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Posts posted by Sehvekah

  1. There is now a mod for custom skeletons that affect the player only .. can't remember its name, but I think it's under modder's tools/resources. Would this help, or does the lack of a proper race menu still get in the way?

    I believe this is the mod you're talking about. Anyone actually wanting to take a crack at creating or porting an anthro race to FO4 should also take a look over here as well.


    I'll also second the interest in seeing the Lykaios race being ported over.

  2. Starting off, I love Signature Weapons, one of my favorite NV mods, and it's fantastic how it can work with any weapon, modded or vanilla. Thing is, one of the best parts of SW, being able to practice with a "common" weapon, and then transferring the earned perks to it's unique variant(or vice versa), only works with vanilla NV weapons.


    What I'd like is to be able to add mod weapons to the list of weapons covered by this function. ie, if I've got a laser pistol/Pew Pew as my Signature Weapon, I'd like to be able to pick up a new type of laser pistol(Protecteron's Gaze if playing Tale of Two Wastelands for one example, or a Wattz 1000 laser pistol from Classic Fallout Weapons - New Vegas) and tell the mod to recognize it as part of the same "family" of weapons.


    It'd be nice if it was an option in the Signature Weapons menu, either an option like "Add to Signature Weapon Family", or an option after selecting "Adopt as Signature Weapon". Ideally, there'd be a limited number of slots for additional weapons(one every 3 to 12 weapon levels earned, maybe one free slot to start with, all user configurable, of course).


    I know it's subject to balance issues, but I'd rather error on the side of player freedom. Besides, the alternative of tying to make a patch for every other mod weapon, or even just the major ones, is way more work than it'd really be worth.

  3. And thrided for the first time! :P But seriously this would be nice. Granted the alien crystals in Mothership Zeta were a nice start, but that's a whopping two different crystals to choose from, one of which is merely a slightly larger, recolored version of the other. If we're going to have shiny things to hoard and adorn our dwellings with(this makes us sound like a bunch of psychotic magpies, doesn't it? Or maybe that's just me...) it'd be good to have as wide a variety as possible.
  4. Altair's outfit has been done for Oblivion, so it's mostly a matter of porting it over to FO3(with permission, of course). Though personally I'd prefer something custom made. Inspired by Assasin's Creed, yes, but clearly made from patched-up bits and pieces, a true Wasteland Assassin outfit rather than a direct re-creation(not that there's anything wrong with that, I just like the look and lore of the Fallout series).


    @Katuko: Bright blue overalls would indeed be a very poor fit. But dirty, faded, battle-torn and blood-stained overalls on the corpse of a drug-addled plumber somewhere underground, that's not such a bad idea, really. Makes one wonder what he might've been doing when he thought he was jumping on Goombas or throwing fireballs at flying turtles. :devil: Make no mistake, wether as a cameo or full-fledged, quest drivven mod, dropping Mario into the Capital Wasteland has so much potential.

  5. Did you use a machine translation? If you did, what is your native language? There might be someone here who can help you out better than a computer with a broken understanding of english.


    While it's possible to make a Zat in FO3, it'll have a few limitations:


    1: It'll be a static weapon(ie, no open/closing animation like you see in the show, it'd have to be locked open). It's currently incredibly difficult to add new animations to FO3, so that probably won't happen.


    2: Sound. For copyright reasons, we can't just take the sound from the show and use that in the mod. That said, it is entirely possible to make a custom sound that's pretty close. Or, with permission, use one from another fan-made mod. So that can be done, in a roundabout sort of way. It won't be perfect though.


    3: Effects. Making it work like in the show will require scripting, maybe even FOSE. This isn't necessarialy a bad thing, but it might make things very complicated. It's also possible that perfectly emulating the effects in the show just can not be done, but I don't personally know enough about scripting to say for certian.


    And as far as I know, there's no team currently working on a Stargate mod for FO3, but it's a given one will start up eventually. I'd be all too happy if someone proved me wrong on that though.

  6. Looks like it's a customized Beretta 92 or M9(not much diffrence, really). It's hard to see, but it looks like it says "9mm SWORD CUTLASS" on the slide, thus it'd be a 92 if chambered for 9mm. There's a couple mods that allready introduce the Beretta, so this could be dones as a simple reskin of an existing model. I'd suggest contacting the authors of one of the Beretta mods and asking if they'd be willing to do a reskined version. Worst that'll happen is they'll say no, so might as well take a shot(no pun intended).


    As for ammo capacity, the 9mm version has 15 round magazines as standard, with aftermarket ones offering 17 or 18(fits flush, as in pic) or 20(would protrude slightly) rounds. If, for simplicitys sake, you want to use 10mm, 12 rounds is a good compromise for a flush-fit magazine(IRL, there's a Beretta 96 chambered in .40 S&W, which is less powerful than 10mm Auto, but has the exact same diamater. It holds 11 rounds standard, though as with the 92 there's after-market mags with larger capacities).

  7. I could be wrong on this(feel free to slap me if I am), but it would seem that so long as the new one covers the same area as the old one, it'd just be a matter of whiping up some new models. Even if it's the same length, having something slimmer to wear would be nice, and it'd make more sense with certian armors/clothing if you're using any of the pipboy begone mods(think of it as pulling up your sleeve to use it. Well, as long as you're not using power armor, anyways).


    Though this brings up another question. If one were to make a new, slimmer pipboy(perhaps something inspired by the top pic on the lil' pip page), would it be possible to give it a larger/wider screen? If so, would that have any efrfect on the text/icons displayed on it?

  8. OK, as more and more custom races are added released, more and more people are encountering problems with the game niot being set up to recognize them(or the curstom races themselves being incomplete, ie, no child form). We all know the workaround, ~, showracemenu, and then a (sometimes long, depending on how far you go before things get borked) series of removing and readding the perks you've gained so that they'll function properly.


    Not knowing much about how scripting works, I'm not entirely sure if this is even possible, but could an object(or pair of objects) be set up that will, on use:


    1: First create a list of all perks the charecter currently has,

    2: Automaticly remove said perks,(2a: And, optionally, launch the racemenu)

    3: Restore perks from said list on second use(or upon using the second object).


    If it can't be done(or if it'd require FOSE), feel free to mock my n00bish question.

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