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Hello everybody. I just wanted to do a quick Request. Since I first saw Alucard from Castlevania Lords of Shadow 2, I'm absolutly fascinated. The Look, the Details, his Voice,... Everything. So, I just wanted to ask some Great Modders out here, if you would like to recreate him and his Armour for Skyrim. Since I can't upload any Pictures or post Links to them, you will have to check them out at Google. Sorry. Just type my Topic into Google Search and look for the Pictures.
- alucard
- castlevania
- (and 4 more)
1. Idea: A Mod that rebuilds the Forgotten Vale and bring some life back to that Place, so that Gelebor isn't alone anymore. Maybe he can be the Questgiver and Starting Point who will give you Hints, where to find other Snowelf Sanctuaries. Or to find Betrayed, who are willing to get a Part of their lost humanity back. Something like that. 2.Idea: For some God of War Mods....... Maybe some nice Places from the Games to kill some Gods. Or some more GoW Armor and Weapons. 3.Idea: Some more and bigger Missions for Dragonborn. Some more items and Dwemer Ruins. Maybe some Quests to Rebuild Forts (Frostmoth, Karstaag) and Dwemer Ruins (Falbtharz, Nchardak) Maybe a long Sealed and Forgotten Snowelf Hideout for the first idea above. Some more Information about Miraak and the other Dragonpriests of Solstheim. A bigger Severin Manor with Features from Hearthfire (Oven, ...) and Dawnguard. Some more Mannequins and Weaponracks. Barrels or Chests at the Enchanting Table for Soulgems. A hidden Treasure from the Severin Family. A new and stronger Variaty of the Cultists: Heretics with their own unique Armor (Maybe just a retex) And the Possiblilty to get their Loyality after the Death of Miraak, because you show them, that you ARE stronger than Miraak and a True Dragonborn. Let them take the Temple of Miraak as their Home rebuild, life,... in there. Maybe add also the Option to make all Dragons of Solsteim friendly to the Player and the People, but not to your Enemies. Some minor Ideas for the End of my Post: A Mod that edits a special kind of Bandits, so that I do not longer have to kill ELVES. I always play Elves in TES IV and TES V and I just hate it to kill my Brothers and Sisters. Can you create a Mod that gives you the Option to Rebuild all Nord Ruins? (Remove Clutter and Rocks Rebuild Halls and Stairways......) and to get Control over them by the Factions YOU can choose from (Stormcloaks, Imperials, Thalmor....) An Option to convince Thalmor Soldiers and Justicars would be nice too. The Option to become Jarl in one of the Citys of Rifton or Markarth, because I don't like the Nord in Markarth and I HATE Maven in Rifton. You can get your own Huscarls of your Choice and you can choose the Look of your Townguards to your very own likings...... Think of it: Guards from all other Races (Argonian, Elves, Orcs,....) and their own Armors and Weapons..... Orcish Guards, Redguard Guards, Dunmer Guards, High- and Woodelve Guards.... Forsworn Guards.................. DEADRIC Guards!!!! That would Be AWESOME!!!!! Something like that for all the Dwemer Ruins in Skyrim, just with Guards you want to have in there. Rebuild the Dwemer Citys and get Merchants and Trainers there. Become King of Blackreach. Bring Life and LIGHT (!!!) back to thoose empty Halls and build your own Dwemer Army to defend your People and Citys And get a BOSS to the Ruins of Irkngthand so that we can get a "Completed" there!!!!!! :D That's all for now, because my other Ideas got lost directly after they came to my mind... Maybe they will come back, than I will write them down here too. :) But for now that's all I have. Until next time, DL
How about that: Make it possible to create all Parts for a Hearthfire House, so that we have 3 more rooms in the Cellar and the 3 Towers on top of the other Rooms at your Main House........ My english is horrible. :confused: I think, that this could be to much for me as an absolute Modding newbie. I'm about to learn how to mod with Vanilla Items and maybe start with Oblivion first, I guess. For the House, I thought to put in the Cellar: Storage Room, Alchemie Garden and Weaponry. Above we will have: Bedroom, Trophieroom and Kitchen. The Towers will be above on the First Floor with the Entrance and a trapdoor for the upper Parts of the Tower: The Towers will be lifted up 1 stage so that the other Rooms will get a Roof and the Towers will look better fitting than they would from the Stairs that will absolutely not fit in this Image of the Dreamhouse I want to have. Maybe it could be combined with existing Mods like the ones, that put a Wall around your House...... Ideas over ideas. :biggrin: I hope that someone can help me for i will already say "Thank you".
