more, and we all sincerely hope that you enjoy! As a quick recap: A Better World tells the story of two women on the run from the Institute: Jo and Liz, and their mission to create a better, safer world. After three years of relative safety, their past has caught up with them: they find themselves hunted by retention synths and a rogue, ruthless courser, with everything they’ve worked to build at stake. To support this story, A Better World features a dual setting split between the vast wilderness of Abbot County and the derelict ruins of an underground pre-war shopping center called Vault-Tec Plaza. We're also always looking to expand our small, experienced team! If you want to contribute to A Better World, you can check out our recruitment video for more information.
  4. Hi everyone! A year ago, we announced a big, story-driven new world modification for Fallout 4: A Tale of Jo, Liz, and a Better World. Today, we’d like to share more details and our latest progress in our exciting new development update video. A Better World tells the story of two women on the run from the Institute: Jo and Liz, and their mission to create a better, safer world. After three years of relative safety, their past has caught up with them: they find themselves hunted by retention synths and a rogue, ruthless courser, with everything they’ve worked to build at stake. To support this story, A Better World features a dual setting split between the vast wilderness of Abbot County and the derelict ruins of an underground pre-war shopping center called Vault-Tec Plaza. In other news – we’re also looking to expand our small, highly-experienced team! We are currently looking to fill three roles: a Prop Artist, a Character Artist, and a Quest Designer. Join our Discord to keep up with updates, or apply for a position on our team: https://discord.gg/hsRaBTNF6R Prop Artist For the prop artist role, we’re looking for someone who can create new assets for us to clutter the world with. This could be things such as mason jars, fences, food objects, and other props you would find lying around the wilds of Abbot County and the buried ruins beneath. You would be proficient in the high to low poly workflow, texturing, working with tiling materials, optimization and how to get your work into the Creation Kit. Character Artist The character artist role will be key in defining the look of the characters that inhabit the settlements, homesteads, and wilderness of Abbot County. This includes creating new clothes and armor sets, as well as a few custom animals. You will need to know the high to low poly workflow, optimization, rigging, texturing and be comfortable getting your work into the Creation Kit. Quest Designer For the quest designer role, we are looking for someone with an eye for fun and challenge within the framework of Fallout 4’s gameplay systems. You would be comfortable designing your quest’s gameplay spaces in both the interior and exterior worlds, be familiar with working in Papyrus to script your quest’s behavior from start to finish, as well as handle other technical tasks such as setting up navmesh for your quest AI to utilize.
  5. Hello, I've tried a million different hosting sites, different resolutions and filetypes on my photos, but nothing I've tried has let me upload images in my signature. This is the BBCode I'm trying to use: [url=https://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/topic/9299888-wip-a-better-world-upcoming-huge-new-world-and-quest-mod/][img=https://i.imgur.com/Rwj6hn1.png][/url][url=https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout3/mods/16949/?][img=https://i.imgur.com/hsAZTiC.png][/url] And this is the error I'm getting: Could I get some help figuring out what's going wrong here? And as proof the BBCode actually works:
  6. Hello! I've been using the official Bethesda plugin for 3ds Max 2013 for a few years now without issue, but one area that I haven't been able to figure out is how to create meshes that utilize texture scrolling (like the cloud meshes, scrolling whitewater textures, etc.). Anyone have any experience in this area? Would love any information on how to export something like this into the game. Thanks! Elijah
  7. Thanks NohrScum! Abbot County is a fictional location, but the landscapes are largely inspired by some of my favorite places throughout the world. For instance, the creek at 1:14 is inspired by a set of waterfalls and creeks that I grew up exploring near Alton. Long story short, I spent so many years recreating a real-life location with Alton that it's a nice break to make something original! There will of course be story explanations for why this location exists, but I'm saving the story details for a bit later on.
  8. Thanks for the kind words everyone! Here's a super WIP screenshot of what I'm working on today. The idea is that a cascading river has carved its way through a pre-war roundabout and the street beyond. The buildings in the screenshot are temporary stand-ins until I have time to create the final architecture.
