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About VoidKing02

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  1. Running a campaign to recruit voice actors for my upcoming mod: "The Partisan"! Roles available: - The Partisan: a mysterious figure waging a guerilla terror campaign against the NCR since 2279 and inciting civil unrest in many frontier territories. (Possibly compagnion). Age range for the Voice acting: late 30's to 50's - Sasro Jr. : a young ranger eager to follow in his father footsteps and climb the ladder of the NCR military. Has taken an interest in neutralizing "The Partisan". Age range: late 10's to mid 20's - (Possibly) Multiple roles for Vipers Gang members connected to the quest. NPC will be created in function of the Voice actor sex and age To join or for more specifications and info: send me a message through the forum message inbox!
  2. Basically what the title says, searching a team to help me move forward a 80's based (the raider gang in the Utah plains) insipired mod, with unique perks, NPCs, weapons, voice acting and perhaps locations. I have already some meshes and textures done for armors and weapons, plus perks, but i would appreciate if some other people would be interested in lending a hand, even if for voice acting. Bikers are welcomed to give advices anytime, the 80's are basically a motorcycled themed gang in the lore One of these unique weapons is this blue firing laser pistol, the Highsider
  3. i can testify than Ghouls sometimes have voice lines, not always but they do sometimes mumble stuff
  4. So, basically i'm working on a Circle of Steel expansion mod, by adding a Perk enabling you to join them, and thus after some hard labor and item hoarding, craft the CoS Infiltrator Suit of The BLACKJACK pack of YanL, which i reworked to feature interactive night vision, a functionnal Stealth Field (a bit more than just the Chameleon effect lol) , new stats, tons of recipes to craft and maintain it and so on. I'm now at the stage where i'm implementing it in the world and i was thinking it could be cool for the mod to feature a unique weapon (like a plasma rifle or a scoped laser rifle, with a whitish retexture and a BoS logo on it) going alongside it. If anyone is interested in helping me (me and weapons retextures are enemies), i would be super happy! (credits being of course due when/if i release it) VoidKing02
  5. So, the title pretty much sums it up, just wanted to see if some modders here would be interested in granting me my request: a set of Advanced power armor from the Enclave now belonging to the NCR (captured at Navarro). My request is basically nothing too fancy, just a suit of Remnant Armor, with the NCR bear logo instead of the Enclave E, The idea could be fleshed out with a NCR faction tagging, and perhaps a new sand NCR paint scheme, but honeslty if someone could even just add the bear, i would be super grateful. Thanks in advance!
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