I posted this some pages before, but I think, I will post it again to show you, how important it is to me. Simple Excample Snowwalking Skyrim- Snowwalking Reality Why can you walk through the deepest Snowstorm without harm butin Reality every Step is hard to take. Snow has fallen again at my Place, so I came up with this idea once more. Why is it, that you can see just the Animation I ask for on Assassins Creed 3? Have you seen how Connor reacts if stepping into deep Snow? He becomes slower, even while running up a Hill. That is, what is missing in Skyrim: Realistic Moving. BTW. The Ash in Dragonborn don't look really like Ash. More like sort of dirty snow. Can someone fix that too? So that The Ashen Areas do really look like Grey Wasteland, not like Brown Snow. I come up with one more Idea: Dwemer Ruins Reclaimed! What about that? Bring back Life to those empty Halls, Remove rocks, Trash,.... let those Halls look like they where just build. Also do the same for Markarth. Really, a city that looks like sh*t isn't really nice, especially Understone Keep. So much time but still leave that Junck everywhere.... Not really "gloriouse" if you would ask me. Maybe some could be build up from the Faction which send you there. Like Irkngthand rebuild by the Thievesguild, Mzulft rebuild by the Mages Guild..... Such Things could be done, or just let them be conquored by the Faction or Hold who owns that Part of Skyrim. Like I said Bthardamz reclaimed and rebuild by the Markarth Folk (Uhhh Calcelmo would love this^^)..... Oooooooohhohhhhoooohohohohho Something very Special: Blackreach!!! oO Reclaimed and civilized by all of Skyrim (For BR is connected with Ruins in different Holds) But Guraded by the Faction you've choosen in the Civil War Questline. If you havn't it should be guarded by just those which are connected with BR. OR (to short Things up a bit) Some Dwemer could be prissioned deep in there Homes by the Falmer who like nothing more than torture them and let them suffer the same Way, that the former Snow elves had to. You can rescue them, learn some of their Secrets as a Reward (special enchanted Gear and Things like that) and you can help them Reclaim their Homes ( Well only the bigger ones) Ooorrr, for even more unlore Sh*t Do you remember what Gelebor said? About the intelligenz within the Betrayed? Why not bring them back to some more culturized Things and help THEM insetead the Dwemer? I could write Fiction after Fiction but noone will get to see them because I can't bring my words into something so big like my own Mod. I can't mod. :( So I'min need for the Help of others who might help me out a bit. And if it's not lore freindly, it could still be done and someone could send me the Link to get it..... Do what ever you want with my ideas, therefore I bring them here, just for you. Maybe there is something that won't go out of your mind too, after reading all this. Until then, I will just continue thinking and share my Thoughts with you here. :smile: Thankfully your D :wink: EDIT: I could understand if you have a 100% stealth Char with Lightfood Perk or play as Elf but think of it: A Nord Barbarian with Heavy Armor wielding a 2H Axe and can still walk on Snow like there is nothing.... Seriously this is nonsense. Hopefully someone can fix it also fix the invisible Snow that falls from the Sky. Where is that Snow that comes down? Is Skyrim now a Tropical Place or what? Seeing People walking through deep Snow and use a lot more a broom to clean their Ground and building some Snowhills and Snowmans..... This is, what I see in snowie Places like Skyrim. Christmas all the Year. Why not? Would be nice....