  9. Hi everyone, today I’d like to announce a project I’ve been working on for a long time: a new world modification for Fallout 4 called A Better World. You can find the announce trailer here: Nine years ago, on October 27, 2011, I released Alton, IL, a post-nuclear recreation of my hometown in Fallout 3. You can find it here. I created the world, quests, and characters of Alton as a solo project, and I’ve always wanted to do something of that scale on my own again. So here we are! A Better World is a story-driven open-world modification, featuring an extensive main quest, plenty of side quests, and a huge new world full of unique activities and challenges. I’m not going to talk much about the story today, but as a brief teaser: A Better World tells the story of two women on the run from the Institute: Jo and Liz, and their mission to create a better, safer world. To support this story, A Better World features a dual setting. The first is a derelict, underground pre-war shopping mall: Vault-Tec Plaza. Vault-Tec Plaza opened in 2075 to introduce the citizens of New England to their flagship Vaults, a testament to how the American Way could continue underground. The shipping, operations, and customer service staff were almost entirely automated, thanks to a partnership between Vault-Tec and RobCo. Rumor has it that this was where Jo and Liz were last seen before they relocated to Abbot County, and this is where your search for them begins. Vault-Tec Plaza announce screenshots: The second is an entirely new worldspace to explore, the wild and relatively tranquil Abbot County. From the dense coniferous forests of the Nashoba Range, to windy lakeside birch forests, and through the quiet creeks and maple groves in the Nashoba Valley, Abbot County is home to an incredibly varied wilderness. Standing out amongst this wilderness is the town of Bethel, situated in the center of Lake Callahan, the result of years of land reclamation by the denizens of Abbot County. Abbot County announce screenshots: A Better World doesn’t yet have a release date, but when I do, I’ll certainly let everyone know. The trailer features an instrumental cut of the song Midnight by the incredibly talented Radical Face (whose music has largely inspired this project) and brings you on a journey through the world of Abbot County and the sprawling Vault-Tec Plaza. The screenshots are some of my favorite stills from the trailer. Thanks for stopping by, I’m so excited to finally have everyone on this journey with me. Elijah
  10. Having an issue where I am unable to check out forms in Fallout4.esm with Version Control on. Previously, in Skyrim, we would do the trick located here to disable the localization flag that prevented check-ins. However, I can't seem to get this to work for Fallout4.esm. Trying to check out forms seems to do nothing, and for example, checking in navmesh gives me the following error: NavMesh Checkin NavMeshInfoMap is currently in use or could not be checked out. Navmeshes can not be checked in at this time. Would you like to remove all navmeshes from the current check in list and proceed? (YES)? Or cancel check in? (NO) Has anyone succesfully checked out a Fallout4.esm form? Or know what I might need to do to do so?
  11. So big news- I have officially accepted an offer from Rockstar New England, and will be joining their team full time as a Junior Scripter! I'm ridiculously excited to join such a talented group of people working on amazing, world class video games. :) So what does this mean for Ethas? Well, hopefully not a whole lot. I'll have less time to devote to the project, but I'll try to contribute when I can. Otherwise, the project will hopefully carry on as normal, but in the unfortunate case that it doesn't, we'll be sure to let you know. In the meantime, we'll continue our regular summer/winter update schedule, and hopefully have a few smaller updates in between. Thanks to my awesome family and friends that have supported me throughout my game development journey, I wouldn't have been able to do it without you all. Thanks to all of you that have shown your support throughout the years, all of your feedback (both positive and negative) has helped shape Ethas into what it is today. And of course, thanks to Justin Hardin, Andreas Stavaas, and Kevin Saade Eriksen for joining me in making some awesome stuff over the past few years! Also, I have to give a shout out to Bethesda for fostering such an awesome community, as we wouldn't be here otherwise.
  12. Yes, we've designed Ethas with that in mind. :smile: You have a few options: If you load a current Skyrim save, you'll gain the ability to travel to and from Ethas via spell. Because the two worlds are in completely separate universes, there's no boat, road, or anything like that. As a result of this, nobody in Ethas will acknowledge you as the Dragonborn - you are instead a famous captain of the Arelian army.If you start a new game, you'll be presented with the option to start in either Skyrim or Ethas. If you start in Skyrim, you'll gain the spell to travel to and from Ethas after you finish Unbound.If you start a new game in Ethas, you will create your character as a part of our introduction, and you will get the spell after the introduction is done. When you travel to Skyrim from a new game in Ethas, you will begin in the cart as always. The only difference being that you will not create your character in Skyrim, as you have already done so while in Ethas.
  13. I can't take credit for choosing great voice actors, that's all thanks to Justin (Jhardingame). Our voice actors really blew us away with the quality and consistency of their recordings, seriously awesome stuff.
  14. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QZzrMRgeQaM Hello once again, everyone! It's been an entire two years since the release of the Creation Kit, and as celebration, we've put together something special - a 17 minute demo of "Spy in the Midst", the first main quest following Ethas's introductory sequences. While this is only a small taste of a very large project, we hope it gives you an idea of what we're aiming to achieve. We'd like to thank everybody that made this possible, especially our talented cast of voice actors that worked hard to get us lines on time. We couldn't have done it without you! Anyway, sit back, relax, and enjoy the sights and sounds of Ethas.
  15. So today this happened. And keep in mind, I'm only one member of our team, and the CK only makes up a portion of my time spent on the mod. By the way, since we're almost exactly two years since the CK released, I decided to do a little math. If you average 3000 hours out over 2 years, that's roughly 4.1 hours per day. And that makes sense, I'm a college student that also has a weekend job, so 4.1 hours per day is about what I expected that to be. However, in slightly more alarming terms, if I were to do literally nothing but work in the Creation Kit all day, every day, I would have spent 125 days straight working on Ethas. I find the Skyrim figure a bit amusing when compared with the CK time, but it makes sense. Since I've mostly been working towards fleshing out the world in terms of level design, I don't have to test in-game too often, and when I do, it's usually in short bursts to make sure the world looks good in-game and is fun to explore. But once we enter into hardcore scripting mode soon, I expect that figure to shoot way up.
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