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Everything posted by theroomwiththemoose

  1. I managed to fix my hurps and durps. I found a mod on steamworkshop that does exactly what I need and studied its execution method as reference.
  2. I have had issues getting my custom assets working in-game, could you point me in the right direction regarding the necessary gamedata & .ini entries required for the game to properly load assets. I tried by adding prop entries into defaultcontent.ini referencing the gamedata files, but clearly I've missed something as the kit doesn't show up on the characters. Do I have to create a custom mod to have the stuff working?
  3. Has anyone gotten custom assets into xcom 2 yet? By assets I mean custom character props/parts like helmets&hats and armor parts. I spent the better part of yesterday trying to get a custom helmet in-game, but did not succeed. I followed the documentation as closely as possible but just couldn't get the assets to show up in-game (it defaults to last worn hat/helmet), they worked fine in the editor however. I use 3ds max. If you got stuff in-game and working, could you share how exactly you got it working. Likewise if some of you guys and gals remember any UE3 specific Dos & Don'ts related to the asset pipeline they would be appreciated as well.
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