For the Requested Mod Racial Armours: It always makes me sad, if I have to kill my own kind. I'm always an Elf and I always have to kill Elves,..... That bothers me the most. Same for Orcs killing Orcs...... Something to Change this Situation, so that killing Bandits, Mages, etc. makes fun again. If it's suppost to make fun at all. :D As always sorry for my bad english.
http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/30769 This is about annoying everlasting items marked as Questitem because of one single Item. I wrote a Comment there: >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> This isn't the only bug I know: As soon as u join the Academy, or even before and you find a Book "Children of the Heaven" or whatever it is pronaunced in english, it becomes a Questitem and u can't get rid of it and Urag isn't asking for it..... In the Quest for repairing the White Pial you have to collect a Briarheart too. To bad if u have one already in your inventory (or in my Case more than 10)..... Same like above with the Book. Quintus takes one but it isn't the one you have to get, so I have now 13 Quest Briarhearts. There is one "The Aetheriumwars" Book on a dead Bandits Body at Mzulft Exterior. Also a Questitem. BTW Have u noticed that since Dawnguard came out, Delvin won't buy the one Falmer Eye? At least that is all happening on my Xbox360 for I do not own Skyrim for PC yet. Sorry for bad english Gramma. Not my native language. <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< And I thought, maybe someone here could help out a bit?
Description first: Naga means translated "Snake" and has the same Look like the Creek Gorgon Medusa, there also exist Male Nagas. Maybe you find some better images in the internet than me. I don't know if it's possible to create this, but it would be awesome to add a new Race called Nagas, or a special Transformation for that Race. Well, new idea for now and an excuse for poor english. Before I forget it: Upper Body is absolut human. No Snakes as Hair.
This Armour looks awesome. Hope to see it someday in the Game. :)
I don't know if it is already on the Nexus, but I'm searching for some Mods: One that will make Flowers, Grass,...... move as you are going through them. Also I'm searching for a Mod that will make SNOW in Skyrim more real. I know, we already can see Footprints but don't you began to wonder why you can run through Snow like your moving in Gras in Summer? If you played Assassin's Creed 3, than you will know what I mean. Like moving slowlier through deep snow or moving slower while running up a mountain......... Hope someone can help out and as always I'll apologize for bad Gramma. :)
Some Mapmarkers for the East Empire Trading Company Amuletts from the DLC Dragonborn. And Mapmarkers for the other 3 Falmer books from the DLC Dawnguard, after finding one of them and get the Quest. What about some "The Hobbit" Outfits? Thranduils Clothes,..... etc. And also: Can someone create that awesome looking Robe and Crown which that Auri- El Statue at the Entrance wears? Also now, that Dragonborn is out, is it now more possible, to create Ysgramors Armour? Finally something that fits with Wuuthrad.
One thing: I don't know if it is already done but: Can you create a Mod or add the Ancient Falmer Crown to Vyrthur's Inventory? So that he is wearing it, if you meet him.
Hello again. Got a new idea. I know of a already existing Mod, that brings you to Sovngarde if u die in combat. Well, this is way to easy...... You selled your Soul to variouse Deadra Lords and can go to Shors Hall so easy? I say NO! Why this, u may ask. Well why not editing this mod a bit: You will be stopped by Tsun who tells you that he can't let you cross the Bridge while beeing infessted with the Evilness of the Deadra Lords. And there u go: You will have to face this evilness in form of Shadows wearing the Items of those, which Quests you've completed. One by one u will have to fight against your inner Darknes until the last one has been destroyed and your Soul has been cleaned from the Darkness. Now Tsun will allow you, to cross the Bridge and enjoy your time in Sovngarde. I wrote for the next one a own Request Topic, but got not a single answer. It IS Part of the Mainquest from the Thievesguild to sell your Soul to Nocturnal and what happened after you died???? You came out at the latest saving point. That is so frustrating me I can tell you...... Why not resurrect you in the Twilight Sepulcher as Ghost, where You are supposed to be and fight against Bandits and others who seek the Sceletonkey??? Now that would be an worthy end for an Thieve, or you will become one with the Shadows like Karliah sayed what happened to Gallus. So that you can go out (Noone can see or feel you) and get in Contact with Karliah or Brynjolf and tell them how you died. Maybe one of them knows a way to bring you back to life, or at least one who knows it. For those who know the Comics of Asterix and Obelix, maybe some Mods with them would be nice? ;) And that is all for it again. Until next time, if it is not before Christmas than I wish all of u a nice Holiday with ur friends and Family. As always sorry for english gramma mistakes. :)
