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About dieangel68

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  1. Back when i was dabbling in modding for New vegas, i had started on a small project of making a follower that would have a mind of it's own, my idea was for a mischevious and slightly opportunist "thief" character. She would play cards with you (and win most of the time) and sometimes try to sell you things (or sell things you entrusted her with!) Basically a character that is was useful, attaching and could also be extremely agravating at moments (I wanted to make her kind of a combat coward, where she would not engage into fights she could not win, and/or flee when a combat goes sour, only to come back to you hours or days later.) I sort of gave up when i tried to give it some "intelligent randomness", disobeying instructions, having days where she would be following you around and be helpful, and days where she would refuse to leave home or simply would go do "other things". Long story , I know. I was wondering if someone attempted to create this kind of companions, that are more "complex" than simple soldiers "under orders", NPC that don't always do what they are told and/or might sometimes take advantage of you or susprise you.
  2. 100& voice Acted? What do u mean Does It Have a quest FNNCQ had a special vendor/slave trainer that the modder voiced himself, i wouldn't say he is a professional voice actor but his voice acting is above the average modder.
  3. This game is played by many peoples, from different origins, with different beliefs. As far as i am concerned the only mods i complain about is those that simply f*** up the game balance. If someone wants to make a mod that adds controversial stuffs, i could care less, sometimes controversial is fun! Some peoples identify the NCR as an US army equivalent and can't stand the idea of having womens on active duty, frankly whatever floats their boat, i'm not going to play with it but i sure as hell am not going to throw a tantrum about how good or bad it is.
  4. you probably didn't install archive invalidation.
  5. What about simply using character crippling perks? You just have to make your character weaker to make the game harder.
  6. Thank you for the tips! Also... What would be the best way to apply a malus due to dehidration/hunger/sleep deprivation, can we add a perk to a NPC for example? i'm trying to apply stats malus to my npc while they are in starvation.
  7. Turns out it was my "and/or" operators (gotta use && and || instead) So the way i'm doing is the only way to trigger a function at a regular "ingame" time and do catchup in case of fast travel/wait/sleep?
  8. Man do i feel dumb now... Second question... is there a "smarter" way to make this convoluted hunger/thirst/sleep timer system than using a gamemode block?
  9. This piece of script is not saving, the geck gives no errors but it's just... not saving. scn kdcMiaDialogScript Script short MiaTalked ; 1 = Player talked to Mia at least once (open the shop option). short MiaHiredCompanion ; 1 = Player hired Mia short NPCHungerLevel ; 100 = Starving short NPCThirstLevel ; 100 = Dehidration short NPCSleepLevel ; 100 = Sleep deprivation short NPCHungerRate ; 5 short NPCThirstRate ; 5 short NPCSleepRate ; 5 short MiaCompanionWait ; 1 = Player told Mia to wait short MiaMentionCaravan ; 1 = Player knows that Mia Plays Caravan. short MiaMentionPipBoy ; 1 = Player knows that Mia has a broken pipboy short MiaBootSectorCharged ; 1 = Bootloader has been charged in the pipboy short init; float tick_length; float next_tick; short current_day; ;This instruction block execute every single frame begin GameMode ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;INIT BLOCK;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; if init == 0 set tick_length to 0.5 ;HALF AN HOUR (INGAME) set next_tick to GetCurrentTime + tick_length set current_day to GameDaysPassed set init to 1 ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;MAIN LOOP;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; elseif MiaHiredCompanion == 1 ;With this mechanic, if the player fast forward, it should compensate ;by executing the function as many time as needed to catch up with the time. if GetCurrentTime >= next_tick or GameDaysPassed < current_day ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;NEEDS DEGRADATION;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; set NPCHungerLevel to NPCHungerLevel + NPCHungerRate set NPCThirstLevel to NPCThirstLevel + NPCThirstRate set NPCSleepLevel to NPCSleepLevel + NPCSleepRate set next_tick to next_tick + tick_length if GameDaysPassed < current_day and GetCurrentTime < next_tick ;If we notice that we are one day later and time is wrong we do a 24 hours flyback to set the clock to the proper position for the next tick set current_day to current_day + 1 set next_tick to next_tick - 24 endif endif endif end
  10. Unfortunately this won't work because it aparently count "real life" seconds, so it won't be able to compensate with fast travel... What's im' trying to fo is something that will do this (expressed time is ingame time): *tick* 30 minutes *tick* 30 minutes *tick* 2 hours fast travel *tick* *tick* *tick* 30 minutes *tick* 30 minutes *tick*
  11. Or is there another time tracking function in new vegas that factor sleep/wait/travel time skips? I just realized that if the player wait 24 hours my script won't be able to realise that 24 hours just passed...
  12. I'm trying to implement various effects on my followers based on time, for this i need my script to "trip" every now and then (30 minutes ingame time in my case) and i also need it to compensate for fast travel, sleep and wait times, so i can't just use the time "played". This is what i wrote so far: short init; float tick_length; float next_tick; ;This instruction block execute every single frame begin GameMode if init == 0 set tick_length to 0.01 set next_tick to GetCurrentTime + tick_length set init to 1 else ; with this mechanic, if the player fast forward, it should compensate by executing the function as many time as needed to catch up with the time if GetCurrentTime >= next_tick ; this is what we do when the timer trip. ShowMessage kdcTickMessage set next_tick to next_tick + tick_length endif endif end Can someone tell me if i am on the right path? is it a bad way to do things? This part of code is not actually working properly because the time goes from 0.0 to 24.0 so it will break after one day of use. How can i write this function so when the time goes from 23.99 to 0.0 it won't bork my script?
  13. It's probably because the game is very mod friendly that it doesn't force you to overwrite the entire game whe you make a modification, as such i guess nobody really bothered to tear down the "tower" when they can simply add a brick to it.
  14. Then start from the original mod material itself and add the sight node yourself. No it doesn't become the property of the porter if he modify something, but he still become the "owner" of the part he modified. If you want to avoid the hassle of asking permission to the porter, then don't use the ported mod and redo the porting yourself. Because something took no time or skill in your eyes doesn't mean it doesn't deserve credit. To go again with the music analogy. On a Mozart piece, the composition has been in public domain for a long while now, buy you still have to ask permission to those who hold the IP rights of the interpretation, they didn't create the piece of music, they only "play" it. You are free to do it too, but their work being based on something you are allowed to use (or don't need autorisation to use) doesn't mean you get to use their work without permission too.
  15. Actually both in theory, the original author hold the IP on the original material, and the Porter hold the IP on any creative work he added during the porting process. a bit like there is IP rights on a piece of music from the musician and from the compositor.
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