Maybe those 3 Requests can be done by others too. So I will post them here and see, what you think of it. Nr.1: For Lord of the Rings Fans like me: Annatar (Sauron) as a playable Char, or Follower (Essential of course) He should wear a white "Elvish" looking Robe like we see it here: http://tolkiengateway.net/wiki/File:AnnatarLarge.png or in other colors like here: http://tolkiengateway.net/w/images/c/cd/Mural_of_Annatar.jpg or here: http://fc07.deviantart.net/fs70/i/2012/021/d/0/jrrt__annatar_by_helix_fate-d4n0ilx.jpg He could wear some sort of Sauron Armor like this one here: or more like this: http://valarguild.org/varda/Tolkien/encyc/art/gallery/BohemianWeasel/characters/Sauron/Lotr-sketchcard-Sauron-Annatar.jpg For more info you can check out this link: http://lotr.wikia.com/wiki/Sauron I thought of some sort of lesser Power to transform into The Dark Lord Sauron with Mace and Armor everytime entering Combat and turning back when done. Also a cool blinding Spell like fleeing Lowlevel Enemies for...... sec. Turning midlevel Enemies into Allies, as long as they life........And blinding High level Chars for ... sec. Especially if theyr Magic defence and Illusion Resisstance is low..... Idea Nr.2: Do you remember that "The Mummy" Movie? Where Big Mirrors bring light into the Treasure Chamber of that Pyramide? Can someone make it possible to do the same for Blackreach? Like travelling a second time there, find dead scholar, read his note, learn of an old tower burried under tons of snow for centuaries, that was used as an occular to focus the Light and shoot it down into blackreach and light it up like blackreach is on top of the map and not under it? Since I had that one Bug, where I travelled to Blackreach again and ound it Lightflooded before me, like I would just have been travelled out of the Ruin back to Skyrim....... I saw EVERYTHING!!!! And it was awesome..... So now I beg you all, can someone make it possible to light up Blackreach???? I thought of a Tower in the Hills, like the Tower of Mzark with that Big Ball in the Middle and the Focus Chrystals and Panels on top to activate it. >>>> Speaking of Dewmer Citys: Have you ever wondered yourself how it can be, that Blackreach is much smaller than the Distance between Mzinchaleft and Raldbthar??? Where you will travel some seconds in Blackreach, you need minutes to travel in Skyrim...... Can this be fixed? Maybe, by adding some extra dungeon to those Ruins to make them bigger and the ways between them shorter? So that Blackreach lies excactly in the Mid of them......... I hope someone can help out..... Finally Nr.3 Now I have something for the upcomming Ayleid Faction for Skyrim. Check out that Picture below and tell me, is it possible to create this Outfit for Skyrim or maybe for Oblivion too? I found it on deviantArt where I have an account and I think this one is the Best Ayleid Outfit, you can find..... Looks a bit like an egyptian God..... http://redmorpho.deviantart.com/art/See-The-Sun-338052761 And that's all for today. Thank you for your patience and I'm sorry for my bad english.
Aaaaand there we go. I got a new idea: Is it possible to create an Auriel Amulett like the Divine Amuletts? With the same enchantment from the Shrine of Auriel. Or can you give the players the abbility to smith the Elderchamber Amulett? I mean that one, you will get after meeting Mottiere in Volunruud together with a Letter for Astrid.
Just something I forgot to ask, if there is a little Progress with the Armoury Mod? (Are the right Weapons for each Set included in the next Update? They could get same Stats like we know from Shivering Isles, where there have been many different Types of Order Blades, like: rusty, clear, good, pure, perfect,..... such things ................ naahh, I'll leave it to you, for it is YOUR work, not Mine. ;) I've only told you the idea for it..... :D Oh and speaking of Thalmor in the Post of mine before: Is it possible to remove the Bounty you get by killing them on the Road or in Markarth after completing the Civil War on Stormcloaks Side? I allways thought WTF are thoose Thalmor still doing in Markarth??? Ondolemar will be gone but his two "Bodyguards" still will be there...... I got a Request, where this one here is in ther too and some other Bugs and Things, I've seen in playing Skyrim. http://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/topic/696105-something-different-this-time/